
There are over a billion sport sites…and then there’s MyLifeSports.net…………and it’s “All About You”

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Last Modified on March 1st, 2014

FAQ Glossary:

If you require an answer to a question that is not posted, please send your request to Support@mls.com

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How do I search by Location & Language?

Go to the Advanced Search bar and click on Search by Location & Language. Here you can connect by searching members by their primary language, languages spoken and read and/or by location. You also have the option to narrow your search results by specifying location information such as city, county, state and country. Note: Submitting to the entire search values is not a requirement.

How do I create a Member Criteria Search?

Go to the Advanced Search bar and click on Member Criteria Search. As our site continues to become more populated you will be able to search for members by various sports criteria. First, you must start with the Sport selection. You can compare yourself to members who play the same sports as you or speak similar languages. Another example allows you to search for coaches or scouts in your city, county, state, or country selected under the Account selection... You should be as exact in your search to get the best results. Submitting to all of the Search Values is not a requirement.

If your peer criteria search is not to your satisfaction, please consider fewer requirements and initiate the search again. Another option is to include posting your requirements on our Message Board.

I noticed I am not appearing in this Search

The purpose of this search is to compare you to or search for other members by sport. Therefore, in order to appear in these search results you must have established at least one sport profile.

How do I search for Member Articles?

Go to the Advanced Search Bar and click on Article Search. Here you can search by selecting any combination of Title, Author, Date, Sport Category, Sport Name, Keyword or Language.

How do I search for a Member s Team?

Go to the Advanced Search Bar and click on Team Search. You can search by the Team s name, Sport Name, Country, State, County and City.

How do I search for a Member s Fan Club?

Go to the Advanced Search Bar and click on Fan Club Search. You can search by the club s name, sport and creator.

How do I complete a Keyword Search?

Go to the Advanced Search Bar and click on Keyword Search. You can search our database of over 5,000,000 personally identified sport, professional, business connections, health terms and related keywords/terms. Choose your Category, Sport and Keyword and it will take you to articles written about the Connection or Keyword selected. There, if you click on that Sports link it will take you to all keywords of that sport. If you click on the Sport Category it will take you to that Sport Home Page

How do I find a group?

Simple! Type in the relevant keywords in the search box on the top of the page and click.

How do I search for other members?

From the contacts list, you can search for members with the criteria search.

Can I search members, teams other than through the Advanced Searches?

Yes. You can utilize the search bar located to the right of the Feedback link. Here you can search for everything on our site that has been indexed, which is everything that has been posted, including members, keywords, terms, sport home pages, personal home pages, articles, fan clubs and teams. This search capability is similar to searching on Google or Yahoo or any other search engine, except our search is for our site only.

How do I search for other users?

From the contacts list, you can search for users with the criteria search.

Does MLS sell or share my information?

No. MLS has the highest respect for its member s privacy. For a more detailed explanation of our Privacy Policy please refer to our Terms link.

How do I know who is looking at my profiles?

With respect to our member s privacy, users can not see who is viewing their profiles. Please review member s privacy option located on the My Account page of the Profile feature.

How do I search members who play a particular sport?

Click on the Sport Member Search link. Here you can search members who play a particular sport. As our site continues to become more populated you will be able to search for members by various sports criteria. First, you must start with the Sport selection. You can compare yourself to members who play the same sports as you or speak similar languages. Another example allows you to search for coaches or scouts in your city, county, state, or country selected under the Account selection. Please keep in mind, the more precise you are in completing the search values the less likely you will get results, since the more filtering functions performed provides results based on all of your requirements. You should be as exact in your search to get the best results. Submitting to all of the Search Values is not a requirement.

If your Sport Profile search is not to your satisfaction, please consider fewer requirements and initiate the search again. Another option is to include posting your requirements on our Message Board.

If a member wants to search for example coaches in the general search bar, what will come up?

It will display any page that mentions what the member searches for so anyone with coaches should come up along with other things. If you want a more precise search for coaches then use the advanced search

Go to the Advanced Search Bar and click on Search by Location & Language. You can search by Language and connect with your peers by searching by their primary language. You can narrow down your search by entering additional languages that members speak or read. Finally you can narrow down your search results by specifying locations information such as city, county, state or country.

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Advertisement and Sponsorship (Media Kit / Media Resources)

Where can I secure information on Advertisers and Sponsorships?

For Advertisers and Sponsors click on our Media Kit link near the top of any of our pages to view your options for our personalized sport home pages, profiles, teams and fan clubs, General Sports; Gender/Age; Sports by Country; High Schools; USA & International Colleges and Universities; Olympic; Paralympic and Special Olympic sports options. You can also access this information from our Media Resources “Box” on the Landing Page/Home Page of MLS.

Where can I place advertisements or sponsorships?

Advertising and Sponsorship selection options include our athletes, personalized sport home page options, profiles, teams and fan clubs, general sports; gender/age; sports by country; high schools; USA & International colleges and universities; Olympic; Paralympic and Special Olympic sports.

What is Advertise by Sport provide me?

Advertise by Sport is our most popular marketing option. With over 30,000 featured sport selections from within the USA and over 265 countries to select from, this allows your advertisement to be viewed on the home page of the sport and sport identification you choose as well as on the pages on any articles, teams, fan clubs, Featured Video & Articles, Featured Content & Blogs, Sport Terms & Keywords, Links Shared by Members and Classifieds/MarketPlace related to that sport. The advertising placement home page options can be found in our Sports Tab – Select a Sport feature where you can choose from our General Sports, Special Olympics, Sports by Gender/Age, Sports by Country, Olympics/Paralympics, USA Sports by College/University, International Sports by College/University or High School Sports. Advertising by sport provides the maximum exposure throughout the site.

Can I advertise on Personalized Sport Home Pages?

You can specifically advertise on Personalized Sport Home Pages, which options include: Sport Home Page, Team, Sport Health & Fitness, Professional Services, Philanthropy, Business, State, Country, Olympics, Paralympics, Special Olympics, School or High School, USA or International College and University Sport Home Pages.

Can I advertise on Member’s Profiles?

You can also specifically advertise on the profiles of our members. This option allows you to reach out to the athletes in your sport(s) of interest. You can specifically advertise on Member s personalized sport home pages, which options include: Sport Home Page, Team, Sport Health & Fitness, Professional Services, philanthropy, Business, Coaching, State, Country, Olympics, Paralympics, Special Olympics, School or High School, USA or International College and University Sport Home Pages.

Are there restrictions as to how many ads I can place?

Members can order one or multiple insertions. There are no competing rotations with other advertisements. Minimum term is three days that can be selected consecutively or randomly depending upon availability. Please refer to your sport of interest's “calendar” of available dates found by choosing a sport to advertise on.

Does MLS offer compensation or other benefits to Marketing Companies?

If you are interested in (1) representation by your agency for a client and receiving a copy of our Media Agency Advertising Fee Agreement or (2) offering services and products to our members (including any of those mentioned in our Advertising Assistance Platforms) or (3) our Reciprocal Media Bartering opportunities, contact us at support@mls.com

Note: Use MLS from a public relations prospective, an opportunity to engage and display appreciation (“giving back”) to your fans and consumers by sponsoring their sports legacies.

If I want to learn the procedure to advertise, where should I go?

To secure additional information on the use of this feature, please click on our FAQ link; you will be directed to our FAQ Glossary; click on any of the following sources: Advertising, Advertisement/Sponsorship Pricing or Advertising Assistance

What types of advertising is available on MLS?

mls provides self-serve and company assisted marketing programs. If you require personal assistance in formulating your media plan, please contact us at ads@mls.com. Another option is to go to the Advertising Assistance tab in our Media Kit, click on that link and it will take you to MLS Media Assistance, which offers a diverse menu of advertising platforms.

I want to advertise on the site. How do I do this?

Step 1: On any page of MLS, click on Media Kit. Step 2: From here, you may choose to advertise according to sport, keyword, or user. After you chose, click Next. Step 3: Chose the start and end date for your advertisement. You must also choose the ad type, the URL of your website, and an image or video. Step 4: Enter your billing information.

Can I target my advertisements?

At MyLifeSports.com our website was exclusively developed to provide you with the control, tools and flexibility to promote your content in an engaging environment; selecting the demographics that best distributes to a marketplace without boundaries. Featuring over 30,000 sport selections and more than 5,000,000 personally identified sport, professional, business, health and sport related keywords no global legacy sports site has our potential market reach capabilities!

Where will my advertisements appear?

With accessibility through conventional desktop/laptop computers and iPad (Tablets), iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Symbian/Nokia and other smart phone mobile applications, MLS allows our members to take advantage of direct interest related content, on a single destination platform that spans a cross-generational market.

How do members search our advertisements, services and products?

MLS Features eight internal search engine options and thousands of interactive features, MLS provides the consumer with accessibility to the Advertiser s services and products submitted directly by the Advertiser in their selected sports, sport related venues, languages and countries of preference.

What does the Advertising and Sponsorship selection options include?

It includes our athletes, personalized sport home page options, including personal profiles, teams, fan clubs, business, health & fitness, professional, philanthropy, state, country, general sports; gender/age; sports by country; school, high schools; USA & International colleges and universities; Olympic; Paralympic and Special Olympic sports. Our individual sport home pages, sport identifying terms and keyword definitions, sport related components, personalized sport home pages, shared links, articles, and member profile pages allow you to target specific demographics, sports, topics, and individuals to market your services and products. This helps ensure that your advertisements are relevant to who is viewing them.

What is the pricing structure to place advertisements?

MyLifeSports.com requires a minimum advertising placement of seven days for each order. They can be placed consecutively or randomly in your choice of days or month(s). There are no restrictions as to the number of advertisements, dates or locations members can place. Our advertising prices are based on a tiered structure that can be viewed in the Pricing Tab in the Media Kit.

Where can I locate the pricing for Advertisements or Sponsorships?

Go to the Media Kit and click on the blue link titled: Advertisement Pricing

What are the requirements to advertise?

Members can order one or multiple insertions. There are no competing rotations with other advertisements. Minimum term is seven days that can be selected consecutively or randomly depending upon availability. Please refer to your sport of interest in your calendar of available dates found on the Create Advertisement page

Will I be able to see past and current advertisements that I have placed on MLS?

Yes. Just click on the Advertisement History link in the Media Kit

Do you allow advertising agencies to place ads on the site?

If you are a media/advertising agency and are interested in placing advertisements and related content on MLS please register at ads@mls.com and request an agency representation agreement. We welcome your participation.

Does MLS offer media assistance in formulating a marketing budget and plan?

Go to the Advertising Assistance tab and it will provide you with a list of additional advertising platforms to choose from

Would MLS consider bartering for advertising?

If you are interested in Reciprocal Media Bartering opportunities, submit your questions and/or proposal to Alan.Chokov@mls.com

Do I have to be a marketing or media agency to participate in Reciprocal Media Bartering?

No. If you have a reciprocation proposal, please submit it to Alan.Chokov@mls.com

How do I create an advertisement?

Go to the Media Kit and click on How to Advertise. It will take you to the step-by-step process of placing an advertisement

What is the difference between a sponsor and an advertiser?

A sponsor is a person or company who is featured on the page of a certain athlete. Advertisers have their ads shown on any section of the site and are set fluctuate with other ads.

Does MLS sell my personal information to advertisers?

No. Our Terms/Policy prohibits this practice

Can I block advertisements placed on MLS?

No. It’s not possible to block Mls ads from showing on pages associated with your account.

If I want to make a comment on an advertisement what is the procedure?

We welcome your comments. Just send them to ads@mls.com Attn: Ad Comment Dept.

Do Advertisers have access to my personal information?

Depending on the security setting you select when you set up your account in your My Account feature will answer your question. Your options include Private, Protected and Public.

Can Mls use my photo in any advertisement?

No. An Advertiser must request that possibility with you having the final determination of what can and cannot be applied to your photo

Can a member post an advertisement on the Family Legacy Sport Home Pages?


As an Advertiser when I place an ad on a personalized home page will it be a separate billing and will I have a calendar to see what is available?

Yes. For each posting a calendar of available dates is provided. Once a member selects and pays the required fee the reserved dates will be noted immediately.

On what devices can my advertisements be viewed?

You can view your advertisements on your Personal computers, Tablets, iPhones, Androids and Blackberry devices.

What advertising formats does MLS allow?

MyLifeSports.com allows for advertisements in the following formats.

Image Formats
  • JPEG
  • GIF (both animated and static)
  • PNG
Video Formats
  • SWF (Adobe Flash)

What are your banner advertisement sizes and specifications?

Leaderboard (728 x 90 pixels)

Leaderboards are the premium "real estate" on MyLifeSports.com occupying a prominent position right below the main navigation links. They can be found at the top of each sport home page, sport category, keyword, member sport profile, team, and fan club

Skyscrapers are vertical advertisements that occupy a highly visible space in the right column of the relevant pages of MyLifeSports.com. They can be found on each sport home page, sport category, keyword, member sport profile, team, and fan club page.

Rectangles (180 x 150)

Rectangle advertisements occupy the right side of each sport home page, sport category, keyword, member sport profile, team, and fan club page.

Vendor Video / Medium Rectangles (300 x 250)

Medium Rectangle advertisements occupy the area directly below the featured articles on each sport home page, sport category, keyword, member sport profile, team, and fan club

How are fee-based services paid for?

If you select any of our fee-based components, they will be billed internally through the member s Account Management Page, which provides your personal administration and choice of services available. Your personal Management Account is provided once you have registered and created your Profile. You must have a Registered Account and Profile in order to purchase any of these services. Click here to view details about our fee-based services

Who handles your billing on credit cards?

We use PayPal. For more information please visit www.paypal.com

I am interested in being the exclusive blogger for a sport home page, what do I have to do?

For members who would prefer to be the exclusive Blogger for any of our Sport Home Pages you have the following options.

MyLifeSports.com requires a minimum placement of three days for each order. They can be placed consecutively or randomly in your choice of days or month(s). There are no restrictions as to the number of Blogging Features or dates members can place.

Is there a fee to be the Exclusive Blogger?

Yes, please go to the Media Kit, click on Exclusive Blogging and it will provide you with the fee structure.

What is your fee structure for advertising?

Please go to the Media Kit, click on Pricing and it will provide you with the advertisement placement fees.

Is there a way to know how many members are viewing any given sport?

Yes, just go to the Media Kit and click on Visitors by Sport. Select the sport of interest and the number of views will be in the last right hand column of that sport

How do I keep track of where I have advertised?

Go to the Media Kit and click on Advertisement History. This will provide you with a chronological assessment of your advertisement placement.

How do I create and advertisement?

Go to the Media Kit and click on Create Advertisement MyLifeSports allows you to advertise on your choice of sports. There are three options to preview your sport selection: (1) Select from our alphabetical list. (2) Type in the Name of the Sport to Begin Searching or (3) Filter Results by Sport Category, then click on the circle(s) next to those selected sports and go to the Next button to proceed.

Can I advertise on mobile applications?

Yes. MLS provides the platform to advertise on Tablets, iPhones, Androids and Blackberry devices.

Can I have my own personalized sports home page?

Members have the option to have personal identified sport home pages with administrative control to submit, edit and archive their content. To view these options got to the Media Kit and click on Personal Home Pages. This is a fee-based service.

As an advertiser or vendor, where can I place videos?

Mls provides platforms for its rectangle ads on all Sport Home Pages, Sport Profiles, Health & Fitness, philanthropy, Vendors, Profiles, Fan Pages and Teams.

As an Advertiser, when I place an ad on a personalized home page will it be a separate billing and will I have a calendar to view what is available?


As an Advertiser, when I place an ad on a member s profile will it be billed separately and will I have a calendar to see what is available?


What happens if my ad is not posted?

In the rare case your ad is not posted, please contact support@mls.com

What if my credit card is not accepted?

If your credit card is declined, the transaction is cancelled and no charge is made to your account.

How do I know who is visiting the sport I am interested in?

Go to the Media Kit, click on the blue link Visitors by Sport and choose what sports you are interested in. Visitors by Sport displays how many visitors have viewed the sport home page, articles, profiles, videos, terms, keywords, teams, fan clubs and shared links of each sport featured on MLS. Please Note: You cannot see who is viewing the sport

Will I be able to see what advertisements I have posted to date?

Yes. Go to the Media Kit, click on the blue link Advertisement History and it will provide you with all advertisements placed. This feature includes Location, Topic, Cost, Ad Type, Outbound URL, End Date, Status, Impressions and Edit options.

What if I represent a Marketing company and would like to post advertisements on behalf of my clients?

If you are interested in representation by your agency on behalf of clients and in receiving a copy of our Media Agency Advertising Fee Agreement contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com; Send regarding: Agency Fee Agreement

What if I am interested in offering services and products to MLS members?

Send your request to Alan.Chokov@mls.com; Send regarding: Service/Product Offering

Do you offer any reciprocal media bartering opportunities?

If you are interested in discussing a reciprocal media bartering opportunity, please contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com; Send regarding: Bartering Opportunity

What are your Advertisement Bonus or Special opportunities?

Contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com for current package specials and opportunities. Please include in your email that you are or represent and the type of advertising you are interested in placing.

What is the Personalized Sport Home Page Tab feature in the Create Advertisement Page in the Media Kit?

This tab provides the ability to advertise on this feature, just like any of the other nine sport tab options that currently exist.

Can I advertise on the Family Home Pages?

No. The Family Home Pages are considered private

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Where will my ads or sponsorships be viewed?

Advertisement/Sponsorship placements will be viewable on all conventional internet desktop laptop and mobile devices, including iPad (and all other Tablets), iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Symbian, Nokia and other smart phone mobile applications. Available placements include, by Sport, Member s Personalized Home Pages, Member s Profiles and Family Legacy Home Pages

What is the minimum amount of time for ads to be placed?

MyLifeSports.com requires a minimum advertising placement of three days for each order. They can be placed consecutively or randomly in your choice of days or month(s). There are no restrictions as to the number of advertisements, dates or locations members can place.

What are the advertising prices?

Our advertising prices are based on a tiered structure as noted below.

Tier 1

Professional Sport Teams. A list of these sports is available here

Country Sports (To view the countries we feature go to the Select a Sport feature and click on the Countries tab.) The Country sport home pages and any sports identified to those countries fall under the fees in Tier 1.

Category Sports: These are all sports that are presented in our General Sports Tab. A list of these sports are available. here).

  • Leaderboard: $30.00/day
  • Small Rectangle: $6.00/day
  • Medium Rectangle or Video Option: $15.00/day
  • Skyscraper: $18.00/day
  • Upper Rectangle: $12.00/day

Tier 2

This includes all sports classified by General, Gender/Age, Special Olympics, High School, United States Colleges/Universities, International Colleges/Universities, Olympic and Paralympic sports.

  • Leaderboard: $10.00/day
  • Small Rectangle: $3.00/day
  • Medium Rectangle or Video Option: $6.00/day
  • Skyscraper: $7.00/day
  • Upper Rectangle: $5.00/day

Tier 3

This includes all Member Profiles, Personal Home Pages and Family Legacy Home Pages.

  • Leaderboard: $5.00
  • Small Rectangle: $2.00
  • Medium Rectangle or Video Option: $3.00/day
  • Skyscraper: $4.00/day
  • Upper Rectangle: $3.00/day

What are the costs to advertise?

All quoted prices are based on daily placements. Minimum ad placement is three days. Advertisement will be posted immediately on the days/weeks/months selected and will be identified by a public calendar for each sport, member profile, personalized home page and family legacy home page as to available dates. Advertisers will get an email automatically 24 hours before their ad(s) are about to expire.

