
There are over a billion sport sites…and then there’s MyLifeSports.net…………and it’s “All About You”

Welcome to MyLifeSports.com

Please find directions on How2Use MLS

Select from the following links

Your “Profile” Features


• Here you will see your main profile (Member’s Main Profile) based on content submitted by you to your My Account feature

View User’s Content

• The links located under “View User’s Content” provide access to all of the Sport Profiles you created from your My Account feature and content submitted to the site for the various options you have.

Member’s Messages

• You can write a private message to your contacts and select an email serve to get contacts.

Sport Profiles

• In the Sport Profiles you can view all of the profiles you have created from your My Account feature under the Select Your Sports / To Create Profiles For Your Sports


• In the Photos link you can upload your photos, use your webcam; view them as a slideshow and import Instagram feeds


• In the Videos link you can upload your videos from your computer and embed from You Tube


• In the Blog link you can select your sport category and sport and post your blog. It will appear in the blog feature of that sport category.


• In the Articles link you can write articles; view articles written by a member and articles written about a member.


• In theTeams link you can view the teams you have created or teams you belong to from the Teams Feature that you can access by clicking on the Team Link towards the top of all MLS pages.


• In the Contacts link you can view all of your contacts, friend requests and search for members to add.

Fan Clubs

• In the Fan Clubs link you can view all of the Fan Clubs that you created and that have been created on your behalf. Use the Fan Clubs link at the top of all of our pages to create a fan club for a team or member.

Education / Awards / Events
Highlights / Testimonials

• In the Education, Awards, Events, Highlights and Testimonial Links you can view all of the content that you submitted from your My Account Timeline Feature regarding any of these features.


• In the Podcast link you can create your file/espisode content; upload it on an mp3 and select the sport and sport category.


• In the Share This feature, you can submit content to any of the 360 social networks posted that you belong to.

Share with Members

• The Share with Members link, you have the option to share your profile with your contacts. Type in their first, last and user name and click on “Share”. You also can Search for”Members to Share With” by completing the search values requested, including their First. Last and User Name, City, State, County, Country, Language and Account Type.

Who is Searching You

• In the Who is Searching You link, you will be able to view what members are searching you.

Invite Friends

• In the Invite Friends link, you can choose your service to get your contacts from the drop down of 30 email address sources provided. They will appear in the grid select where you can send an invitation to your friends. if you have not selected any, just click on Given mailing services to import contacts. You have the options of selecting all on the page or unselect. You can also delete a friend.


• In the Messages link is where you will find messages sent to you.


• Under the “Follow” option> you will see whom you have decided to follow on MLS.

View Member’s Followers

• • In the View Member’s Followers you will be able to view who is following you.

• To subscribe to a members feed:


Copy this url into your rss reader to subscribe:http://kids2prosports.com/rss.aspx?Type=RSS&User=kids2proports

• The icons to the left of the Advanced Search link include “Print” allows you to print the page you are viewing. “Email” to a friend and “Add a Favorite” Link where you can add the webpage you are currently viewing as a favorite. To access your favorites, visit the Favorites Center. (note the Favorites Center is determined by what web browser you use and is not a function of MLS)

Important: The following links, My Account, Profile, Sports, Articles, Teams, Messages, Fan Clubs, Message Board, Media Kit, Contact, Terms FAQ, Feedback, Advanced Search Features, Affiliates, Disability Sports, Education & Sports, Future Features, Personal Data Policy, MLSZOO, Kids Privacy Policy, News & Events, Philanthropy Privacy Policy, Philanthropy, Recruiting/Colleges, Sports Health & Fitness, Tech & Business Services and Write4MLS are detailed on the Landing Page Feature Link

Media Kit

• For information on posting advertisements on this or any or our site’s pages go to our Media Kit link near the top of the page to view all of the featured links including Why Promote Your Services and Products on MLS, Ways to Advertise, How To Advertise, Advertising Formats, Fee Based Options, Advertisement Pricing, Advertisement History, Create Advertisements and Advertising Assistance. Step-by-Step directions are provided. If you need further assistance, please contact mlsads@optimum.net

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

• To secure additional information on the use of this feature, please click on our FAQ link; you will be directed to our FAQ Glossary; click on any of the following sources: Advertising, Advertisement/Sponsorship Pricing or Advertising Assistance

• To secure additional information on the use of this feature, please click our FAQ link; you will be directed to our FAQ Glossary; click on Profile

• If you require additional assistance, please forward your request to mlshelp@optimum.net

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