What if I represent a Marketing company and would like to post advertisements on behalf of my clients?

If you are interested in representation by your agency on behalf of clients and in receiving a copy of our Media Agency Advertising Fee Agreement contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com; Send regarding: Agency Fee Agreement

What if I am interested in offering services and products to MLS members?

Send your request to Alan.Chokov@mls.com; Send regarding: Service/Product Offering

Do you offer any reciprocal media bartering opportunities?

If you are interested in discussing a reciprocal media bartering opportunity, please contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com; Send regarding: Bartering Opportunity

What are your Advertisement Bonus or Special opportunities?

Contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com for current package specials and opportunities. Please include in your email whom you are or represent and the type of advertising you are interested in placing.

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Does MLS offer alternative marketing programs?

Yes. MLS provides in-house and third party participation advertising assistance that can be viewed in the Advertising Assistance feature link in the media kit.

  • (Select all that Apply)
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Behavioral Targeting
  • Contextual Advertising
  • Cost Per Action
  • Cost Per Impression
  • Demographic Targeting
  • Display Advertising
  • Display Banner Video
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • E-Mail Video Marketing
  • Geographic Targeting
  • Interactive Advertising
  • Mobile Advertising
  • Mobile Sponsored Search
  • Pay Per Click Advertising
  • Promotions
  • Revenue Sharing
  • Search Advertising
  • Search & Web Analytics
  • Search Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Optimization
  • Leaderboard/Skyscraper/Rectangle Banners
  • RSS Feeds & Podcasts

What is Your Daily Advertising Budget?

(Select One)

  • Less than $25
  • $26 - $250
  • More than $250

What is Your Monthly Advertising Budget?

  • Less than $1K
  • $1K - $5K
  • More than $5K

Can I provide you with whom my core audience is?

You are provided a free form area (box) to describe your core audience. Once completed click on Submit to MLS

What if I want to do a campaign advertising program?

Just click in the area circle provided next to the Campaign option on this page. Once completed click on Submit to MLS.

What if I want to do just an advertisement and not a campaign?

Just click in the area circle provided next to the Advertisement option on this page. Once completed click on Submit to MLS

What if I am undecided whether it’s a campaign, advertisement or something completely different?

Just click in the area circle provided next to Other option on this page. Once completed click on Submit to MLS

Can I still describe what I am looking to do?

You are provided with a free form area (box) to provide a brief description of your marketing interest and any other specific information so we can assist you. Once completed click on Submit to MLS

Do you offer advertisement package opportunities?

Yes, contact us for advertisement package specials at Alan.Chokov@mls.com attn.: Ad Package Specials.

Can I tell you what my primary audience is?

Yes. In our Who is Your Core Audience feature you can type in this information. Once completed you can forward it by clicking on the Submit to MLS link.

Do I have an option as to what kind of advertisement program I am interested in?

Yes. In our Do you prefer a campaign or just an advertisement feature, click on your choice of Campaign; Advertisement or Other. You then can write a brief description located below that feature further explaining your marketing interest. You should also include any specific information so we can assist you. When completed, click on the Submit to MLS link.

What if I represent a Marketing or Media Agency; does MLS pay a commission to place advertisements on behalf of my client?

If you are interested in representation by your agency for a client and receiving a copy of our Media Agency Advertising Fee Agreement contact us at Alan.Chokov@mls.com

What if I am interested in offering services or products to the MLS membership?

You can offer services or products, including those identified in our Advertising Assistance Platforms (click on the Advertising Assistance blue link in our Media Kit to view). Contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com for assistance.

Will MLS consider Reciprocal Media Bartering?

Yes. For our Bartering? Options contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com

What is Reciprocal Media Bartering?

An example would be that MLS will consider exchanging advertising or sponsorship placement on other media venues in exchange for placement on the MLS site.

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What does MLS offer members who are marketing / media / PR to make money?

Advertising / Marketing / PR: Fee Opportunities: This applies to representation by an acknowledged marketing / media agency / PR agency for a client. Contact us at ads@mls.com to receive a copy of our Media Agency Advertising Fee Agreement to participate in the following opportunities.

(1) Advertising placement and sponsorship locations from over 30,000 sport home pages with 270,000 placement options through our self-serve and company assisted marketing platforms. Additional personalized, family legacy and member sport home pages can be created from our sport selections and from over 4million sport terms and keywords and account identifications, which for each will create 6 more advertisement and sponsorship placement opportunities. These will be further enhanced by member language interpretations other than English for all of our features.

(2) Go to Advertising Assistance to select our alternative media placement options and budget considerations offering 25 platforms.

(3) Advertising on Member s Personalized Sport Home Pages You can specifically advertise on Member s personalized sport home pages, which options include: Sport Home Page, Team, Sport Health & Fitness, Professional Services, philanthropy, Business, State, Coaching, Country, Olympics, Paralympics, Special Olympics, School or High School, USA or International College and University Sport Home Pages.

(4) Advertising on Family Sport Legacy Home Pages. These pages are exclusive to family members and invited guests. Go to the Family Legacy Home Page link found in the Media Kit.

(5) For Advertising on Members Profiles, you can specifically advertise on the profiles of members. This option allows you to reach out to athletes and members associated with sports in your sport(s) of interest.

(6) For Advertising on Teams and Fan Clubs once you select the sport to promote your services and products it will appear on all team and fan club pages.

(7) Corporate or Exclusive Sponsorships Sponsorships will be available on any of the more than 30,000 sport home pages, appealing to all segments of the marketplace, benefiting from our sport industry-targeted content offerings. Advertisers will have the option of creating their own micro sites to build relationships with their audience. Contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com

For Fee-Based and Free Services in Development Click on the link provided near the bottom of the Fee-Based Option page.

Is Mls considering other uses for its platform?

Mls is already thinking about and pre-developing other niche-oriented social and business networking sites. There’s no reason to believe that the organizing principles that are applied here to sports can’t be applied elsewhere, such as (the performing arts), musicians, writers, dancers, actors, models; politicians, religious organizations .and more.

Please Note: (1) If you have a concept, service or product that you believe would be of interest to our members or (2) would like to offer your suggestions on any of the above features or (3) if you are interested in discussing original fee-based options not offered above please contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com.

If you are interested in (1) representation by your agency for a client and receiving a copy of our Media Agency Advertising Fee Agreement or (2) offering services and products to our members (including any of those mentioned in our Advertising Assistance Platforms) or (3) our Reciprocal Media Bartering opportunities, contact us at Alan.Chokov@mls.com......Note: Please periodically visit this feature in the event there are any changes in the opportunities noted above.

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Who are Affiliates?

Kids2ProSport welcomes the opportunity to create affiliations with individuals, companies and organizations that share our philosophy and passion. It also encourages participation in our reciprocal links program. If you are interested, please contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com

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How do I submit an Article?

When submitting your article or video, please select the language, sport, sport category and keyword that best identifies your submission. By completing these requests our content will be posted in your profile, sport, sport category and keyword you selected. This affords you greater exposure and engages fellow members.

How do I search for an Article?

Go to the Articles Feature and click on Search Articles tab. Submit your request by Title, Author, Date, Sport Category, Sport Name, Keyword and Language. You do not have to complete all requests. Keep in mind the more detailed you are in searching for articles should return your desired results.

How do I Write an Article?

To write an article:

  • Step 1: Click "Articles"
  • Step 2: Full out the necessary forms

How long does it take to get something posted on the site, once I submiit?

They are posted immediately.

Submitting articles with photo.

When a member submits an article they will have the option of posting their profile photo or an alternate photo. Members can also take a photo through our webcam feature. If no photo is selected, by default their profile photo will appear.

When I write an aricle do I have the option of posting a video with it and if so where does it go?

When you click "Write a new article" you will have the option to post a video with that article, if you post a video with an article it will appear in the featured video section of the sport home page of the sport the article was written on.

What if I only want to post a video?

If you want to post just a video you do so from your profile video page

How long does it take to get something posted on the site, once I submit it?

They are posted immediately.

How do I upload a video?

  • Step 1: Click on the Articles tag
  • Step 2: Full out the necessary forms including the âSelect a Video to Attach option.

What is the maximum video time?

The standard video time is 5 minutes. However MLS allows a reasonable overage if appropriate. Excess lengths in time will be addressed on a member s account and the outcome will be at the sole discretion of MLS.

I cannot upload my photo.

MLS accepts the most common types of photos in JPEG, GIF, and PNG. If you continue to have an issue please contact support@mls.com.

When I post an article, it doesn’t t appear?

After making sure it was not posted, contact support@mls.com

Can I edit my articles?

Yes, simply go to My Account and follow the directions found there.

How long will my articles and/or videos stay on the site?

Indefinitely until they are removed by the user or an administrator in the event of a breach of the terms of agreements.

How do I know who is looking at my articles.

You may only see how many total people are viewing your articles.

If someone comments on any of my content, can I respond to them?

Yes, provided you enable commenting on articles that a person can leave a comment on an article. You can also in turn leave a comment on your own article which may or may not be a response to a previous comment.

What are Tags?

Tags are words that further identify what the article is about. You can add multiple tags.

How do I create Tags?

When creating an article a member can add tags in tag field area. This feature is optional and separated by (asterisks), members can search an article in the Advance Search by those tags. Tags are words that would further identify what the article is about.

What is the difference between an article and a blog?

For interpretation on our site, an article is a written contextual submission, while a blog is simply text.

What is the request for a keyword?

In submitting your article the keyword is the identifying word or term relative to you or your article

How many keywords am I allowed?

You are permitted to select one keyword per article.

If a business or vendor wants to submit an article can they put their URL in the article?

Yes. They can place a URL in the article.

When I am submitting an article or video do I need to add anything else?

When submitting your article or video, please select the language, sport, sport category and keyword that best identifies your submission. By completing these requests your content will be posted in your profile, sport, sport home page, sport category and keyword you selected. This affords you greater exposure and engages fellow members.

When someone clicks on a member sport Profile where will that take them?

It will take them to that Member s profile.

The "Share" with MyLifeSports link that’s you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page Follow us on feature, where you can post your content

If an article is written about a member how would it be identified on the site?

To write an article about a member the article an author must first create the article and then use the tag button at the bottom of the article to search for anyone whom the article is about. Anyone who is tagged will receive a notice that an article has been written about them and if they accept, that article will appear on their profile on the Article Written About Member tab, on the member s profile s articles page. ( This article will also be posted on its relevant sport home page )

Can I write an article that is posted on your profile?

To write an article about a member the article an author must first create the article and then use the tag button at the bottom of the article to search for anyone whom the article is about. Anyone who is tagged will receive a notice that an article has been written about them and if they accept, that article will appear on their profile on the Article Written About Member tab, on the member s profile s articles page. ( This article will also be posted on its relevant sport home page )

If I write an article can someone search for it?

Yes. The article will appear if searched for.

In writing an article will the member be identified


If someone writes an article about me, can I remove it?


What if a video is posted with an article where will it be viewable?

It will be viewable from the article page feature.

What is the Like button for?

When you click on the Like button it acknowledges your acknowledgement that you enjoyed the article

What is the Comment On This Article?

Here you can express you opinions about the article. When completed click on the Post link.

What is the Report Abuse button for?

If you find an article that is considered abusive in content, please send your concerns to support@mls.com

What is the People like this link for?

This provides a list of members who have liked your article

What is the View My Profile link?

Here members can view the profile of the articles author

What is Create Another Article for?

By clicking on this link it will take you to your profile where you can create more articles by clicking on the Articles link in your dashboard.

Top of Page


Where are the blogs located for viewing?

First select the sport of interest; proceed to that sport s home page; click on Featured Content & Blogs and click on the Blogs tab.

How do I submit to a blog?

You can submit to the Blogs feature directly from your Profile dashboard to the sport home page(s) of choice.

What is the difference between an article and a blog?

For interpretation on our site, an article is a written contextual submission, while a blog is simply text.

Note: To indicate your interest in having any of these blog options for your exclusive use, please send your request to support@mls.com. Include your name, exclusive blog feature and contact information.

Can a member import their Blog(s)?

They would have to copy and paste their blogs and provide the urls themselves. They can however include their blog’s url in their profile but each blog would not provide a link back to their site

Where can I post my blog?

Here you can create your Blog Post. Select your Sport Category and Sport from our scroll bars. Type, cut or paste your content and click on Post. You will have a record of all of your blog entries on this page. This blog will be posted on the sport home page selected based on the sport and sport category you selected.

Can Blogs be associated or identified with keywords?

Can Blogs be associated or identified with keywords?

Is it correct that if a Member s profile is restricted or private, the viewer will not be able to see it?

They will not be able to see the Member s blog page but will be able to see any blogs the member has written if that blog appears on a relevant sport home page.

What is the value of a blog and for bloggers?

Bloggers are a vital part of our community. You provide the audience and diverse perspectives that make MLS a unique place to generate interest in your opinions and related content on any content.

Submit your blog to...

  • 1.Share your opinions with a wider audience.
  • 2. Interact with our community of like-minded bloggers.
  • 3. Generate inbound links to your personal site, helping new readres find your blog
  • 4. Get featured on your sport, sport category, personal, busienss, team, health & fitness, professional, philanthropy, coaching, state, country, school, high school, USA or international College/University, Olympic/Paralympic or Special Olympic home pages of choice!

How can I promote my blog on MLS?

Add your blog URL to your profile so you can import your articles and post them to any sport home page. Each post will include a link back to your site.

How MLS Promotes Blogs

Your blog is posted on as many sport and sport categories you select.

What else does Mls offer bloggers?

An International audience who will be able to search you by your name, articles written, team, sport criteria, keyword, fan club, location and languages read and spoken.

Can I post content on a blog for a particular sport?

Yes. Use your Profile link located in the dashboard on the Profile page

Do I post my blog on the sport home page?

In our Blogs Feature located in the Featured Content & Blogs tab (on all sport home pages) is where you can post your blog

If a Blogger is going to have its readers know more about them can the Blogger add a link to another URL?

They can add a link, however it will not be a live link to take you to that URL

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Blogging (Exclusive)

Can I become an exclusive blogger for a sport?

For members who would prefer to be the exclusive “Blogger” for any of our Sport Home Pages you have the following options.

MyLifeSports.com requires a minimum “Blogger” placement of seven days for each order. They can be placed consecutively or randomly in your choice of days or month(s). There are no restrictions as to the number of Blogging Features or dates members can place. Pricing is based on a tiered structure as noted below.

Tier 1*


This Tier includes professional sport teams, country sports, and Sports that are considered both categories and sports (a complete list of which can be found here)

Tier 2:


This includes all sports classified by Gender/Age, Special Olympic sports, all sports not listed in tier 1.

All contributing content will be submitted through the Members Management Account.

What is the Cost/Terms

All costs are based on single placements. Minimum blogger placement is seven days. Member’s content will be posted immediately on the days/weeks/months selected and will be identified by a public calendar for each sport as to available dates. Blogger members will get an email automatically 24 hours before their exclusive rights are about to expire.

How do I Select the dates that I would like to post?

Select the dates you would like your post to appear on the calendar. You must select at least seven days. The dates or month can be in any order.

How do I select the sport that I would like to be the exclusive blogger for?

To become an exclusive blogger, please make your selection from the sport tabs located in our Sports feature. Once selected the Sport, Sport Category, Member Profile, Gender/Age, Sport or Country sport options will appear. Once you make your selection it will direct you to the Calendar of available dates to post your blog. Once you have responded to the options available you can either add another blog post or proceed to payment.

Can I upload a picture?

Yes. Use the Browse feature or our Webcam feature to post

Can I upload a photo from my mobile apps?

Yes. You can upload from your smart phones and tablets.

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What browsers does MyLifeSports Support?

We strive to create the best viewing experience for all of our users. MLS continually tests in and fully supports the following Web browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 7,8, and 9
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari 5
  • Chrome

While we can t fully support every available browser, we do regularly monitor our traffic to maintain optimum performance for the majority of our users. If you are viewing the site with an unsupported browser and find the experience less than satisfactory, please contact us at support@mls.com, as well as consider using the latest version of one of the fully-supported browsers.

Does Cookies have to be enabled to view MLS?

Cookies must be enabled to use MyLifeSports. What are cookies and how do I enable them?

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small amount of data, often including an anonymous unique identifier, which is sent to your browser from a Web sites computer and stored on your computer s hard drive. The use of cookies enables us to improve our Site by seeing which areas and features are most popular; to count the number of computers accessing the Site; to personalize the Site and improve the Site experience; to record your preferences and track the ads you view; to track your transactional information; and to allow you to visit the Site without re-entering your member ID and/or password.

What can happen if I block Cookies on the MLS site?

Technologies like cookies and local storage are used to deliver, secure, and understand products, services, and ads, on and off MLS. Your browser or device may allow you to block these technologies, but you may not be able to use some features on MLS if you block them.

Top of Page


Where can I find the Classifieds/Marketplace feature?

It is located as a Classifieds/Market Place tab on every sport home page.

What is the Classifieds/MarketPlace feature?

Here you can view active classifieds, services and products being offered by members and also create a new listing for the same options.

What features can I submit content on the Create Listing tab?

You can post your information by title, product, service, location, price, contact info, whether buying or selling, descriptions, photos . and more.

What options are there when I click on View Classifieds?

You will see the Member contributor, creation date, if you are a buyer/seller and the product or service being offered.

Can you edit information posted on the Classifieds Link?

Yes. Go to Editing, click on the My Account Classifieds Edit Page to edit or delete.

When I submit to the Classifieds/MarketPlace Feature, where does it go?

It is posted on the sport home page you selected

How do I include a photo?

To upload a photo from the web or from your computer click on the Insert Photo button as noted on the Classifieds Feature page for creating a listing.

If I do not have a photo, what is my option?

If you have a Webcam, you can utilize it for your photos

Can I share this information with other social networks?

Yes. You can share with up to 360 social networks. Remember you must be a member of whichever ones you select.

Can I share with members of MLS

Yes. Use the Share with Members link provided on this page.

Can I invite friends?

Yes. Members can invite their friends to join MyLifeSports.com by sending an email to selected/Added contacts. Just click on “Invite Friends” and on this page you have the option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here, those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click “Import Contact” to get the mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see them in the Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click “Send Mail” button to send mail to selected contacts.

If new “friends” have been added to any of my social networks are they automatically imported after I have already invited friends before the new ones?

In that case you need to import the contacts again from any of your social networks, you need to follow the same procedure in sending invitation to the new ones.

Can I delete any friend from my Invite Friends feature?

Yes. Utilize our Delete Friend feature link.

Can I share with MLS Members?

Yes. Just click on the Share with Members link found on your Profile page and proceed from there. Here you can share with your contacts and search for members to share with.

Warning! Sharing your profile with a member who is not on your contacts list will allow that member to view your profile regardless of your security settings. Please only share your profile with members whom you trust to view your information

The “Share” with MyLifeSports link takes you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page “Follow us on” feature, where you can post your content

Where does the Share This link take you to?

The “Share This” link takes members to their own social networks where they can share their postings on this feature.

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Does Cookies have to be enabled to view MLS?

Cookies must be enabled to use MyLifeSports. What are cookies and how do I enable them?

What is a Cookie?

What is a Cookie? A cookie is a small amount of data, often including an anonymous unique identifier, which is sent to your browser from a Web site s computer and stored on your computer s hard drive. The use of cookies enables us to improve our Site by seeing which areas and features are most popular; to count the number of computers accessing the Site; to personalize the Site and improve the Site experience; to record your preferences and track the ads you view; to track your transactional information; and to allow you to visit the Site without re-entering your member ID and/or password.

What can happen if I block Cookies on the MLS site?

Technologies like cookies and local storage are used to deliver, secure, and understand products, services, and ads, on and off MLS. Your browser or device may allow you to block these technologies, but you may not be able to use some features on MLS if you block them.

Are cookies text files?

Cookies are small text files that are sent to your computer by a web server. We use cookies to provide benefits to you.

Most browsers allow you to disable or allow the use of cookies. You may also delete the cookies on your computer if your browser so permits. If you disable cookies, you may not be able to use certain parts of our services and you may need to re-install the opt-out cookie.

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What are Coaches Personalized Home Pages?

MLS is offering personalized sport home page opportunities for its members who are coaches, where you can select a sport and sport category from over 30,000 sport selections or create a personal identification of your own from our 5 million sport terms and keywords. MLS offers the following options.

You have four options to select from.

Creating Your Own Coaching Home Page

Option (1) FREE Coaches have the option of having personal identified sport home pages. You can include your identification which is currently the name of the home page (Examples: Jim Coach, Jim Coach of the Bulldogs), and logo. Membership features include a link back to your profile and the ability to submit articles, videos, photos, services, products and related content to Featured Video & Articles, Featured Content & Blogs, SportsWire, Spotlight, Events, Movers & Shakers, Polls, Classifieds/Marketplace, Recruiting, Terms & Keywords and Links Shared by Members. Additional features include Invite Friends and Share with Members. You can select and create one or multiple home pages and share with over 360 social networks, MLS’ social links, professional organizations…. and more!

These personalized home page options will be identical in format to the home pages that exist on our site with the exception of the name change. No one else can post on this sport home page without you’re approval.

Option (2) This option is for Members who are coaches and prefer to have a personal identified sport home page with their self-administrative control over all content that is submitted and the ability to change titles and usage for our Membership features identical to the “features” listed in Option (1)

Members can select and create one or multiple home pages. No one else can post on this sport home page without your approval. You are allowed to include an external link in the event you have an existing website

These options include your name and link back to your profile and the Membership Features as noted above

Option (3) Allows Members to place their existing website onto the MLS site. This option does not allow any use of the functions of MLS other than locating its existence on our Select a Sport feature under the Sport and Sport Category selections, where members will be able to locate you. The maximum amount of pages cannot exceed (7) seven.

Option (4) If you prefer, MLS can provide customized featured personalized home pages through a fee-based arrangement.

To indicate your interest in having any of these options created for you, please send your request to support@mls.com; include your name, personal sport page requests and contact information. We will respond to you within 24 – 48 hours.

What about renewals?

Your subscription will be automatically renewed unless you request cancelation 10 days before the renewal date. There will be no refunds once ordered. Cancellation should be sent to the Attention of: PHP Cancellation Department at support@mls.com. You will receive an email notification acknowledging your request.

  • Option (1) Free
  • Option (2) Coaching is priced at $5.00/month.*
  • Option (3) Coaches is priced at $6.00/month.*
  • Option (4) Contact support@mls.com to arrange a convenient time to speak to our web designers. The fee for services will be created based on your requirements.

By clicking the 'Submit' button below it will send your selections to our advertising department. We will send you an email confirming that we received your request and will respond to you within 24-48 hours.

Can I share this information with MLS?

To “Share” with MyLifeSports’ Social Networks click here to proceed to the Landing Page “Follow us on” feature for your options to post

Do I select what picture on a personal home page selection if I am the one creating it?


Can I upload a picture?

Yes. Use the Browse feature or our Webcam feature to post

Can I upload a photo from my mobile apps?

Yes. You can upload from your smart phones and tablets.

As an Advertiser when I place an ad on a coaching home page will it be a separate billing and will I have a calendar to see what is available?


Can another member post content on my coaching home page?

Only if you give them permission.

What is the difference between an Advertiser and Sponsor?

For identification and practical purposes they are both the same for Mls

Can a member post on a Coaching Home Page of another member?

Only if the creator of that page gives you permission

Where else can I access the Coaching Home Pages?

You can locate the link Coaching Home Pages at the bottom of the pages of Mls.

Is there another location to get to the Coaching Home Page feature?

Go to your My Account Page and click on the blue link titled Coaching Home Pages

How will payment be made for creating a Coaching Home Page?

From our PayPal account for this feature

In your Option (1) that offers coaches a free personalized home page, how many can he or she create?

You can use option (1) for each sport that you coach.

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How is Disability Sports defines?

Disabled sports are sports played by persons with a disability, including physical and intellectual disabilities. As many of these are based on existing sports modified to meet the needs of persons with a disability, they are sometimes referred to as adapted sports. However, not all disabled sports are adapted; several sports that have been specifically created for persons with a disability have no equivalent in able-bodied sports.

Disability exists in four categories: physical, mental, permanent and temporary. Organized sport for athletes with a disability is generally divided into three broad disability groups: the deaf, people with physical disabilities, and people with intellectual disabilities. Please click on our Disability Sports link at the bottom of any of our site pages and be part of our recognition for disabled sports heroes.

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Are there any other URL’s associated with MyLifeSports.com?

Yes. You can locate them in our Terms feature under G. Intellectual Property Rights and Notices

Do other URL’s redirect to the MyLifeSports site?

Yes. You can locate them in our Terms feature under G. Intellectual Property Rights and Notices

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What does Mls do for education and sports?

MyLifeSports Academic & Sports mission is to focus on educational attainment and using the power and appeal of sport to positively affect our members by supporting physical and personal education, sport, and physical activity programs. We welcome your participation in the enhancement of this endeavor. If you would like to be part our mission please contact support@mls.com to the attention of the Education & Sports Department.

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What is the Family Sports Legacy feature?

MLS is offering Family Sports Legacy Home Page opportunities for its members who would like to have an exclusive home page representing their families, MLS offers the following options.

Does MLS provide services with Instagram?

Yes. Instagram provides your ability to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your mobile phone, then choose a filter to transform the image into a memory to keep around forever.

What other services are you compatible with?

Currently, you can share your photos on a photo-by-photo basis on Flickr, Facebook, and Twitter.

How does privacy work?

On Instagram, anyone can subscribe to follow your photos. We do, however, have a special private option. In this mode, a user can make sure he/she must approve all follow requests before they go through.

Who can see my photos?

All photos are public by default which means they are visible to anyone using Instagram or on the instagram.com website. If you choose to make your account private, then only people who follow you on Instagram will be able to see your photos.

How can I print my photos?

All the photos you process with Instagram are saved to your camera roll. You can then sync with your computer and print as many as you'd like.

Will it be compatible with Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7, iPad, etc.?


What options do I have?

You can include your last name identification which will be the name of the home page (Examples: Smith Family Sports Legacy).

What features will it include?

Features include a link back to each family member s profile and sports profile and the ability to submit articles, videos, photos, services, products and related content to Featured Video & Articles, Featured Content & Blogs, Events, and Links Shared by Members. Additional features include Invite Friends/Family. You can further share with over 360 social networks, fellow members and more! This personalized family sport legacy home page will be similar in format to our sport home pages that exist on our site.

Are they any exceptions?

Yes. The following exceptions as noted below

a. Family name identification (ex. Jones Family Sport Legacy

b. An Adminitrator of the site will need to approve family member participation

c. No one else other than family members can post on this legacy sport home page without the administrator s apporval.

d. Your Family Legacy Sport Home Page will be viewable in our Sports Feature with its own tab and searchable by family name and by alphabetical order.

e. Members will be able to select content from their profile and transfer it to this feature.

f. An area describing the Family History.

Are there other options?

Yes. Option (2) If you prefer, MLS can provide customized featured family legacy home pages through a fee-based arrangement.

Is Option (1) a free service?

This is a fee-based option. Family Home Pages are priced at $10.00/month in Option (1)

Is there a subscription requirement?

A one year subscription will be required and paid when the order is submitted. Please note: Your subscription will be automatically renewed unless you request cancelation 15 days before the renewal date. There will be no refunds once ordered.

When will these options be available?

These options will be available in August 2012. To indicate your interest now in having either of these opportunities created for you, please send your request to support@mls.com. Include your name, Administrator s name if known, family (last) name in which the page will be titled and contact information. We will notify you as soon as this feature is operational.

If you have any suggestions how this feature should be represented and enhanced for family members, please contact us at support@mls.com.

Where will I be able to locate my family sports legacy home page?

Click on our Sports tab, which will take you to all of our sport tabs. Click on the Family Legacy SPH and you will be able to find your family name in alphabetical order.

How will our family page be identified?

They will be identified by the last name of the family selected in creating the family home page

Who will be the administrator for this feature?

The family member who creates the site will be considered the Administrator unless otherwise noted. They will be in position to grant approval to members who want to be part of the Family Sports Legacy site. The Administrator can also appoint additional administrators to the site with specific instructions on what they can do on the site. That Administrator can be contacted by email or whatever other contact information they supply, which would be found in their Profile, for potential family member inclusion

How will the content of family members be included in the Family Legacy feature?

The member will be able to submit content either directly on the Family page or from their profiles

How would I search my family legacy sites?

To search for your family site click you can select from the alphabetical list or type in their last name in the box provided.. Click on your desired family selection and it will direct you to their home page.

How would I search for participating family legacy sites?

To search for participating family sites click on Filter Results by Family Name. It will provide a list of families by alphabetical order. Click on your desired family selection and it will direct you to their home page.

Will Family Members have a link back to their profiles?

Yes it will be their option.

When new content is submitted to the members profile/my account feature do they have to submit it each to the Family feature?

If they elect to choose what content can be submitted to the Family feature they can click on the available checkbox to double post it; on their profile and the family account.

Can I decide what I want to have on the Family Legacy site?

Yes. The purpose of the site I would think is to allow members to share what they do (and want family members to see) but also be able to contribute to all of the features we have on the current sport home page platform videos, articles, events, etc.

Can members other than family member be part of the Family Legacy feature?

The family page would allow only the family members to be represented on this feature. However at the discretion of the Administrator of the site non-family members may be considered for inclusion.

Can members suggest to the Administrator their interest to invite non-family members?


What privacy options do I have?

Members can select their security option to determine who can view your profile content. Profile privacy settings are based on the level of privacy you choose and are as follows

Private - The profiles of users registered as private, including the user s personal information, photos, videos, etc., can only be viewed by contacts of that user. Articles created by a user who is private can be viewed by anyone and anyone can see that users "user name" but will not be able to access the user s profile without becoming a contact.

Public -The profiles of members registered as public, including the members personal information, photos, videos, etc., can be viewed by anyone registered on MyLifeSports.com. Articles created by a member who is public can also be viewed by anyone registered on MyLifeSports.com.

If I do not have a photo, what options to I have

You can use the webcam or browse features or if no photo is desired, a facial image would appear with a question mark on it.

How do I use the webcam feature?

Our webcam feature can be used to upload any personal image for the purpose of your Profile Picture or Article Image. When you click on this feature the Browser will require the permission from the member to access its webcam. If you accept it then you will be able to see its webcam on the screen. You can take your picture, click on upload to send it to the selected page s image folder.

Can I use a photo from my computer files?

Yes. Click on browse, select your photo and attach.

Will all family members be posted on this site?

Everyone who becomes a member of the family home page will be listed. It will list their first and last name based on what the member provides in their MLS profile

Can I import a number of videos and articles to my home page?

Yes. Members can now import their articles and videos to the home pages, photos can be mass uploaded just like we have on the team and fan club pages.

Does the “contact” list include your selection of who you want as contacts and from there you could select your family members?

No, the contact list is the selection of people who already are your contacts, and you can add any contacts as your family members

Can I only import the articles from my Profile to the FHP that I want to post?


What is a Family Sport Home Page?

MLS is offering Family Sports Legacy Home Page opportunities for its members who would like to have an exclusive home page representing their families, MLS offers the following options.

What options do I have?

Option (1) You can include your last name identification which will be the name of the home page (Examples: Smith Family Sports Legacy).

Features include a link back to each family member’s profile and sports profile and the ability to submit articles, videos, photos, services, products and related content to Featured Video & Articles, Featured Content & Blogs, Events, and Links Shared by Members. Additional features include Invite Friends/Family. You can further share with over 360 social networks, fellow members… and more! This personalized family sport legacy home page will be similar in format to our sport home pages that exist on our site with the following exceptions

a. Family name identification (ex. Jones Family Sport Legacy) b. An Administrator of the site will need to approve family member participation c. No one else other than family members can post on this legacy sport home page without the administrator’s approval. d. Your Family Legacy Sport Home Page will be viewable in our Sports Feature with its own tab and searchable by family name, and by alphabetical order. e. Members will be able to select content from their profile and transfer it to this feature. An area describing the Family History

What is the pricing for Option (1)?

Pricing: Option (1) Family Home Pages are priced at $10.00/month*

Option(2) If you prefer, MLS can provide customized featured family legacy home pages through a fee-based arrangement.

What is the minimum term of this feature?*

(A one year subscription will be required and paid when the order is submitted). Please note: Your subscription will be automatically renewed unless you request cancelation 15 days before the renewal date. There will be no refunds once ordered.

Whom do I contact to create this feature?

To indicate your interest in having either of these opportunities created for you, please send your request to support@mls.com. Include your name, Administrator’s name if known, family (last) name in which the page will be titled and contact information. We will notify you as soon as this feature is operational.

How do I identify the Family Home Page

You should add Family Last Name / Surname (i.e. Smith)

Am I allowed to create a description of the Family?

Please enter a short (no more than 50 characters) description of your family to help further identify it for cases where they may be multiple family home pages with the same last name/surname. An example would be (Originally from Jersey City) or (of Westchester New York)

Can I also create a family overview?

Yes. You can create it in the boxed area provided on this feature page.

Can I upload a picture?

Yes. Use the Browse feature or our Webcam feature to post

Can I upload a photo from my mobile apps?

Yes. You can upload from your smart phones and tablets.

Can I invite family members?

Yes. Provided the family members are members of MLS

Can I invite friends?

Yes. Members can invite their friends to join MyLifeSports.com by sending an email to selected/Added contacts that has to be approved by the Administrator. Just click on Invite Friends and on this page you have the option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here, those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click Import Contact to get the mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see them in the Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click Send Mail button to send mail to selected contacts.

When I click on the Family News tab where will it take me?

It will include the choice of Family News, Family Events and Announcement options to submit content to.

How many photos can be placed on this page?

You can post as many photos as you want

Are the photos archived?


Can you enlarge the Photos noted on the page?

The photos are “thumbnail versions”; click on them and their resolution, and size will increase.

Can an Advertiser or Sponsor post advertisement on this feature

No. The only “ads” that will appear are from our Affiliate Members.

Will I able to create a blog?


Can I post Videos?


Can I also invite friends from my list of contacts that I want to invite to this page?

Yes. Provided you are given permission from the Administrator of this feature.

Can I invite friends from my contact list on MLS and all members already belonging to Mls?


How can I locate the Family Home Page members?

Go to the Sports Feature, click and then access the Family Home Page Tab

Where else can I access the Family Home Page?

Go to your My Account Page and click on the Blue Link titled: Family Home Pages

Can Members import their articles and videos to the family home page?

Yes. Also photos can be mass uploaded. This feature is also available on the Team and Fan Club pages.

How do I create a Family Home Page?

Add your Family Last Name / Surname (i.e. Smith)

Provide a family description – bio – (no more than 50 characters)

Enter a Brief Family Overview

Upload a Picture from your computer

Upload a Picture from your Webcam

Can I upload a picture from my mobile apps?

You can upload a picture from any your smart phones, tablets, etc.

Top of Page


How do I create a fan club?

Click on Fan Clubs; you will arrive at the page with the tab to Create a Fan Club. When creating a fan club first select your sport by clicking on the circle next to that sport; proceed to completing the information requested at the bottom of this page. Once the fan club is created it will become part of your profile. Please contact your teammates, friends, current MLS members and others to join your fan club by becoming members of MLS.

Can I create a fan club for a team or a member?

Yes. You have the option of doing either or both and as many as you wish.

Is the guide that will assist me on creating a Fan Club?

Yes. Click on To view our guide for fan club creation click here on the Fan Club home page.

If someone wants to transfer a photo album (multiple pictures) to our site, how would they do this?

You can upload as many pictures as you want from your computers including multiple photos at the same time

Can you walk me through the procedure in creating a fan club?

You will need to complete the following steps

  • Select y our Sport Category from the scroll bar
  • Choose Gender or Age Indentifcation
  • Select your Sport Name (Required)
  • Create your Fan Club Name
  • Describe what or whom the Fan Club is about

After I post my Fan Club, what occurs next?

You will come to a page that shows what you posted for the Fan Club info and the ability to submit to its blog. You then can use our features: Ask Friends to Join Club and/or Share with Members.

How do I post photos?

Click on the Fan Club Photos link and select from our Upload Photos or Use our Webcam options.

Can I upload a picture from my mobile apps?

You can upload a picture from any your smart phones, tablets, etc.

Can I view my photos in a slide show?

Yes. Click on the View as slide show link; it provides the options of add or deleting videos. Click on Upload Video; create a title and video description. You can upload from your computer or embed it from You Tube. Once you have made your decisions click on Upload

Can I share my photos with my friends and members?

Yes. Just click on the Invite Friends and Share with Members links

How do I post videos?

Videos can be posted directly from the Fan Club video page, provided the member has sufficient permissions to do so. The Fan Club Administrators control these permissions.

How can I share with other Members?

Just click on the links were noted on our site titled Share with Members . This will take you to the Share with (your profile) of MyLifeSports Share Profile with Your Contacts. Select the first, last and User Name, click on the box to the left of that description and click Share

Note: Sharing your profile with a member who is not on your contact list will allow that member to view our profile regardless of your security settings. Please only share your profile with member whom you trust to view your information.

The "Share" with MyLifeSports link takes you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page Follow us on feature, where you can post your content

Where does the Share This link Take you?

The "Share This" link takes members to their own social network?

What is the Fan Club Administration Feature?

This feature allows you to manage the club roster, add an administrator or remove a member from the fan club, Just click on the Fan Club Settings tab and proceed accordingly. Once you have completed your changes, click on the Update link.

What can I do with General Settings?

You can elect to have the Fan Club Private (Members must be invited in order to join)

What are my Administrative Privileges?

You can control the following:

  • Upload and Modify Photos
  • Upload Videos
  • Delete Videos
  • Create Team Events
  • Delete Team Events

What privileges do the Fan Club members have?

You can control the following:

  • Upload and Modify Photos
  • Upload Videos
  • Create Team Events

Noteany privileges granted to all Fan Club Members will automatically be granted to administrators as well. For example if Upload Videos is checked under Fan Club Member Privileges but not checked under Administrator Privileges administrators will still be able to upload videos because all administrators are considered to be Fan Club Members.

Can I create more than one Fan Club?

As a member you can create as many Fan Clubs as you like.

Can I share with social networks?

Yes, you can share with any of the 260 social networks features; any of our MLS social networks.

Can I invite friends?

Members can invite their friends to join MyLifeSports.com by sending an email to selected/Added contacts.

Just click on Invite Friends and on this page you have the option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here, those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click Import Contact to get the mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see them in the Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click Send Mail button to send mail to selected contacts.

How do I search for a Fan Club?

Click on Fan Clubs , and then click on the Search Fan Clubs tab. You can search fan clubs by name and sports. If you know the fan club s creator s name you can further refine your search results.

Can I import contacts?

Yes. MLS provides over 30 sources/mail services to import contacts. Just click on the Contacts link, a POP UP WINDOW open where you can see icons/links of those sources/mail services. Click on any mail service icon/link, a new POP UP WINDOW open, authorize that mail service to import contacts. A new POP UP WINDOW open where you can see a message at bottom of that window Please wait while we are processing your request That means your import contact s request has been sent successfully. A contact s list is available at bottom of the Grab Your Contacts Window after a short time. So your contacts are successfully imported. Click Close(X) button to stop process.

Can I share with Members?

Yes. Just click on the Share with members link and proceed from there

Can I change the Fan Club Details?

Yes. Go to Change Fan Club Details, click and follow the directions. This is located below the paragraph Remove a Member from the Fan Club paragraph.

Can I post multiple photos?

Yes you can post multiple photos and slide shows from your computer.

Can I invite friends?

Yes. Just click on Invite to Friends and on Invite Friend page you have option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click Import Contacts to get mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see your contacts in Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click Send Mail button to send mail to selected contacts.

Will I know who is searching for me?

Yes. Just click on Who is searching you and it will provide you names of those subscribers who are your friends on mail services OR you are in the contact s list of those subscribers.

Can a video be posted directly on the Fan Club created by a member?

Yes, provided you receive permission by the Fan Club Administrator

Top of Page


Can I invite friends?

Yes. Members can invite their friends to join MyLifeSports.com by sending an email to selected/Added contacts. Just click on “Invite Friends” and on this page you have the option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here, those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click “Import Contact” to get the mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see them in the Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click “Send Mail” button to send mail to selected contacts.

If new “friends” have been added to any of my social networks are they automatically imported after I have already invited friends before the new ones?

In that case you need to import the contacts again from any of your social networks, you need to follow the same procedure in sending invitation to the new ones.

Can I delete any friend from my Invite Friends feature?

Yes. Utilize our Delete Friend feature link.

Can I share with MLS Members?

Yes. Just click on the Share with Members link found on your Profile page and proceed from there. Here you can share with your contacts and search for members to share with.

Warning! Sharing your profile with a member who is not on your contacts list will allow that member to view your profile regardless of your security settings. Please only share your profile with members whom you trust to view your information

The “Share” with MyLifeSports link takes you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page “Follow us on” feature, where you can post your content

Where does the Share This link take you to?

The “Share This” link takes members to their own social networks

Where do I post for features articles or videos?

From your Profile you can post your videos and articles here. Click on upload your video to post videos or Write a New Article to post articles

Note: When submitting your article or video, please select the language, sport, sport category, and keyword that best identifies your submission. By completing these requests your content will be posted in your profile, sport, sport home page, sport category and keyword you selected. This affords you greater exposure and engages fellow members

Where is the Features Articles & Videos located?

On ever sport home page. Just click on its tab for access

How do I post a video on the Sport Home Page with an article?

When you click "Write a new article" you will have the option to post a video with that article, if you post a video with an article it will appear in the featured video section.

Top of Page


Can I invite friends?

Yes. Members can invite their friends to join MyLifeSports.com by sending an email to selected/Added contacts. Just click on “Invite Friends” and on this page you have the option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here, those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click “Import Contact” to get the mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see them in the Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click “Send Mail” button to send mail to selected contacts.

If new “friends” have been added to any of my social networks are they automatically imported after I have already invited friends before the new ones?

In that case you need to import the contacts again from any of your social networks, you need to follow the same procedure in sending invitation to the new ones.

Can I delete any friend from my Invite Friends feature?

Yes. Utilize our Delete Friend feature link.

Can I share with MLS Members?

Yes. Just click on the Share with Members link found on your Profile page and proceed from there. Here you can share with your contacts and search for members to share with.

Warning! Sharing your profile with a member who is not on your contacts list will allow that member to view your profile regardless of your security settings. Please only share your profile with members whom you trust to view your information

The “Share” with MyLifeSports link takes you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page “Follow us on” feature, where you can post your content

Where does the Share This link take you to?

The “Share This” link takes members to their own social networks

Where can I find the Feature Content & Blogs feature?

on ever sport home page. Just click on its tab to view

What can I do on this feature?

On this feature you can select from the drop down feature you would like to submit content to; a choice of Movers & Shakers, SportsWire, Events, Spotlight or Polls. These features allows you to post directly on this page. They will also become part of your profile.

From the Blogs tab you can submit to the Blogs feature directly from your Profile dashboard feature.

What is the difference between an article and a blog?

For interpretation on our site, an article is a written contextual submission, while a blog is simply text.

Note: To indicate your interest in having any of these blog options for your exclusive use, please send your request to support@mls.com. Include your name, exclusive blog feature and contact information.

Where are the blogs located for viewing?

First select the sport of interest; proceed to that sport s home page; click on Featured Content & Blogs and click on the Blogs tab.

How do I submit to a blog?

You can submit to the Blogs feature directly from your Profile dashboard to the sport home page(s) of choice.

Can a Member import their Blog(s)?

No. They would have to copy and paste their blogs and provide the url s themselves. They can however include their blog s url in their profile but each blog would not provide a link back to their site

Where can I post my blog?

Here you can create your Blog Post. Select your Sport Category and Sport from our scroll bars. Type, cut or paste your content and click on Post. You will have a record of all of your blog entries on this page. This blog will be posted on the sport home page selected based on the sport and sport category you selected.

Can Blogs be associated or identified with keywords

Blogs are only associated with a sport category and sport

How can I promote my blog on MLS?

Add your blog URL to your profile so you can import your articles and post them to any sport home page. Each post will include a link back to your site.

How MLS Promotes Blogs

Your blog is posted on as many sport and sport categories you select.

What else does Mls offer bloggers?

An International audience who will be able to search you by your name, articles written, team, sport criteria, keyword, fan club, location and languages read and spoken.

Top of Page


Is MyLifeSports.com a free service?

Registration, membership and unless noted its related services are all free.

Does MLS offer other services or options that are not free?

MyLifeSports.com offers fee-based services and their directions for related information for each as well as contact information for assistance. These options are available in the Media Kit under the Fee-Based Options feature link. For additional opportunities, such as Advertisement/Sponsorship, they can also be located in our Media Kit under the Advertisement Pricing link also located in the Media Kit.

What are examples of Mls's Fee-Based Options

Follow the procedures to place advertisements (Use the Ways to Advertise, How to Advertise, Advertising Formats, Advertisement Pricing and Create Advertisement directions.

  • (1) Advertising placement and sponsorship locations from over 30,000 sport home pages with 180,000 placement options through our self-serve and company assisted marketing platforms. Additional personalized, family legacy and member sport home pages can be created from our sport selections and from over 4million sport terms and keywords and account identifications, which for each will create 6 more advertisement and sponsorship placement opportunities. These will be further enhanced by member language interpretations other than English for all of our features
  • (2) Go to Advertising Assistance to select our alternative media placement options and budget considerations offering 25 platforms
  • (3) Advertising on Member s Personalized Sport Home Pages You can specifically advertise on Member s personalized sport home pages, which options include: Sport Home Page, Team, Sport Health & Fitness, Professional Services, philanthropy, Business, State, Coaching, Country, Olympics, Paralympics, Special Olympics, School or High School, USA or International College and University Sport Home Pages.
  • (4) Advertising on Family Sport Legacy Home Pages. These pages are exclusive to family members and invited guests. Go to the Family Legacy Home Page link found in the Media Kit.
  • (5) For Advertising on Member s Profiles, you can specifically advertise on the profiles of members. This option allows you to reach out to athletes and members associated with sports in your sport(s) of interest.
  • (6) For Advertising on Teams and Fan Clubs once you select the sport to promote your services and products it will appear on all team and fan club pages.
  • (7) For Self Administrative Sport Home Pages go to the Personalized Sport Home Page Link found in the Media Kit. This option allows you to control the content for your personalized sport or sport-related home page
  • (8) For Self Administrative Family Legacy Sport Home Pages go to the Family Legacy Sport Home Page Link found in the Media Kit. This option allows you control of content and participation
  • (9) Our Teams Feature Gold Membership. Contact Mls@mls.com for assistance
  • (10) Go to Exclusive Blogging in our Media Kit to select the sport and blogging feature you would like to be exclusively yours, selected from over 30,000 sport selections and their respective home pages. For the following services and products please contact support@mls.com for assistance.
  • (11) Go to the Tech and Business Services link found at the bottom of each page to view our 30 service and product platforms, including but not limited to Web Design, Application Development and Internet Business Development. For assistance: support@mls.com
  • (12) Licensing and Intellectual Partnership considerations of Customized Country, State, organization or other entity use of MLS platforms, please contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com.
  • (13) Corporate or Exclusive Sponsorships Sponsorships will be available on any of the more than 30,000 sport home pages, appealing to all segments of the marketplace, benefiting from our sport industry-targeted content offerings. Advertisers will have the option of creating their own micro sites to build relationships with their audience. Contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com
  • (14) To Explore Individual Member or Team Customized Plans in public relations, branding, article submissions, contact introductions, press releases and alternative promotional services for its members, please contact BeDiscovered@mls.com for assistance.
  • (15) Exclusive Development of Individual Sports and creation of other venues utilizing the MLS platform, please contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com.
  • (16) Development of customized Mls versions for states, countries, teams, sponsors, organizations and more. Contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com
  • (17) Options to organize videos and still shots for social networking and career developing opportunities in which voiceovers and background music will bring real-life to this kind of sport content we can create a content tagging scheme that would make these events easily searchable. Contact BeDiscovered@mls.com
  • (18) Storage capacity upgrades for 2GB; 3GB and 5GB options. Contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com for assistance.
  • (19) Services in video editing, commercials with member selected text. Videos, photos and music; instructional videos, graphic design, video production, CD, DVD, new product launches, training videos, TV/radio, location shoots, videography and photography, including single player and team presentations. Contact BeDiscovered@mls.com for assistance.

For Fee-Based and Free Services in Development Click Here

Mls is already thinking about and pre-developing other niche-oriented social and business networking sites. There s no reason to believe that the organizing principles that are applied here to sports can t be applied elsewhere, such as (the performing arts), musicians, writers, dancers, actors, models; politicians, religious organizations .and more.

Please Note: (1) If you have a concept, service or product that you believe would be of interest to our members or (2) would like to offer your suggestions on any of the above features or (3) if you are interested in discussing orginal fee-based options not offered above please contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com.

Is Mls considering other uses for its platform?

Mls is already thinking about other niche-oriented social networking sites: There’s no reason to believe that the organizing principles that are applied here to sports can be applied elsewhere, such as musicians, writers, dancers, actors, models, (the performing arts), politicians, religious organizations .and more.

What if I have an idea for your company?

If you have a concept, service or product that you believe would be of interest to our members or would like to offer your suggestions on any of the above features, please contact us at Alan.Chokov@mls.com.

Top of Page


Can I fax from this site?

Yes. Click on the fax icon located near the top of the page to the left; next to the Advanced Search bar.

Can I email a friend or fellow member?

Yes. Click on the letter icon located near the top of the page to the left; next to the Advanced Search Bar.

If a member wants to search for example coaches in the general search bar, what will come up?

It will display any page that mentions what the member searches for so anyone with coaches should come up along with other things. If you want a more precise search for coaches then use the advanced search

Can I save my Favorites?

Yes. Click on the star icon located near the top of the page to the left; next to the Advanced Search Bar

Does MLS have inbound links?

Technically, an inbound link is a link from one webpage to another, a function that MLS (and all websites) have

What are my options in Share with MyLifeSports?

On all of our features that provide the ability to share your content go to: To Share with MyLifeSports Social Networks click here to proceed to the Landing Page Follow us on feature for your options to post. Please note: you must be a member of those social links to post content on the MyLifeSports social links.

If someone want to transfer a photo album (multiple pictures) to our site how would they do this?

You can upload as many pictures as you want from your computers including multiple photos at the same time

What are my options in Share This?

On all or our features that provide the ability to share your content go to the Share This feature and click on the social links that you are member of those social links to post content. MLS features over 360 social network connections.

What is the Like button for on Videos?

When you click on the Like button it acknowledges your acknowledgement that you enjoyed the article

What is the Comment button for Videos?

Here you can express you opinions about the article

What is the Report Abuse button for Videos?

Here you can report to us what you consider as being abusive within the content of the article

What is the Like button for on Photos?

When you click on the Like button it acknowledges your acknowledgement that you enjoyed the article

What is the Comment button for Photos?

Here you can express you opinions about the article

What is the Report Abuse button for Photos?

Here you can report to us what you consider as being abusive within the content of the article

Top of Page


What does the Homage Page/Landing provide?

The MLS Home Page provides descriptive text for our Welcome to MyLifeSports, 30,000 Sport Selections, Multicultural, Be Discovered and Media Resource features. You can browse your mouse over each component to get particular details on those features or review them below.

What is the Welcome to MyLifeSports feature?

MyLifeSports is the world’s premier multicultural Global Sports Network and Legacy Search Engine providing the resources to Create, Share & Preserve Your Sports Legacy from Childhood . to Professional and Beyond. MLS provides parents the opportunity to share in their children s sports legacy, nurturing their life skills and interaction into their sport, educational, professional and personal futures, while providing all of its members the ability to share their sport memories and related professional services. MyLifeSports is All About You . Select and participate in any of our 30,000 sport selections from within the USA and 265 countries, each with their individual sport websites . thousands of interactive content rich features and over 5,000,000 personally identified sport, professional, business, health and educational related terms & keywords.

What is the Build Your legacy feature?

Through its exclusive Timeline Features MLS offers the resources needed to advance athletes, other sport related professionals and enthusiasts at any age specific to the sports they are participating in. The goal is to progress our members level of play and expertise over their entire lifetime, providing more opportunities than anywhere on the Internet.

What is the Brand Yourself feature

MLS empowers athletes to Brand and enhance their image, showcasing their talents in our cross-generational network. You can create a game plan specific to your vision for personal achievement to proactively manage your image and goals for career advancement ..locally, nationally and worldwide.

What is the Be Discovered feature?

MLS is where you need to be to compete and publicize your accomplishments in a sports market where in the United States with a population approaching 311 million has 90% of its population participate in some form of sports activity. Utilize our seven internal search features, including our proprietary peer criteria search that enables you to compare your skills with athletes from your community .. to around the world, where over 2.3 billion are active in some level of sport participation.

What is the Philanthropy feature?

In support of sport competition, MLS will donate a portion of its advertising revenue to sport related charities, philanthropic efforts, grants and scholarships.

MLS is a safe community for athletes of all ages, to share their interests and passions while discovering those of others. We welcome and encourage you to be part of our community, introducing you to the world of sports recognition, competition and . connections!

Can I register on this page?

Register for your Free Membership by clicking on the Register link at the top right corner of the Landing Page. Select your age verification; include the required information; then click on Create User (or create it from your Facebook or Twitter account). To login, click on the Login link located to the left of the Register link. This will take you to your Profile page.

What happens once I register?

Once registered you can submit content to your My Account Feature. This information will automatically become part of your Profile. Note: You can create as many profiles as you wish for your sports of choice from your My Account feature.

What are the box features on this page?

Click on any of the “box” features to view our 30,000 Sport Selections, Multicultural Applications, Be Discovered and Media Resource introductions.

Can I view this site on my iPad or other Tablets?

You can also view us on your iPad and other tablets. Download MLS onto your mobile phones by clicking on any of the mobile links listed. Please note: The download for the iPhone will be available soon.

Can I access advertising or sponsorship opportunities from this page?

For information on posting advertisements on this or any or our site’s pages go to our Media Kit link near the top of the page to view all of the featured links including Why Promote Your Services and Products on MLS, Ways to Advertise, How To Advertise, Advertising Formats, Fee Based Options, Advertisement Pricing, Advertisement History, Create Advertisements and Advertising Assistance. Step-by-Step directions are provided.

To secure additional information on the use of this feature, please click on our FAQ link; you will be directed to our FAQ Glossary; click on any of the following sources: Advertising, Advertisement/Sponsorship, Pricing or Advertising Assistance.

What is the Contact Link?

You can contact us through the Contact link. Provide your contact information and message. The company email directory is provided on this page

What is the Terms Link?

The Terms link provides you with the terms and conditions to use the MLS site. If you have any questions about these policies, please contact us at support@mls.com Send to the attention of the Terms Dept.

What is the FAQ link?

The FAQ link provides frequently asked questions and answers for all of our features. If you require an answer to a question that is not posted, please send your request to support@mls.com Attn.: FAQ Dept.

What is the Feedback link?

The Feedback link allows you to Please provide any relevant details when suggesting changes or submission of a new sport home page, including sport category, sport name, team, gender, age, definition, location, links, elementary, intermediate, high school, college or universities, identification to inclusion of their sport home pages and any keywords associated with those sports. Please provide your contact information along with your submission including but not limited to your name and email address

What does the Advanced Search link provide me?

When clicking on the Advanced Search link it will direct you to the following eight options and directions:

What is the Member Name Search?

As our site continues to become more populated you will be able to search for members by their first name, last name, or user name by entering text into the appropriate fields below. You can also search by the member’s maiden name or alternative name if applicable. There are no minimum requirements.

What is the Search by Location & Language?

Here you can search by language, languages spoken and read and by location.

What is the Sport Member Search?

As our site continues to become more populated you will be able to search for members by various sports criteria. In the Sport Member Search you can find all of our members who play a particular sport.

You can also compare yourself to members who play the same sports as you or speak similar languages. First, you must start with the Sport selection. Another example allows you to search for coaches or scouts in your city, county, state, or country selected under the Account selection. Please keep in mind, the more precise you are in completing the search values the less likely you will get results, since the more filtering functions performed provides results based on all of your requirements. You should be as exact in your search to get the best results. Submitting to all of the Search Values is not a requirement.

If your Sport Profile search is not to your satisfaction, please consider fewer requirements and initiate the search again. Another option is to include posting your requirements on our Message Board.

What is the Member Criteria Search?

As our site continues to become more populated you will be able to search for members by various sports criteria. First, you must start with the Sport selection. You can compare yourself to members who play the same sports as you or speak similar languages. Another example allows you to search for coaches or scouts in your city, county, state, or country selected under the Account selection. Please keep in mind, the more precise you are in completing the search values the less likely you will get results, since the more filtering functions performed provides results based on all of your requirements. You should be as exact in your search to get the best results.

Submitting to all of the Search Values is not a requirement. If your peer criteria search is not to your satisfaction, please consider fewer requirements and initiate the search again. Another option is to include posting your requirements on our Message Board.

You may only search for members by sport and for the sports that you have created a sport profile for. For example if you would like to be able to compare yourself with only baseball players, you must create a baseball profile. The purpose of this search is to compare you to or search for other members by sport. Therefore, in order to appear in these search results you must have established at least one sport profile.

What is the Article Search?

When searching for articles please respond to as many “Search Values provided in the boxes below. You can submit your request by Title, Author, Date, Sport Category, Sport Name, Keyword and Language. You do not have to complete all search values. Keep in mind the more detailed you are in searching for articles should return your desired results. If no results are returned as a result of your search, consider refining your criteria by entering less search requirements.

What is the Team Search?

You can locate teams by entering the information requested, which includes Country, State, County, City, Team Name, Sport Name, Sport Category and (Gender, which is optional). As an alternative, search by the team’s name or by the sport you are looking for or narrow down your search results by specifying the location information such as by City, County, State and Country.

What is the Fan Club Search?

You can search Fan Clubs by name and sport. If known include the Fan Club’s Creator’s name to further refine your search.

What is the Sports Connections & Keywords Search?

You can search our database of over 5,000,000 personally identified sport, professional, business, health connections and keywords. Each sport home page has its own set of sport related connections and keywords.

Choose your Category, Sport and Keyword and it will take you to articles written about the Keyword selected. There, if you click on that Sports link it will take you to all keywords of that sport. If you click on the Sport Category it will take you to that Sport Home Page.

Can I access my profile from this page?

You can access your Profile by clicking on the Profile link located near the top of the page

Can I access the site’s sports selections from here?

To access our Sports and be able to post your content on any of our 30,000 sport selections, each with their own home page, click on the Sports Tab located near the top of the page, which will take you to “Select a Sport” that includes eight options* to choose from (General Sports, Special Olympics, Sports by Gender/Age, Sports by Country, USA Colleges/Universities, International Colleges/Universities, Sports by High School, Olympics/Paralympics). Each sport tab will provide step-by-step directions, with sport search options using our horizontal alphabetical bar; sport or sport category selections to access the sport home pages of choice.

There are “tabs” located on every sport home page, where you can you can post content.

What is the Featured Videos & Articles tab feature?

On Featured Videos & Articles, select the videos and articles from your Profile page.

Can I create content on the Featured Content & Blogs tab?

Yes, by selecting from the following options: Movers & Shakers, SportsWire, Events and Spotlight. On this page go to “Post Your Message Here” and Categorize the Post by using the scroll bar options for the above.

Where does the Articles link take me to?

When you click on the Articles link located near the top of the page you will be provided the opportunity to (1) Search for Articles (a feature of our Advanced Searches) (2) Submit an Article: When submitting your article or video (videos can be uploaded from your computer; by webcam or You Tube), please select the language, sport, sport category and keyword that best identifies your submission. By completing these requests your content will be posted in your profile, sport, sport home page, sport category and keyword you selected. This affords you greater exposure and engages fellow members.

What does the Teams Link offer?

For the Teams link, which is located near the top of our pages, it will provide you with the opportunity to create as many team profiles as you wish. On this page is a guide for team creation. You can search for existing teams. Create a team for any of our sports and sport categories. Upload your team picture from your computer or through our webcam feature. Use the appropriate links to Invite Friends and Share With Members. You can also share with any of our 360 social networks that you may be a member of. You also have the option To “Share” this information with MLS Social Networks that are posted on the Landing Page.

What is the Messages Link?

The Messages Link, which is located near the top of our pages allows you to write a private message to one of your contacts in the Create Message tab. You can use the scroll bar to select the service to get to your contacts. You can also view messages by clicking on the View Messages link.

What is the Fan Clubs Link Provide?

The Fan Clubs link, which is located near the top of our pages provides you the opportunity to create a fan club. To view our guide for fan club creation there is a link to click. When creating a fan club first select your sport by filtering by sport category and using the sport dropdown list below. proceed to completing the information requested at the bottom of this page. Once the team is created it will become part of your profile. Please contact your teammates, friends, current MLS members and others to join your team by becoming new members of MLS. You can also use our Search feature to search for existing Fan Clubs. You can create a fan club for a team or member.

Can I share with the MyLifeSports social networks?

You can Share with your Social Networks, Invite Friends and Share with Members by using the appropriate links on this page. You also have the option To “Share” this information with MLS Social Networks that are posted on the Landing Page.

What can I post on the Message Board Link?

The Message Board Link provides the opportunity to submit posts, polls, etc. relative to your sports of choice.

What is the scroll bar for Select Language?

The Select Language scroll bar allows you to have the page translated in the choices of languages. Please note, this feature does not affect your ability to submit content to any of our features in your language of preference.

What are the links at the bottom of the Home Page?

Those links that include, Affiliates, Disability Sports, Education & Sports, Future Features, Personal Data Policy, MLSZOO, Kids Privacy Policy, News & Events, Philanthropy Privacy Policy, Philanthropy, Recruiting/Colleges, Sports Health & Fitness, Tech & Business Services and Write4MLS are further described in our FAQs under their related titles and are self-explanatory.


Here you can view the directions for the Home Page, Your Sports Profile, My Account and the Advertising / Sponsorship features:

Home Page

  • Register for your Free Membership by clicking on the Register link at the top right corner of the Landing Page. Select your age verification; include the required information; then click on Create User (or create it from your Facebook or Twitter account). To login, click on the Login link located to the left of the Register link. This will take you to your Profile page.
  • Once registered you can submit content to your My Account Feature*. This information will automatically become part of your Profile. Note: You can create as many profiles as you wish for your sports of choice from your My Account feature*
  • Click on any of the “box” features to view our 30,000 Sport Selections, Multicultural Applications, Be Discovered and Media Resource introductions.
  • You can also view us on your iPad and other tablets. Download MLS onto your mobile phones by clicking on any of the mobile links listed. Please note: The download for the iPhone will be available soon.
  • For information on posting advertisements on this or any or our site’s pages go to our Media Kit link near the top of the page to view all of the featured links including Why Promote Your Services and Products on MLS, Ways to Advertise, How To Advertise, Advertising Formats, Fee Based Options, Advertisement Pricing, Advertisement History, Create Advertisements and Advertising Assistance. Step-by-Step directions are provided.
  • To secure additional information on the use of this feature, please click on our FAQ link; you will be directed to our FAQ Glossary; click on any of the following sources: Advertising, Advertisement/Sponsorship, Pricing or Advertising Assistance.
  • You can contact us through the Contact link. Provide your contact information and message. The company email directory is provided on this page
  • The Terms link provides you with the terms and conditions to use the MLS site. If you have any questions about these policies, please contact us at support@mls.com Send to the attention of the Terms Dept.
  • The FAQ link provides frequently asked questions and answers for all of our features. If you require an answer to a question that is not posted, please send your request to support@mls.com Attn.: FAQ Dept.
  • The Feedback link allows you to Please provide any relevant details when suggesting changes or submission of a new sport home page, including sport category, sport name, team, gender, age, definition, location, links, elementary, intermediate, high school, college or universities, identification to inclusion of their sport home pages and any keywords associated with those sports. Please provide your contact information along with your submission including but not limited to your name and email address
  • When clicking on the Advanced Search link it will direct you to the following eight options and directions:

Member Name Search: As our site continues to become more populated you will be able to search for members by their first name, last name, or user name by entering text into the appropriate fields below. You can also search by the member’s maiden name or alternative name if applicable. There are no minimum requirements.

Search by Location & Language, where you can search by language, languages spoken and read and by location.

Sport Member Search: As our site continues to become more populated you will be able to search for members by various sports criteria. In the Sport Member Search you can find all of our members who play a particular sport.

You can also compare yourself to members who play the same sports as you or speak similar languages. First, you must start with the Sport selection. Another example allows you to search for coaches or scouts in your city, county, state, or country selected under the Account selection. Please keep in mind, the more precise you are in completing the search values the less likely you will get results, since the more filtering functions performed provides results based on all of your requirements. You should be as exact in your search to get the best results. Submitting to all of the Search Values is not a requirement.

If your Sport Profile search is not to your satisfaction, please consider fewer requirements and initiate the search again. Another option is to include posting your requirements on our Message Board.

Member Criteria Search: As our site continues to become more populated you will be able to search for members by various sports criteria. First, you must start with the Sport selection. You can compare yourself to members who play the same sports as you or speak similar languages. Another example allows you to search for coaches or scouts in your city, county, state, or country selected under the Account selection. Please keep in mind, the more precise you are in completing the search values the less likely you will get results, since the more filtering functions performed provides results based on all of your requirements. You should be as exact in your search to get the best results.

Submitting to all of the Search Values is not a requirement. If your peer criteria search is not to your satisfaction, please consider fewer requirements and initiate the search again. Another option is to include posting your requirements on our Message Board.

You may only search for members by sport and for the sports that you have created a sport profile for. For example if you would like to be able to compare yourself with only baseball players, you must create a baseball profile. The purpose of this search is to compare you to or search for other members by sport. Therefore, in order to appear in these search results you must have established at least one sport profile.

Article Search: When searching for articles please respond to as many “Search Values provided in the boxes below. You can submit your request by Title, Author, Date, Sport Category, Sport Name, Keyword and Language. You do not have to complete all search values. Keep in mind the more detailed you are in searching for articles should return your desired results. If no results are returned as a result of your search, consider refining your criteria by entering less search requirements.

Team Search: You can search by teams by entering the information in the search values or by the teams name or by the sport you are looking for. You can narrow your search results by specifying location information such as city, county, state and country.

Fan Club Search: You can search fan clubs by name and sport. If known include the Fan Club’s Creator’s Name to further refine your search

Sports Connections & Keywords: You can search our database of over 5,000,000 personally identified sport, professional, business, health connections and keywords. Each sport home page has its own set of sport related connections and keywords.

Choose your Category, Sport and Keyword and it will take you to articles written about the Keyword selected. There, if you click on that Sports link it will take you to all keywords of that sport. If you click on the Sport Category it will take you to that Sport Home Page.

  • You can access your Profile by clicking on the Profile link located near the top of the page
  • To access our Sports and be able to post your content on any of our 30,000 sport selections, each with their own home page, click on the Sports Tab located near the top of the page, which will take you to “Select a Sport” that includes eight options* to choose from (General Sports, Special Olympics, Sports by Gender/Age, Sports by Country, USA Colleges/Universities, International Colleges/Universities, Sports by High School, Olympics/Paralympics). Each sport tab will provide step-by-step directions, with sport search options using our horizontal alphabetical bar; sport or sport category selections to access the sport home pages of choice.
  • Utilizing our “tabs” located on every sport home page, you can post on:

On Featured Videos & Articles, select the videos and articles from your Profile page. Create content in our Featured Content & Blogs tab, by selecting from the following options: Movers & Shakers, SportsWire, Events and Spotlight. On this page go to “Post Your Message Here” and Categorize the Post by using the scroll bar options for the above.

In our Polls Tab, create a Poll Question and Poll Choice ( at least two poll choices are required for a Poll. Click on Create and it will automatically be posted. You can also utilize the Click Here to Follow (sport name) to get email or sms updates on new postings. (this is optional). You can share this with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links.

In our Sports Connections & Keywords tab, click on your selection and it will take you to any articles about that sport and member profiles identified by this term or keyword

In our Links Shared by Members tab, you can share an external link by clicking on Share a Link. Provide a Link Description (Limit 50 Characters) and supply the Link URL (i.e. www.sportsite.com). Then click on Share to have it posted on this page. You also have the option of following this sport home page by clicking on Click Here to Follow _____ (sport). You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links.

In our Classifieds/MarketPlace tab, you can view current classifieds by selecting the member, creation date, if buyer or seller and product/service.

You can also create a listing by posting the Listing Title, Product/Service, Location, Price, Contact info, if Buying or Selling and a Listing Description. You can upload a photo from your computer or use our webcam feature. You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links. Classified Entries can be edited or deleted from the My Account Classifieds Edit Page

In our Recruiting Tab, you can view current postings by member, creation date and filtering by College Recruiting, Job Market or Seeking Employment.

You can also create a listing by posting the Listing Title, Organization, Contact info, Service, Purpose (College Recruiting, Job Market or Seeking Employment, a Listing Description and Resume. You can upload a photo from your computer or use our webcam feature. You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links. Recruiting Entries can be edited or deleted from the My Account Recruiting Edit Page

In our Post Videos tab, you can upload a video; include its title and description; upload from your computer or embed from Your Tube. Click on Upload and Import Videos. Click Here to Follow _____ (sport). You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links.

In our Photos Tab, You can upload photos from your computer, use a webcam and view as a slide show by making your choice on the appropriate links. You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links. You can choose to Follow this page and be notified by (your choice) of email or sms.

When you click on the Articles link located near the top of the page you will be provided the opportunity to (1) Search for Articles (a feature of our Advanced Searches) (2) Submit an Article: When submitting your article or video (videos can be uploaded from your computer; by webcam or You Tube), please select the language, sport, sport category and keyword that best identifies your submission. By completing these requests your content will be posted in your profile, sport, sport home page, sport category and keyword you selected. This affords you greater exposure and engages fellow members.

For the Teams link, which is located near the top of our pages, it will provide you with the opportunity to create as many team profiles as you wish. On this page is a guide for team creation. You can search for existing teams. Create a team for any of our sports and sport categories. Upload your team picture from your computer or through our webcam feature. Use the appropriate links to Invite Friends and Share With Members. You can also share with any of our 360 social networks that you may be a member of. You also have the option To “Share” this information with MLS Social Networks that are posted on the Landing Page.

The Messages Link, which is located near the top of our pages allows you to write a private message to one of your contacts in the Create Message tab. You can use the scroll bar to select the service to get to your contacts. You can also view messages by clicking on the View Messages link.

The Fan Clubs link, which is located near the top of our pages provides you the opportunity to create a fan club. To view our guide for fan club creation there is a link to click. When creating a fan club first select your sport by filtering by sport category and using the sport dropdown list below. proceed to completing the information requested at the bottom of this page. Once the team is created it will become part of your profile. Please contact your teammates, friends, current MLS members and others to join your team by becoming new members of MLS. You can also use our Search feature to search for existing Fan Clubs. You can create a fan club for a team or member.

You can Share with your Social Networks, Invite Friends and Share with Members by using the appropriate links on this page. You also have the option To “Share” this information with MLS Social Networks that are posted on the Landing Page.

The Message Board Link provides the opportunity to submit posts, polls, etc. relative to your sports of choice.

The Select Language scroll bar allows you to have the page translated in the choices of languages. Please note, this feature does not affect your ability to submit content to any of our features in your language of preference.

The following links, which are located at the bottom of all MLS pages are self-explanatory: Affiliates, Disability Sports, Education & Sports, Future Features, Personal Data Policy, MLSZOO, Kids Privacy Policy, News & Events, Philanthropy Privacy Policy, Philanthropy, Recruiting/Colleges, Sports Health & Fitness, Tech & Business Services and Write4MLS are further described in our FAQ link, which is located near the top of every page on MLS.

Note: All features & links on the Landing Page/Home Page are further described in our FAQ link located on this page. Click on the desired link in the Glossary for additional information.

If you require additional assistance, please forward your request to support@mls.com

My Account Features

The “My Account” feature is where you can create and update all of your personal information, including but not limited to your Name, Contact Information, Profile Picture, Messengers, Location and Account Information, Languages Spoken and Read, Email and SMS Alerts, Security options, Personal description, Bio, Other Talents and Goals. You can also add multiple sports and sport related profiles as well as profiles for your children who are under the age of thirteen.

Although it is recommended you respond to as many questions for interacting, making connections and establishing your sports legacy, submitting to all of the questions is not a requirement.

You have the option of selecting a Family Account which is for Parents, Guardians, or other Legal Caregivers by adding your children. As a Family Account you can create an update of your child's profile just like you would your own profile. Profiles created by Family for their children can only be modified through the Family account

To start creating , sharing and preserving your sports legacy proceed to our Timeline Feature link to submit your content, videos, articles and pertinent information of your sport and sport related activities, highlights, events, awards, testimonials, educational achievements… and more, in your preferred languages.

Also on the Timeline Feature you can use the Manage Articles link, which provides you the opportunity to delete or edit any articles that you have submitted from your Profile page within the Blue Link titled Articles, located under View User’s Content. There you can write an article, view articles you have written and articles written about you. You can use the and Manage Video Link to edit or delete any videos you have submitted from your Profile Page in the Blue link titled Videos located under View User’s Content. From there you can upload a video from your computer or embed it from You Tube.

Create as many profiles as you wish by identifying all of your sport(s) and clicking on the Select Your Sports link that features 30,000 sport selections. Your Select a Sport includes eight options to choose from (General Sports, Special Olympics, Sports by Gender/Age, Sports by Country, USA Colleges/Universities, International Colleges/Universities, Sports by High School, Olympics/Paralympics).

Once you have made your choice by clicking on the desired sport tab and sport category, it will take you to that sports home page where you can contribute content from your profile, in your languages of choice. Your profile information that has already been completed will automatically be copied onto your other sport profiles. Each can be edited.

Select from the Personalized HP link to create Personalized Home Pages. Options include home page options for you, Sport, Business, Team, Health & Fitness, Professional, State, Country, School, High School, USA or International College/University, Olympic, Paralympic or Special Olympic.

Select the Family Home Page link if you are interested in having an exclusive home page for your family.

Select the Coaching HP link if you are a coach. Here you can select a sport and sport category from over 30,000 sport selections or create a personal identification of your own from our 5 million sport terms and keywords.

Select the Exclusive Blogging link if you would like to be the “exclusive blogger” for any of our 30,000 sport selections.

Select the My Classifieds link to view any classifieds you have posted in any of the 30,000 sport home pages under the Classifieds/MarketPlace tab. There you can view classifieds and create a classified

Select the My Recruiting link to view postings by a member; its creation date and its purpose.. for college recruiting, job market or seeking employment. To post on this feature go to any of our 30,000 sport home pages. You can also click on the Recruiting Tab to submit your information relative to this feature

Select the Fee Based Services link to view options offered to members and how to secure additional information on each.

Select the Philanthropy link and it will direct you to the Sports Philanthropy Home Page. Utilizing our “tabs” you can post your Featured Videos & Articles, Create content in our Featured Content & Blogs tab, Create a Poll, View Sports Connections & Keywords, Contribute and view Links Shared by Members, Create Classifieds in our Classifieds/Marketplace feature, Create a Recruiting Need, Post Videos and Photos.

You can choose to Follow this page and be notified by (your choice) of email or sms. Share with your social networks, Invite Friends, Import Articles and Share With Members by selecting the appropriate links on this page.

The MLS Sports Philanthropy Project provides a Privacy Statement for this feature on this page.

Our members are the lifeblood of Mls…… and in our continued support of sport competition we will donate a portion of our advertising revenue to Sports Philanthropy, Grants, Scholarships and Disabled Sport related Charities.

The icons to the left of the Advanced Search link include “Print” allows you to print the page you are viewing. “Email” to a friend and “Add a Favorite” Link where you can add the webpage you are currently viewing as a favorite. To access your favorites, visit your Favorites Center (the Favorites Center is a function of your browser and not a service of MLS.). Following the directions as posted.

Choose the Select Your Sports link to create profiles for all of your sport activities. From here you have the following opportunities: Submit an article, a video, Add a Sport, create your personalized, which include home page options for yourself, Sport, Business, Team, Health & Fitness, Professional, State, Country, School, High School, USA or International College/University, Olympic, Paralympic or Special Olympic. family, coaching or exclusive blogger sport home pages. You can also select the keywords and account that best describes your affiliation to the sports you select

Select the identification that best describes you prefer from the Account Settings scroll bar. To save your changes, click on the Save All Changes link at the bottom of the page.

Note: The information you post on the My Account will automatically become part of your Profile page.

Important: The following links, Profile, Sports, Articles, Teams, Messages, Fan Clubs, Message Board, Media Kit, Contact, Terms FAQ, Feedback, Advanced Search Features, Affiliates, Disability Sports, Education & Sports, Future Features, Personal Data Policy, MLSZOO, Kids Privacy Policy, News & Events, Philanthropy Privacy Policy, Philanthropy, Recruiting/Colleges, Sports Health & Fitness, Tech & Business Services and Write4MLS are detailed on the Landing Page Feature Link

To secure additional information on the use of this feature, please click our FAQ link; you will be directed to our FAQ Glossary; click on My Account

If you require additional assistance, please forward your request to support@mls.com

Your “Profile” Features

Here you will see your main profile (Member’s Main Profile) based on content submitted by you to your My Account feature

In the Member’s Messages Link, you can write a private message to one of your contacts in the Create Message tab. You can use the scroll bar to select the service to get to your contacts. You can also view messages by clicking on the View Messages link.

The links located under “View User’s Content” provide access to all of the Sport Profiles you created from your My Account feature and content submitted to the site for the various options you have.

In the Photos link you can upload your photos, use your webcam; view them as a slideshow and import Instagram feeds

In the Videos link you can upload your videos from your computer and embed from You Tube

In the Blog link you can select your sport category and sport and post your blog. It will appear in the blog feature of that sport category.

In the Articles link you can write articles; view articles written by a member and articles written about a member.

In the Teams link you can view the teams you have created or teams you belong to from the Teams Feature that you can access by clicking on the Team Link towards the top of all MLS pages.

In the Contacts link you can view all of your contacts, friend requests and search for members to add.

In the Fan Clubs link you can view all of the Fan Clubs that you created and that have been created on your behalf. Use the Fan Clubs link at the top of all of our pages to create a fan club for a team or member.

In the Education, Awards, Events, Highlights and Testimonial Links you can view all of the content that you submitted from your My Account Timeline Feature regarding any of these features.

In the Podcast link you can create your file/episode content; upload it on an mp3 and select the sport and sport category.

In the Share This feature, you can submit content to any of the 360 social networks posted that you belong to.

The Share with Members link, you have the option to share your profile with your contacts. Type in their first, last and user name and click on “Share”. You also can Search for” Members to Share With” by completing the search values requested, including their First. Last and User Name, City, State, County, Country, Language and Account Type.

Under the “Follow” option you will see whom you have decided to follow on MLS.

In the Follow feature you will be able to click on “View Member’s Followers to see who is following you.

In the Who is Searching You link, you will be able to view what members are searching you.

In the Invite Friends link, you can choose your service to get your contacts from the drop down of 30 email address sources provided. They will appear in the grid select where you can send an invitation to your friends. if you have not selected any, just click on Given mailing services to import contacts. You have the options of selecting all on the page or unselect. You can also delete a friend.

To subscribe to a members feed:

Copy this url into your rss reader to subscribe: http://Kids2ProSports.com/rss.aspx?Type=RSS&User=kids2proports

The icons to the left of the Advanced Search link include “Print” allows you to print the page you are viewing. “Email” to a friend and “Add a Favorite” Link where you can add the webpage you are currently viewing as a favorite. To access your favorites, visit the Favorites Center. (note the Favorites Center is determined by what web browser you use and is not a function of MLS)

Important: The following links, My Account, Profile, Sports, Articles, Teams, Messages, Fan Clubs, Message Board, Media Kit, Contact, Terms FAQ, Feedback, Advanced Search Features, Affiliates, Disability Sports, Education & Sports, Future Features, Personal Data Policy, MLSZOO, Kids Privacy Policy, News & Events, Philanthropy Privacy Policy, Philanthropy, Recruiting/Colleges, Sports Health & Fitness, Tech & Business Services and Write4MLS are detailed on the Landing Page Feature Link

For information on posting advertisements on this or any or our site’s pages go to our Media Kit link near the top of the page to view all of the featured links including Why Promote Your Services and Products on MLS, Ways to Advertise, How To Advertise, Advertising Formats, Fee Based Options, Advertisement Pricing, Advertisement History, Create Advertisements and Advertising Assistance. Step-by-Step directions are provided. If you need further assistance, please contact ads@mls.com

To secure additional information on the use of this feature, please click on our FAQ link; you will be directed to our FAQ Glossary; click on any of the following sources: Advertising, Advertisement/Sponsorship Pricing or Advertising Assistance

To secure additional information on the use of this feature, please click our FAQ link; you will be directed to our FAQ Glossary; click on Profile

If you require additional assistance, please forward your request to support@mls.com

Advertisers and Sponsors

For Advertisers and Sponsors click on our Media Kit link near the top of any of our pages to view your options for our personalized sport home pages, profiles, teams and fan clubs, General Sports; Gender/Age; Sports by Country; High Schools; USA & International Colleges and Universities; Olympic; Paralympic and Special Olympic sports options.

Advertising and Sponsorship selection options include our athletes, personalized sport home page options, profiles, teams and fan clubs, general sports; gender/age; sports by country; high schools; USA & International colleges and universities; Olympic; Paralympic and Special Olympic sports.

Advertise by Sport is our most popular marketing option. With over 30,000 featured sport selections from within the USA and over 265 countries to select from, this allows your advertisement to be viewed on the home page of the sport and sport identification you choose as well as on the pages on any articles, teams, fan clubs, Featured Video & Articles, Featured Content & Blogs, Sport Terms & Keywords, Links Shared by Members and Classifieds/MarketPlace related to that sport. The advertising placement home page options can be found in our Sports Tab – Select a Sport feature where you can choose from our General Sports, Special Olympics, Sports by Gender/Age, Sports by Country, Olympics/Paralympics, USA Sports by College/University, International Sports by College/University or High School Sports. Advertising by sport provides the maximum exposure throughout the site.

You can specifically advertise on Personalized Sport Home Pages, which options include: Sport Home Page, Team, Sport Health & Fitness, Professional Services, Philanthropy, Business, State, Country, Olympics, Paralympics, Special Olympics, School or High School, USA or International College and University Sport Home Pages.

You can specifically advertise on Member’s profiles

Members can order one or multiple insertions. There are no competing rotations with other advertisements. Minimum term is three days that can be selected consecutively or randomly depending upon availability. Please refer to your sport of interest's “calendar” of available dates found by choosing a sport to advertise on.

If you are interested in (1) representation by your agency for a client and receiving a copy of our Media Agency Advertising Fee Agreement or (2) offering services and products to our members (including any of those mentioned in our Advertising Assistance Platforms) or (3) our Reciprocal Media Bartering opportunities, contact us at support@mls.com

Use MLS from a public relations prospective, an opportunity to engage and display appreciation (“giving back”) to your fans and consumers by sponsoring their sports legacies.

To secure additional information on the use of this feature, please click on our FAQ link; you will be directed to our FAQ Glossary; click on any of the following sources: Advertising, Advertisement/Sponsorship Pricing or Advertising Assistance

Important: The following links, My Account, Profile, Sports, Articles, Teams, Messages, Fan Clubs, Message Board, Media Kit, Contact, Terms FAQ, Feedback, Advanced Search Features, Affiliates, Disability Sports, Education & Sports, Future Features, Personal Data Policy, MLSZOO, Kids Privacy Policy, News & Events, Philanthropy Privacy Policy, Philanthropy, Recruiting/Colleges, Sports Health & Fitness, Tech & Business Services and Write4MLS are detailed in the Landing Page/Home Page Link.

If you require additional assistance, please forward your request to support@mls.com or alan.chokov@mls.com

Top of Page


Can I invite friends?

Yes. Members can invite their friends to join MyLifeSports.com by sending an email to selected/Added contacts. Just click on Invite Friends and on this page you have the option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here, those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click Import Contact to get the mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see them in the Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click Send Mail button to send mail to selected contacts.

How does the “Delete” button in the Send Email feature work?

It works the same as when you send mail; just select the mail ID you want to delete and press “Delete a Friend”

As to deleting a friend can you do them individually?

Yes. You can delete them individually same as you send mail

How do you select your email address to invite friends?

Just Select Service from your drop down of email address sources below. They will appear in the grid select where you can send an invitation to your friends. if you have not selected any, just click on Given mailing services below for import contacts

What does the reference to “Given” mailing services mean in the Invite Friends feature?

That is the indication to the mailing services on this feature.

In the list of my email addresses, what does it include?

It includes 30 email contact sources you can select from. Click on the Invite Friends link in your Profile and any other page that this feature is offered to view your sources.

Will I be able to sign in from my Twitter Account?


Will I be able to sign in from my Facebook Account?


Will there be a like, comment and report abuse buttons on articles, videos and photos?


Can I send out individual requests to friends?

Yes. Click on Messages to write a private message to one of your contacts. You can use Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail or Yahoo.

Can I receive messages from friends in my Invite Friends feature?

No. You will receive messages in the Message Center feature.

Are the Invite a Friend and Send Email the same features?

No. Invite Friend and Send Email are two different features. From Send Email you can send email to anyone using our email server or you can choose any of Gmail, Yahoo or any other option we have available to send an email. Whereas Invite Friend provides you facility to import contacts from different services and then you can invite them to Join MyLifeSports.

What happens when I click on Messages?

It will go to the page where the history of your messages will be available for viewing. Here the member can also reply to the last message.

What is the Contact button on My Profile page?

When you click on that button, it will take you to your contacts. There are two grids. The first is where you can view your current friends. The second, you can view pending friendship requests. Click on the member user profile and it will allow you to inform the member requesting your approval of your decision.

How will this work with Facebook?

When you a new member signs up using Facebook. It will click on the Facebook Icon on the Signup Page and application will open a Popup and will ask User's Facebook username and password. After that user will be redirected to another page where Facebook will ask the user to give Kids2Pro Application on Facebook to use User's personal information and if user accept that. We will get all the information of that user from Facebook and will save that information in User's Table of our application and will allow the user to Select a password for Kids2Pro Login.

Can I use my Facebook Login to access MyLifeSports?

Yes. The member will be able to use their Facebook Login to enter into our application.

Can I use Twitter to access MyLifeSports?

Yes. The member will be able to use their Twitter Login to enter into our application

Does this feature have the ability to search and add friends?.

Yes. If a member adds another member as Friend the other user will make that request in the Profile page and if the member accepts it, the other member will become their friend. Once the members become friends they will be able to send messages to those friends as well.

How can I use any of my Invite Friend options to be able to register on Mls from those accounts?

Just click on the desired email contact option and a pop-up will appear requesting you input of information to proceed.

If new friends have been added to any of my social networks are they automatically imported after I have already invited friends before the new ones? I

n that case you need to import the contacts again from any of your social networks, you need to follow the same procedure in sending invitation to the new ones.

Can I delete any friend from my Invite Friends feature?

Yes. Utilize our Delete Friend feature link.

What is the Message Center?

Here, you can view and send messages to your contacts directly

Does this feature have the ability to search and add friends?

Yes. If a member adds another member as a Friend. The other member will make the request in the Profile page and if the member accepts it, other member will become its friend. Once the members become friends then they will be able to send messages to those friends as well.

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  • AAU Sports
  • Accrediated Investors Network
  • Affluence.org
  • American Marketing Association
  • American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation
  • Angles and Early Stage Investors
  • Athlete Network
  • Athletic Networking
  • Baseball Industry Network
  • Corporate Angel Network
  • eMarketing Association Network
  • Executive Athletes
  • Global Investment Network
  • Golf Industry Professionals
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Hedge Fund Network
  • Inbound Marketers – For Marketing Professionals
  • Medial Professionals Worldwide
  • Mobile Marketing & Advertising
  • National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA)
  • National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
  • National Collegiate Scouting Association
  • National Council of Youth Sports
  • National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS)
  • National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA)
  • National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA)
  • National Soccer Coaches Association of America
  • National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association
  • National Sports Marketing Network (NSMN)
  • National Youth Couches of America
  • New York Sports
  • Olympic and Paralympic Games Alumni
  • Private Equity and Venture Capital Group
  • Private Equity Investment Group
  • Society of Professional Journalists
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Special Olympics
  • SponsorPitch
  • Sports and Social Media
  • Sports Bloggers
  • Sports Business Executives Network
  • Sports Executives Assocation
  • Sports Business Journal/Daily
  • Sports Industry Forum
  • Sports Industry Network
  • Sports Marketers
  • Sports Marketing
  • Sports Marketing and PR Pros
  • Sports Media
  • Sports Writers
  • Sports, Marketing & Media Business
  • Start-Up Roundtable
  • Technology –in-Sports Industry Forum
  • The Athletes Business Team
  • The Business of Sports
  • The Sports Business Exchange – For Young Sports Business Professionals
  • VentureStreet.com

NOTE: If you would like our participation in your organization, association, group or membership, please forward your request to MLS@mls.com

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How does the MlsKids function?

From this feature you can submit photos and videos of your favorite pets and mascots in your sports of choice. Click on the MLSKids link at the bottom of any of our site pages to view.

Can I use a webcam to take and post photos?

Yes. You can take photos and post them on this feature

Can I use photos from my Desktop, Mobile Apps or Tablets?


Do I have to be a member to post photos or videos


Will my photos be archived?


When I post a photo will there be the opportunity to post a caption?

Yes. This is made available prior to posting that photo

Will there be an area for viewing any other photos I post?

Yes. When a viewer clicks on your photo it will take them to the page showing any other photos you have previously posted.

Will viewers be able to comment on my photos?

Yes by clicking on the “comment” link below the photo

Is there a limit on the amount of comments viewers can make on my photo(s)


Will I or anyone else be able to print, email or save as a favorite any of the photos posted?

Yes, using the icons posted on the site.

What happens when to many pictures are posted on the Home Page?

There will be a “Next” button to view the overflow.

Will I be able to share these photos with my social networks?

Yes. All networks that you belong to.

What will be required to submit a photo or video?

Standard uploads directions:

Upload your favorite pictures of your kids, funny and and special photos

Upload up to 10 photos (2MB max each, .jpg, .gif, .png) at the same time by selecting multiple files at once (Command click on a Mac, Control click on a PC), or click 'Browse' again to upload additional photos. You can take and post photos (and videos) from your mobile apps, tablets and webcam.


Your Name*

Your Kid’s (Photo) Name

Do you want your name added to your photo or video? ( ) yes ( ) no

Your Email*



We will not share your email address or other contact information.

Agree to terms

*Required fields

Submit Button:

If you need assistance, please send your request to support@mls.com

Can I advertise on this feature

Yes. Go to our Media Kit to format and create your advertisements.

Can I search for photos?

A Search feature is provided to search photos. See the directions on that function located on this page.

Top of Page


How does the MlsZOO function?

From this feature you can submit photos and videos of your favorite pets and mascots in your sports of choice. Click on the MLSZOO link at the bottom of any of our site pages to view.

Can I use a webcam to take and post photos?

Yes. You can take photos and post them on this feature

Can I use photos from my Desktop, Mobile Apps or Tablets?


Do I have to be a member to post photos or videos


Will my photos be archived?


When I post a photo will there be the opportunity to post a caption?

Yes. This is made available prior to posting that photo

Will there be an area for viewing any other photos I post?

Yes. When a viewer clicks on your photo it will take them to the page showing any other photos you have previously posted.

Will viewers be able to comment on my photos?

Yes by clicking on the “comment” link below the photo

Is there a limit on the amount of comments viewers can make on my photo(s)


Will I or anyone else be able to print, email or save as a favorite any of the photos posted?

Yes, using the icons posted on the site.

What happens when to many pictures are posted on the Home Page?

There will be a “Next” button to view the overflow.

Will I be able to share these photos with my social networks?

Yes. All networks that you belong to.

What will be required to submit a photo or video?

Standard uploads directions:

Upload your favorite pet, mascot, funny and unusual animal photos

Upload up to 10 photos (2MB max each, .jpg, .gif, .png) at the same time by selecting multiple files at once (Command click on a Mac, Control click on a PC), or click 'Browse' again to upload additional photos. You can take and post photos (and videos) from your mobile apps, tablets and webcam.


Your Name*

Your Pet’s (Photo) Name

Do you want your name added to your photo or video? ( ) yes ( ) no

Your Email*



We will not share your email address or other contact information.

Agree to terms

*Required fields

Submit Button:

If you need assistance, please send your request to support@mls.com

Can I advertise on this feature

Yes. Go to our Media Kit to format and create your advertisements.

Can I search for photos?

A Search feature is provided to search photos. See the directions on that function located on this page.

Top of Page


Does MLS offer a Kids Privacy Policy?

MLS adheres to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) that requires we (a) inform parents and legal guardian about how we collect, use and disclose personal information from children under 13 years of age, (b) obtain the prior verifiable consent of parents and guardians in order for children under 13 years of age to use certain features of the site, (c) do not collect more information than is reasonably necessary for a child to participate in a given activity on this site and (d) provide parents with the ability to review and delete the information collected about their kids. When we discuss “kids” in this Kids Policy, we mean children under 13 years of age. When we use the term ‘parent” in this Kids Policy, we mean to include legal guardians.

What types of personal information do you collect from kids?

This Kids Policy uses the terms “personally identifiable information” and “personal information” synonymously. When we use either, we mean information that specifically identifies a particular individual, such as the individual’s first and last name, e-mail address, postal address or phone number and any demographic or other information about a user, such as gender or a user’s number of children, when such information is directly associated with personally identifiable information.

Personal information does not include “aggregate” information, which is data we collect about a group or category of products, services or customers, from which individual customer identities have been removed. For example, information about how you use a service may be collected and combined with information about how others use the same service, but no personal information will be included in the resulting data.

What is Direct Collection?

We believe that the user experience is safest for kids when they are not able to enter personal information into the Site. Kids can surf the site and view sample content, but kids are eligible to maintain only a limited access account, which does not allow any personal information to be entered into the Site. With limited access accounts, kids cannot access certain interactive features located on the Site in connection with which kids would be able provide personal information, such as chat rooms, instant messaging, e-mail, message boards or forums and other similar interactive activities (the “Interactive Activities”).

What happens when you know a user is attempting to register for MLS as a kid?

We do not allow that kid to enter personal information, except as permitted in accordance with applicable law (for example, we may collect a kid’s name and email address to the extent reasonably necessary to protect the safety of a child participant on the Site, to protect the security or integrity of the Site, to take precautions against liability, to respond to judicial process or to provide information to law enforcement agencies or for an investigation on matters related to public safety).

Are their exceptions?

We may collect a kid’s email address to respond to certain specific requests or inquiries (such as answering a child’s question, requesting a subscription to an online newsletter or signing up for a contest), provided that in certain circumstances we may be required to notify parents that we have collected such information and give parents the opportunity to request that we make no further use of such information. Additionally, Kids2Pro may provide the “limited access account” kid with the ability to participate in any of the MLS marketing and/or promotional programs in which the data collected is used only for internal purposes (where no information is shared or publicly disclosed). This may require an email sent to parents requesting their affirmative consent.

Do you collect any passive information?

Please see the “Automatically Collected Information” section of our general Privacy Policy to learn about information that is passively collected on our Site through technology such as cookies.

How do we use and share the personally identifiable information that we have collected about kids?

We use personal information from kids to complete transactions requested by them, to provide customer services, to customize and develop our products or services, to respond to questions, problems or complaints, to request feedback, to send administrative communications, promotional materials (including special offers and promotions) and information about our products and service, and for other specified purposes for which the personal information was provided and any purpose relating thereto. Please see our general Privacy Policy for a more detailed description of the use of personally identifiable information

What is your policy on sharing personal information?

We do not share any personal information about kids with any third parties other than (a) third-party service providers and consultants ("Service Providers") who assist us in performing internal functions in connection with the operation of our business, such as fulfilling orders, processing payments or other information, assisting in verifying parental consent and complying with other applicable regulations, performing internal analysis of the Site or administering surveys on our behalf, (b) in connection with mergers and business transfers as set forth in our general Privacy Policy, and (c) disclosures required by law and to help protect the rights, security and safety of the Site, MLS, our users or others, as set forth in our general Privacy Policy.

Service Providers have agreed not to use or retain personal information obtained in connection with the Site for any purpose other than to carry out the services for us and to maintain the confidentiality, security and integrity of all such personal information obtained in connection with the site.

What happens when something is posted on the Message Board?

Parents and kids should note that any information that kids post to message boards or other Interactive Activities will be accessible by other users of the Interactive Activities with whom the kids allows to access their profile and could be used to send the kid, or anyone else identified in the information posted by the kid, unsolicited messages. Kids should not post any personally identifiable information, including, without limitation, names, phone numbers, or email addresses, in connection with any Interactive Activities. Parents should talk to their children about not posting personal information in connection with their participation in Interactive Activities on the Site.

Do Parents have the right to consent to our collection of personal information?

Parents have the right to consent to our collection and use of personal information from their without also consenting to our disclosure of such information to third parties (except for disclosures to third parties who provide support for the internal operations of the Site and who do not use or disclose that information for any other purpose)

Are there other instances when parents would be notified?

Parents will be given the opportunity to exercise this right if their kids' actions on the site trigger an email to the parents requesting any parental consent (as discussed above). Note that all sites that are directed to children under 13 are prohibited by law from conditioning a kid’s participation in an online activity on the kid’s providing more personal information than is reasonably necessary

How do we notify and obtain consent from parents for the collection of information from their kids?

If a kid attempts to register and indicates that his or her age is under 13, the account will automatically be flagged as a limited access account that restricts access to certain MLS features, and we will ask the kid to provide us with his or her first name and a parent’s email address so that we may contact a parent to request consent in the event the kid takes any action on the Site that would require entry of personal information (as discussed above). In the event the kid takes any such action on the Site, we will then send an email to the parent’s email address containing our notice to parents of our practices regarding use, collection and disclosure of personal information about kids (the “Notice to Parents”) and requesting verifiable consent to collection of the kid’s personal information as outlined in the Notice to Parents.

Will you retain the parent’s email address for a reasonable time to allow the parent to consent to collection of the kid’s personal information?

Yes, and we will also provide a means for parents to authenticate themselves if they desire access to the child’s account. If the parent does not provide consent within a reasonable time, we will delete the email address and we will not collect any personal information from the kid.

How can parents review, change or delete personal information collected from their kids?

Parents have the right to review and have deleted from our records personal information collected from their kids. Further, at any time parents may refuse to permit us to collect further personal information from their kids. To change or delete account information that we have collected from their kids, parents must contact us by sending an e-mail to privacy@kids2pro.com. Parents should please include the child’s username and their own e-mail address in the e-mail so that we can better assist with any such inquiry or request.

How will we notify parents if our Kids Privacy Policy changes?

We reserve the right to amend this Kids Privacy Policy at any time. We will provide parents notice by e-mail of any material changes in the way we intend to collect, use, and/or share kids’ personal information. Please note that, at all times, parents should update their personal information to provide us current e-mail addresses. We will apply material changes in our Kids Privacy Policy only in conformance with applicable law, including any applicable provisions of COPPA that require parental consent.

How do I obtain more information about COPPA?

For more information on the laws governing the collection of information from children on the internet please visit the website of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) at www.coppa.org

Top of Page


Can I invite friends?

Yes. Members can invite their friends to join MyLifeSports.com by sending an email to selected/Added contacts. Just click on “Invite Friends” and on this page you have the option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here, those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click “Import Contact” to get the mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see them in the Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click “Send Mail” button to send mail to selected contacts.

If new “friends” have been added to any of my social networks are they automatically imported after I have already invited friends before the new ones?

In that case you need to import the contacts again from any of your social networks, you need to follow the same procedure in sending invitation to the new ones.

Can I delete any friend from my Invite Friends feature?

Yes. Utilize our Delete Friend feature link.

Can I share with MLS Members?

Yes. Just click on the Share with Members link found on your Profile page and proceed from there. Here you can share with your contacts and search for members to share with.

Warning! Sharing your profile with a member who is not on your contacts list will allow that member to view your profile regardless of your security settings. Please only share your profile with members whom you trust to view your information

The “Share” with MyLifeSports link takes you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page “Follow us on” feature, where you can post your content

Where does the Share This link take you to?

The “Share This” link takes members to their own social networks

Where can I locate the Links Shared by Members feature?

It is located on every sport home page. Just click on its tab to view its feature.

What is the Links Shared by Members features.

This includes your ability to submit an external link URL and a link description relative to the sport (home page) term or keyword

Top of Page


What are your media resources?

At MyLifeSports.com our website was exclusively developed to provide you with the control, tools and flexibility to promote your services and products in an engaging environment; selecting the demographics that best distributes to a marketplace without boundaries. Featuring over 30,000 sport selections and more than 5,000,000 personally identified sport, professional, business, health and sport related keywords no global legacy sports site has our potential market reach!

Where can you view my advertisements?

With accessibility through conventional desktop/laptop computers and Tablets, including iPad and iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Symbian/Nokia and other smart phone mobile applications, MLS allows our members to take advantage of direct interest related content, on a single destination platform that spans a cross-generational market.

What are your Advanced Search features as they apply to advertisers?

Featuring seven internal search engine options and thousands of interactive features, MLS provides the consumer with accessibility to the Advertiser s services and products submitted directly by the Advertiser in their selected sports, sport related venues, languages and countries of preference.

What Ad and Sponsorship options do I have?

Advertising and Sponsorship selection options include our athletes, personalized sport home page options, profiles, teams and fan clubs, general sports; gender/age; sports by country; high schools; USA & International colleges and universities; Olympic; Paralympic and Special Olympic sports.

Are there areas were non-members will not see my advertisement?

Yes. On the Home Page (Landing Page) links for those who are members will include Home, Profile, Sports, Articles, Teams, Messages, Fan Clubs and Message Board tabs. These aforementioned tabs are not visible to non-members.

Do you offer compensation to advertisers?

If you are interested in representation by your agency on behalf of your client and would like to receive a copy of our Media Agency Advertising Fee Agreement, contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com; Please reference Ad Fee Agreement Request

What options to I have to submit services or products to the Mls members?

You can offer services and products to our members including any of the platforms within our Advertising Assistance feature, contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com for assistance. Please insert what your interest is and to what sports or sport categories you are considering.

Does Mls consider alternative opportunities like reciprocal media bartering?

Yes, Mls will consider reciprocal media bartering and other alternative possibilities. Send your request to Alan.Chokov@mls.com; Address this to Reciprocal or Bartering Request

Does Mls offer any advertising specials?

Yes. Contact us for our current advertisement package specials at Alan.Chokov@mls.com; Address this to: Advertisement Specials Request

Top of Page


What does Membership to Kids2PropSports allow me to do?

"For Kids & Adults of all Ages , MyLifeSports is a FREE interactive global network, that provides the resources to create, share and preserve your sports legacy from childhood . to professional and beyond. Create, Share & Preserve Your Sports Legacy

Promote yourself to millions of fellow athletes, coaches, sport related organizations, professionals and scholarship opportunities Explore and contribute content to over 5,000,000 defined keywords/terms, 30,000 thousand sport selections from the 265 countries and 8 internal search functions....in your languages of choice. A passionate family opportunity to preserve your children's sports legacy, nurturing their sport, educational and life skills for their future Connect to 360 social networks, 70 national & international sports organizations and groups whose memberships represent over 80 million athletes; thousands of college coaches and millions of sport enthusiasts and sport related professionals. Create UNLIMITED sports, professional and business profiles and your own personal, team, group or country sport home pages. Using our exclusive Member Criteria Search you can compare your skills with Athletes from around the world

Brand yourself by showcasing your skills throughout your career

Create unlimited sport, educational & professional opportunities around the globe.

We support of the world’s spoken and read languages

Invite, Connect, and Chat with Your Current and Past Teammates in a Fun and Safe Environment in your languages of choice

Available assistance in exclusively promoting your career

How do I become a member of Kids2PropSports?

Simple! Just click on Register on the top of the home screen and fill out the necessary boxes. Please keep in mind the more complete you are in describing yourself works to your benefit from social .to educational and beyond.

Is Registration Free?

Yes, registration and membership is free.

Can I register for MLS from my Facebook account?


How will this work with Facebook?

When you a new member signs up using Facebook. It will click on the Facebook Icon on the Signup Page and application will open a Popup and will ask User's Facebook username and password. After that user will be redirected to another page where Facebook will ask the user to give Kids2Pro Application on Facebook to use User's personal information and if user accept that. We will get all the information of that user from Facebook and will save that information in User's Table of our application and will allow the user to Select a password for Kids2Pro Login.

Can I register for MLS from my Twitter account?


Can I register from my LinkedIn Account?


Top of Page


If I want to be notified when anything I am following on MLS is posted, what services are provided?

Members have the option of receiving email alerts and/or sms messages (text messages) the moment the content is posted. These options are located on the My Account feature.

If I want to cancel either or both of these options, where would I do this?

Click on My Account. Scroll down to Account Settings. Unclick Email Alerts Click on Click here to set up SMS (Text Message) Alerts and delete your number. Click Save.

Top of Page


What can I place on the Message Board?

The message board is a great way to interact with other members of the MLS community. It is here that you can create polls, initiate discussions, post your scholarship information, etc.

How long will the information stay on the message board?

All posts stay on the message board indefinitely until an administrator removes them.

Can I create a poll?

Yes, simply start a new thread on the forum with the poll making option.

If I have a complaint, whom do I contact?

Send your complaint to support@mls.com, Attn. Complaint Dept.

If I have a suggestion, whom do I contact?

We would love to hear any and all of your comments, suggestions or issues. Please use the feedback feature located at the top of every page.

How do I submit content to the Message Board?

You have the option of selecting tabs that include scroll bars for the Forum Menu, Photo Galleries, Private Messages, User Control Panel and Members List. Here you have a User Control Panel with tabs that allows you to Edit Profile, Forum Filter, Private Message, Contacts/Friends, Personal Info, Feature Presentations, and Additional Options, Avatar/Profile Photo and Signature and Comment features. You are provided with contact information through MSN, Yahoo, Skype, AOL and ICQ.

How do I accept a contact request?

To add a contact, simply:

Step 1 Click Messages, Step 2 Click View Messages, Step 3 Click Here

Are there any promotional tools that MLS provides?

MLS offers additional options in public relations, branding, article submissions, contact introductions, press releases and alternative promotional services for its members. For assistance please contact BeDiscovered@mls.com for a personal complimentary analysis.

Can I have a different user name on the forum?

Your user name is automatically the same as the one for MLS forum.

Do I need to register for the forum?

All users are automatically registered once they sign up for MyLifeSports

How do I send messages to my contacts?

Go to the Messages link and click on the Create Message tab. Here you can write a private message to any of your contacts.

Can I Import Contacts on the Messages Feature?

Yes. Just click on the link titled Import Contacts

Top of Page


How do I get my messages?

Go to the Messages link to view all messages in your Message Box. You have the option of deleting for saving and of them

How do I create messages?

Go to the Messages link and click on the Create Message tab. Here you can write a private message to any of your contacts. You can also utilize the contact importation link to send out additional messages.

The "Share" with MyLifeSports link takes you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page Follow us on feature, where you can post your content

What happens when I click on Messages?

It will go to the page where the history of your messages will be available for viewing. Here the member can also reply to the last message.

Top of Page


How do I send photos or videos from my mobile phones or tablet?

First you will upload the photo or video into your profile. From there you can post it on your specific sports home page.

Can I do send photos or videos from my mobile phone or tablet to my personalized home pages?

Yes. First you will upload the photo or video into your profile. From there you can post it on your specific personalized home page

What mobile phone apps will I able to view MLS?

You can view Mls on your iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Nokia/Symbian mobile phones

Are the mobile apps free?

Yes. It is suggested to get the full impression of MLS that you view the site on your desktop or laptop

Can I view MLS on my iPad or other tablets?

Yes. Mls is formatted for all tablets

If I advertise on MLS will my advertisements automatically appear on the mobile apps?

All ads that are placed on our site will appear inclusive of your desktop, laptop, tablets (iPads) and mobile phone applications.

Will I be able to see the entire version of MLS on my mobile apps?

Due to the restriction on space for mobile apps some features will not be viewable. We recommend you view our site on your desktop or layout to get the complete version.

Will I be able to download the apps from my desktop MLS Website?

Yes. All mobile apps (IPhone, Symbian, Blackberry and Android) can be downloaded from our website

Will I be able to download from the app stores of whatever mobile apps I want?

Yes. Use the link leading back to the app store of choice.

Can I use either desktop or app stores for downloading the apps?


Can I view the complete and more comprehensive version of MLS on the Website rather than from my mobile phone apps?

Yes. Given the substantial amount of features and content it is recommended to appreciate the full MLS presentation it be viewed on your desktop

Can I download MLS on my mobile apps?


Can I download MLS from my iPad or other tablets?


Can I send videos and photos from my mobile device on any of the 30,000 sport homepages?

Yes. Click on the icon from your mobile browser and (Waiting to hear from Beenish

Top of Page


Can I submit articles in multiple languages?

If you wish to submit an article in multiple languages, you must resubmit it the article each time it is interpreted in a different language.

Are there any languages I cannot submit in?

You can submit in any language. Please note that that by submitting in your preferred language that it must comply with our Terms regarding submission of content.

Who is responsible for the interpretation of content submitted in any language

The member who submitted it.

What are the features of the Multicultural component?

They include the following:

30,000 featured sport selections from within the USA and 265 countries. Since sports are global yet interpreted differently by various cultures, we support all of the world's spoken and read languages. Your Languages of Preference: Members can create, preserve and share all content submissions in their languages of choice to any of our 30,000 sport selections from around the world; their personalized sport home pages, family sport legacy sport home pages, profiles, countries and over 5,000,000 individually identified sport, professional, business, health, educational related terms, keywords and interactive features. Members can be searched by the languages they speak and/or read. Go to our Advanced Search Bar and click on Search by Location & Language. :

Can I change the language on the site?

On top of every page, users can click on the drop down box titled Select a Language to choose from over 50 languages.

I don t see my language, what should I do?

Please let us know by clicking the Feedback link in the banner on any page of the site.

Top of Page


What is the My Account Feature?

The “My Account” feature is where you can create and update all of your personal information, including but not limited to your Name, Contact Information, Profile Picture, Messengers, Location and Account Information, Languages Spoken and Read, Email and SMS Alerts, Security options, Personal description, Bio, Other Talents and Goals. You can also add multiple sports and sport related profiles as well as profiles for your children who are under the age of thirteen.

Although it is recommended you respond to as many questions for interacting, making connections and establishing your sports legacy, submitting to all of the questions is not a requirement.

You have the option of selecting a Family Account which is for Parents, Guardians, or other Legal Caregivers by adding your children. As a Family Account you can create an update of your child's profile just like you would your own profile. Profiles created by Family for their children can only be modified through the Family account

How to I start creating my sports legacy?

To start creating , sharing and preserving your sports legacy proceed to our Timeline Feature link to submit your content, videos, articles and pertinent information of your sport and sport related activities, highlights, events, awards, testimonials, educational achievements… and more, in your preferred languages.

Also on the Timeline Feature you can use the Manage Articles link, which provides you the opportunity to delete or edit any articles that you have submitted from your Profile page within the Blue Link titled Articles, located under View User’s Content. There you can write an article, view articles you have written and articles written about you. You can use the and Manage Video Link to edit or delete any videos you have submitted from your Profile Page in the Blue link titled Videos located under View User’s Content. From there you can upload a video from your computer or embed it from You Tube.

How many profiles can I create?

Create as many profiles as you wish by identifying all of your sport(s) and clicking on the Select Your Sports link that features 30,000 sport selections. Your Select a Sport includes eight options to choose from (General Sports, Special Olympics, Sports by Gender/Age, Sports by Country, USA Colleges/Universities, International Colleges/Universities, Sports by High School, Olympics/Paralympics).

Once you have made your choice by clicking on the desired sport tab and sport category, it will take you to that sports home page where you can contribute content from your profile, in your languages of choice. Your profile information that has already been completed will automatically be copied onto your other sport profiles. Each can be edited.

What is the Personalized Home Page Link?

Select from the Personalized HP link to create Personalized Home Pages. Options include home page options for yourself, Sport, Business, Team, Health & Fitness, Professional, State, Country, School, High School, USA or International College/University, Olympic, Paralympic or Special Olympic.

What is the Family Home Page Link?

Select the Family Home Page link if you are interested in having an exclusive home page for your family.

What is the Coaching Home Page Link?

Select the Coaching HP link if you are a coach. Here you can select a sport and sport category from over 30,000 sport selections or create a personal identification of your own from our 5 million sport terms and keywords.

What is the Exclusive Blogging Link?

Select the Exclusive Blogging link if you would like to be the “exclusive blogger” for any of our 30,000 sport selections.

What is the purpose of the My Classifieds Link?

Select the My Classifieds link to view any classifieds you have posted in any of the 30,000 sport home pages under the Classifieds/MarketPlace tab. There you can view classifieds and create a classified

What is the function of the My Recruiting Link?

Select the My Recruiting link to view postings by a member; its creation date and its purpose.. for college recruiting, job market or seeking employment. To post on this feature go to any of our 30,000 sport home pages. You can also click on the Recruiting Tab to submit your information relative to this feature.

What will I see in the Fee Based Services Link?

Select the Fee Based Services link to view options offered to members and how to secure additional information on each.

Please describe what the Philanthropy link is used for?

Select the Philanthropy link and it will direct you to the Sports Philanthropy Home Page. Utilizing our “tabs” you can post your Featured Videos & Articles, Create content in our Featured Content & Blogs tab, Create a Poll, View Sports Connections & Keywords, Contribute and view Links Shared by Members, Create Classifieds in our Classifieds/Marketplace feature, Create a Recruiting Need, Post Videos and Photos.

How do you Follow this page?

You can choose to Follow this page and be notified by (your choice) of email or sms. Share with your social networks, Invite Friends, Import Articles and Share With Members by selecting the appropriate links on this page.

Do you have a Privacy Policy for Philanthropy?

The MLS Sports Philanthropy Project provides a Privacy Statement for this feature on this page.

Our members are the lifeblood of Mls…… and in our continued support of sport competition we will donate a portion of our advertising revenue to Sports Philanthropy, Grants, Scholarships and Disabled Sport related Charities.

What are the icons to the left of the Advanced Search Link?

The icons to the left of the Advanced Search link include “Print” allows you to print the page you are viewing. “Email” to a friend and “Add a Favorite” Link where you can add the webpage you are currently viewing as a favorite. To access your favorites, visit your Favorites Center (the Favorites Center is a function of your browser and not a service of MLS.). Following the directions as posted.

How do I use the Select Your Sports feature?

Choose the Select Your Sports link to create profiles for all of your sport activities. From here you have the following opportunities: Submit an article, a video, Add a Sport, create your personalized, which include home page options for yourself, Sport, Business, Team, Health & Fitness, Professional, State, Country, School, High School, USA or International College/University, Olympic, Paralympic or Special Olympic. family, coaching or exclusive blogger sport home pages. You can also select the keywords and account that best describes your affiliation to the sports you select.

Is the Account Settings scroll bar to identify who I am?

If you are an athlete or in some way related to the sports industry you can select the identification that best describes you prefer from the Account Settings scroll bar. To save your changes, click on the Save All Changes link at the bottom of the page.

Note: The information you post on the My Account will automatically become part of your Profile page.

  • Important: The following links, Profile, Sports, Articles, Teams, Messages, Fan Clubs, Message Board, Media Kit, Contact, Terms FAQ, Feedback, Advanced Search Features, Affiliates, Disability Sports, Education & Sports, Future Features, Personal Data Policy, MLSZOO, Kids Privacy Policy, News & Events, Philanthropy Privacy Policy, Philanthropy, Recruiting/Colleges, Sports Health & Fitness, Tech & Business Services and Write4MLS are also explained in our FAQ. Just go to your selection in the Glossary and click.

I want to advertise on the site. How do I do this?

  • Step 1: On any page of MLS, click on the Media Kit link
  • Step 2: From here, you may choose to advertise according to sport, keyword, or user. After you chose, click on the Next link
  • Step 3: Chose the start and end date for your advertisement. You must also choose the ad type, the URL of your website, and an image or video.
  • Step 4: Enter your billing information.

What is a family account?

A family account is a membership that can include multiple individuals. Parents with children under the age of 13 are encouraged to register their children under this.

I want to change my privacy settings, how do I do this?

  • Step 1: Click on My Account
  • Step 2: Scroll down to My Account Settings
  • Step 3: Under My Account Security, chose the option that best describes what you want.

What is the difference between a sponsor and an advertiser?

A sponsor is a person or company who is features on the page of a certain athlete. Advertisers have their ads shown on any section of the site and are set fluctuate with other ads.

What is the philanthropy link?

This link will direct you to the philanthropy home page where we provide a communication resource for those members who would like assistance in their athletic careers and for those members who would like to contribute their resources to nurture those careers

Our members are the lifeblood of Mls and in our continued support of sport competition we will donate a portion of our advertising revenue to Sports philanthropy, Grants, Scholarships and Disabled Sport related Charities.

Do I have to put in my name when viewing information in the My Classifieds feature?

No, the Member s name is automatically recorded.

What is the My Classifieds link?

In the My Classifieds feature you can view your Sport Home Page postings on buying, selling, services or products posted on the Classifieds/MarketPlace feature on the Sport Home Pages you selected.

Do I have to put in my name when viewing information in the My Classifieds feature?

No, the Member s name is automatically recorded.

How do I view the information in the My Classifieds feature?

Your choices and required input include when the classified was posted, identifying if it were a buyer or seller and typing in if applicable if it were a product or service. This is placed in this feature automatically when something has been posted by you.

Do I have to put in my name when viewing information in the My Recruiting feature?

No, the Member s name is automatically recorded.

What is the My Recruiting link?

In the My Recruiting feature you can view your Sport Home Page postings on College Recruiting, Job Market or Seeking Employment on the Sport Home Pages you selected

How do I view the information in the My Recruiting feature?

Your choices and required input include when the recruiting requirement was posted; selecting the source by using our drop down that includes the options of College Recruiting, Job Market and Seeking Employment to choose from This is placed in this feature automatically when something has been posted by you.

If I post a blog is it free?

Posting of a blog is free. However if you would like to retain exclusive blogging privileges go to the Media Kit and click on the blue link: Exclusive Blogging, which will provide you with the requirements..

Can I post content on the Mlps social network links on the landing page?

If you would like to submit content to any of our social networks (located at the bottom of our Landing Page. You can do so provided you are a member of that social network.

The Share with MyLifeSports link takes you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page Follow us on feature, where you can post your content

Where does the Share This link take you to?

The Share This link takes members to their own social networks

In the Select a Sport Profile that This Event Relates Too (Optional), when selected does it automatically appear in my sport profile?


I forgot my password, how can I retrieve it?

If you have forgotten your password, click Forgot your password? Get a new one here

Can I change my username?

No, unfortunately users cannot change their usernames.

How do I update my location or other pertinent information on My Profile?

You can make your changes and click on the Save All Changes link at the bottom of your My Account page.

How do I update my sport profiles?

You can make changes then click on the Save All Changes link at the bottom of your My Account Page

Can I select either or both email alerts and sms alerts (text messages) for members, articles, sports, etc.?

Yes. You can select one or both. Using sms alerts (text messages) may incur standard text messaging rates. Please check with your phone carrier before utilizing this service.

If I wish to cancel my membership, what is the procedure?

Send your request to support@mls.com; address it to Cancel Membership and it will be accommodated within 24-48 hours. Please note that if you have ordered and paid for any of our fee-based options those payments are not refundable and the services or products will still be active for the term or within any agreement with MLS that you selected.

If I no longer want to be a Follower of a member, sport, etc. how do I cancel that?

When you visit a member profile or a sport which you are following the option to follow will be there instead of the option to follow.

If I want to cancel an email or sms (text message) alert, what is the procedure?

You can make changes then click on the Save All Changes link at the bottom of your My Account Page

How do I change my contact information?

You can make changes then click on the Save All Changes link at the bottom of your My Account Page

If I do not have a photo or webcam what will appear in the Profile Picture?

A non-descript facial picture with a question mark

How do I use the webcam feature?

Our webcam feature can be used to upload any personal image for the purpose of your Profile Picture or Article Image. When you click on this feature the Browser will require the permission from the member to access its webcam. If you accept it then you will be able to see its webcam on the screen. You can take your picture, click on upload to send it to the selected page s image folder.

I forgot my password. What now?

Where you register, go to Forgot your password and click on the Get a new one here. Complete the requested information, which gives you the option of providing your username or email addressed that is currently on file with MLS and you will be provided the retrieval of your password.

You will be able to reset your password once you enter your username or e-mail and security question answer

I forgot my user name, how do I retrieve it?

Where you register, go to Forgot your user name and click on the link Get an email reminder here. Then enter your email address, click submit and you will receive the information you requested.

When I get a temporary new password how do I change it?

On the My Account page use the Change Password? Feature (just as if you wanted to change a non-temporary password)

How do I prevent any email notifications from appearing in my spam folder?

To prevent this please be sure to add support@mls.com to your list of trusted recipients.

After I have registered and become a member do I always have to type in my username and password?

No. Just click the box for Remember me and you will be kept logged in.

I m a member under the age of 13 and forget my username. What do I do?

You or your parents can contact us at support@mls.com, with your birth date, location and an e-mail address to get back to you. We will locate your account information and e-mail your username to you.

How do I update my email address or other contact information?

You can make changes then click on the Save All Changes link at the bottom of your My Account Page.

What is a Family Account?

Parents, Guardians, or other Legal Caregivers, make your account a Family Account by adding your children. As a Family Account you can create an update of your child s profile just like you would your own profile. Profiles created by Family for their children can only be modified through the Family account. Enter a user name for your child and click Add Child below to get started.

What additional links to services are provided by MLS?

Welcome: MyLifeSports is the world’s premier multicultural, global sports network chronicling your sports legacy from childhood . to professional and beyond. For Kids and Adults of all Ages, our members enjoy the ability to share their sport memories and create multiple sport and sport related profiles in their languages of choice. For families, the opportunity to create, preserve and share in their children s sports legacy, nurturing their social life skills

Who are Affiliates?

Kids2ProSport welcomes the opportunity to create affiliations with individuals, companies and organizations that share our philosophy and passion. It also encourages participation in our reciprocal links program. If you are interested, please contact support@mls.com and address it to Reciprocal Links Program.

What is Recruiting/Colleges/Universities feature?

MyLifeSports.com is proud to partner and be a member of the following Collegiate Sport Recruiting Organizations to assist our members in their quest for sport career advancement; introduction to coaches and administrators; scholarship opportunities and securing the best education available. You can utilize the information created in your profiles and related resources from our site to further enhance your presentations.

What is the philanthropy feature?

Sports philanthropy is an emerging sector of corporate philanthropy in which professional sports teams, clubs or leagues donate money, time or other goods in kind to specific causes or in which philanthropy is extended to and invested in amateur sports programs or sports programs for underprivileged children or families. The MyLifeSports philanthropic mission can be viewed here. In our continued support of sport competition, MLS will donate a portion of its advertising revenue to Sports philanthropy, Grants, Scholarships and Disabled Sport related Charities.

What is the Disability Sports feature?

Disabled sports are sports played by persons with a disability, including physical and intellectual disabilities. As many of these based on existing sports modified to meet the needs of persons with a disability, they are sometimes referred to as adapted sports. However, not all disabled sports are adapted; several sports that have been specifically created for persons with a disability have no equivalent in able-bodied sports. Disability exists in four categories: physical, mental, permanent and temporary. Organized sport for athletes with a disability is generally divided into three broad disability groups: the deaf, people with physical disabilities, and people with intellectual disabilities

Does Mls support and groups?

In our support of sport competition, MLS will donate a portion of its advertising revenue to Sports philanthropy, Grants, Scholarships and Disabled Sport related Charities.

What is the Education & Sports feature?

MyLifeSports Academic & Sports mission is to focus on educational attainment and using the power and appeal of sport to positively affect our members by supporting physical and personal education, sport, and physical activity programs.

What is the MlsZOO feature?

This feature allows you to submit photos and videos of your favorite pets and mascots in your sports of choice.

What is the News & Events feature?

Here you can view the current news, events, partnerships and testimonials about MLS

What is the Sports Health & Fitness feature?

For Kids and Adults of All Ages: Content is provided for the health and welfare for all of our members. In our continued support of sport competition, MLS will donate a portion of its advertising revenue to Sports philanthropy, Grants, Scholarships and Disabled Sport related Charities.

What is theTech & Business Services feature?

MLS offers numerous support services for our members. Our in-house developers are trained and experienced with a wide range of operating and database management systems, web development environments, marketing platforms and languages. We also offer independent vendor services as noted in advertisements placed on this page and throughout our site.

What is the Write4MyLifeSports feature?

MLS has been created with one single objective in mind: to become the No. 1 multicultural sports site in the world in terms of reach, branding and quality of content.

MLS is where knowledgeable and passionate sports fans meet to share insights and opinions and to get broad, in-depth coverage of their favorite sports. Built on an open, community publishing platform, MLS gives fans a voice on what is important to them in the world of sports.

What are the Future Features of Mls?

MyLifeSports.com in its effort to continuously evolve is developing and considering the following future features (Partial List). If you have any recommendations for adding additional features, please send them to support@mls.com.

Coaching Tips, Videos and Drills, Games, Camps, Tournaments and Clinics Consignment, Auction & Memorabilia, Intellectual Partnerships, MLSZOO, Online Games & Contests, Sponsored Contests, Sport Bloopers, Sporting Event Tickets, Sport Fashions & Entertainment Sports Genealogy, Sports Mall, Sport Models for Events and Hosting, Sports Money (Funding venture capital, private equity, merger, acquisition, intellectual capital exchange or debt), Sports Radio Broadcasts, Sport Travel & International Sport Dating; Upgraded Membership and Team options.

Options to organize videos and still shots for social networking and career developing opportunities in which voiceovers and background music will bring real-life to this kind of sport content Creating a content tagging scheme that would make these events easily searchable

Pending partnership with AdNetwork.net; representing over 1,000 direct, international advertisers to geo-target sport advertisers to our site

Mls will be developing niche-oriented and customized social/business networking sites; utilizing derivatives and principals of our current platform applicable to venues such as the performing arts, financial industry, politics, sport related organizations, religious organizations .and more.

(Fee-Based or free services and products will be determined when offered)

If I have an idea for Mls, what procedure do I follow?

If you have a concept, service or product that you believe would be of interest to our members or would like to offer your suggestions on any of the above features, please contact us at Alan.Chokov@mls.com.

What are Affiliate Partnerships?

Currently: Sports Authority; Reebok; Foot Locker; Soccer.com; Golfsmith Golf & Tennis; AllPosters.com; Archives.com; esportsonline.com; beRecruited.com; Barnes & Nobel; Microsoft Store and USA Today; with additional sources being considered. If you or you know someone who would like to be considered as an Affiliate of MLS, please contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com

Are there additional links?

Yes. The additional links, which can be located toward the top of the Landing Page include:

Media Kit: At MyLifeSports.com our website was exclusively developed to provide you with the control, tools and flexibility to promote your services and products in an engaging environment; selecting the demographics that best distributes to a marketplace without boundaries. Featuring over 30,000 sport selections and more than 5,000,000 personally identified sport, professional, business, health and sport related keywords no global legacy sports site has our potential market reach!

With accessibility through conventional desktop/laptop computers and Tablets, including iPad and iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Symbian/Nokia and other smart phone mobile applications, MLS allows our members to take advantage of direct interest related content, on a single destination platform that spans a cross-generational market.

Featuring seven internal search engine options and thousands of interactive features, MLS provides the consumer with accessibility to the Advertiser s services and products submitted directly by the Advertiser in their selected sports, sport related venues, languages and countries of preference.

Advertising and Sponsorship selection options include our athletes, personalized sport home page options, profiles, teams and fan clubs, general sports; gender/age; sports by country; high schools; USA & International colleges and universities; Olympic; Paralympic and Special Olympic sports

If you are interested in (1) representation by your agency and receiving a copy of our Media Agency Advertising Fee Agreement (2) offering services and products to our members including any of the platforms located in our Advertising Assistance feature, or (3) our Reciprocal Media Bartering opportunities, contact us at Alan.Chokov@mls.com; please specify which program(s) you are interested in.

You can also contact us for our advertisement package specials at Ads@mls.com

CONTACT: Provides your connection resources for Advertising, Feedback, Work with Us, Email, Phone Numbers and Tech Support.

TERMS: Is the interpretation of our services, application, plug-ins, components, functionality or programs created and made available by MyLifeSports.

FAQ: Provides questions and answers to questions regarding the use and application of MLS services, application, plug-ins, components, functionality or programs created and made available by MyLifeSports. If a member does not see an answer to their question, you can submit that question to support@mls.com. We will respond to you within 48 hours or sooner.

FEEDBACK: You can enter your suggestions or comments here.

How can I view MyLifeSports.com?

You can view on any desk or laptop, tablets (iPad) and mobile devices that include free apps for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Nokia/Symbian smart phones. Additional URL s that will direct you to this site include, mls.com; Kids2Pro.com, MySportsLegacy.net; these and more can be viewed in our Terms under G. Intellectual Property Rights and Notices.

How can I submit content, videos and photos to the MyLifeSports social networks?

Click on any of our social network links located at the bottom of our Home Page (Landing Page) type in your username and password (you must be a member of that social network to post) and submit your content.

Can I follow MyLifeSports on any social networks?

You can follow MLS on Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo, Reddit, LinkedIn, You Tube, MySpace, Google+, YouTube, Bebo, Delicious, Friendster, Digg, Stumbleupon, Technorati, Twitter, Wordpress, Ezine Articles, Manta, Pineterest and Google+. Just go to our landing page and click on the social network icons you would like to view.

Are there any advantages to submitting content, videos and photos to the MyLifeSports Social Networks?

It provides additional enhanced exposure for your athletic and sport related efforts to an International audience. You can submit content provided you belong to that social network. Ex. You are a member of Facebook, therefore you can submit content to the MyLifeSports Facebook page.

Top of Page


Where can I find news and events about MyLifeSports?

View the current news, events, partnerships and testimonials about MLS by clicking on the News & Events link at the bottom of all of our site pages. Share this information with your friends and fellow members.

Can a member post news and events on the News & Events feature?

No. However if you would like to have your post considered please send it to support@mls.com attn.: News & Events

What is the News & Events feature?

It features news, testimonials, affilations and other MLS related content.

Can I contribute content to it?

This feature is populated by the adimistrative staff of MyLifeSports. If you have news or events of interest that directly pertains to this site, please send it to MLS@mls.com for consideration. We welcome your partipation.

Top of Page


What is the company's policy on personal data privacy?

MyLifeSports, LLC is committed to protecting your privacy and to complying with applicable data protection and privacy laws. This Privacy Policy ( Policy ) explains how we process personal data. Throughout this Policy the term personal data means information relating to an identified or identifiable individual (i.e. a natural person). MLS refers to MyLifeSports LLC, including its affiliates (also referred to as we , us , or our ). This Policy applies for processing of your personal data where MLS is the data controller or where we refer to the applicability of this Policy.

Our products or services may contain links to other companies websites and services that have privacy policies of their own. We recommend that you read the privacy policies of such third party services. MLS is not responsible for the privacy practices or contents of any such third party services.

NOTE: By using this website and/or by submitting personal data to MLS, you agree to the processing of your personal data as explained in this Policy. If you do not agree with this Policy, please do not use this website or provide MLS with your personal data.

What data does the company collect?

Our servers automatically collect certain non-personally identifying information, such as your computer s IP address, the type of browser in use and pages viewed as you visit our Web site. We use this information to understand how visitors navigate our site, to enhance your experiences while using our site and to make the materials we post as valuable to visitors as possible.

We collect your personal data typically when you register or make a purchase into our services or products and services, take part in a campaign or otherwise interact with us. Below are examples of the categories of data we collect.

How does this policy affect my use of products and services?

When you use our products and services your IP-address, access times, the website you linked from, pages you visit, the links you use, the content you viewed and other such information your browser provides us with is automatically collected by MLS. Some of our mobile services may collect your unique mobile device identifiers, subscriber identity information, network service provider specific identifiers, network settings and other such information. When you use our products and services or otherwise interact with us over telecommunications networks, certain additional information, such as your mobile subscription number, may be transmitted to us by your mobile network provider.

What information will you require of me?

We may ask you to provide us with information such as your name, email address, street address, user names and passwords, your consents, preferences and feedback, information relating to your devices, age, gender, postal code and language preferences. Please note that certain non-identifiable information collected from you may become personally identifiable when you provide us with your personal data.

Is there any mandatory disclosure?

MLS may disclose your personal information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with legal process, to enforce these Terms of Use, or, in its sole discretion, to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of MLS, its employees, users and third parties, and the public. In addition, for more information regarding MLS s compliance with the Children s Online Privacy Protection Act ( COPPA ), please see our Kids Privacy Policy

What distribution rights does MLS have?

You are licensing to mls.com and our third-party service providers any "content" you provide through or to mls.com and the service they offer. mls.com may modify, display, distribute and create new material using such content on mls.com s Sites for the promotion and marketing of our services and the operation of our system. Notwithstanding this license, mls.com will take reasonable precautions to help you to keep your email and voicemail messages private. By submitting content, you automatically agree, or promise, that the owner of such content has expressly agreed that, without any particular time limit, and without the payment of any fees, MLS and anyone they permit may reproduce, display, distribute, and create new works of authorship based on and including the content. You may not submit materials that have been trademarked or copyrighted by anyone other than yourself.

What rights do I have for making claims of copyright infringement?

MLS respects copyright law and expects Users to do the same. If you are a copyright owner or an agent thereof and believe that any Content infringes upon your copyrights, you may submit a notification pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") by providing our Copyright Agent with the following information in writing (see 17 U.S.C 512(c)(3) for further detail):

(1) An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest; (2) A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed upon; (3) A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the Web site; (4) Your address, telephone number, and e-mail address; (5) A statement by you that you have a good-faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; (6) A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner s behalf. For clarity, only DMCA notices should go to the Copyright Agent; any other feedback, comments, requests for technical support, and other communications should be directed to MLS customer service through MLS@mls.com. You acknowledge that if you fail to comply with all of the requirements of this Section (F), your DMCA notice may not be valid.

MLS s Agent can be reached at:

Attn: MyLifeSports Copyright Agent

P.O. Box 176

Brielle, New Jersey, 08730

E-mail: copyright@mls.com

For more information on our policy relating to claims of copyright infringement, please contact Copyright Complaints and Removal Department at support@mls.com

How are my transactions treated?

We collect information relating to your purchase and use of our products and services and your other interactions with us. Such information may include details of the queries or requests you have made, the products and services provided, delivery details, bank account number, credit card details, billing address, credit checks and other such financial information, details of agreements between you and MLS, records of contacts and communications, information and details relating to the content you have provided us with and other such transactional information. We may, in accordance with applicable law, record your communication with our customer care or with other such contact points.

Why do you process personal data?

MLS may process your personal data for the following purposes. Please note that one or more purposes may apply simultaneously.


We may use your personal data to provide you with our products and services, to process your order or as otherwise may be necessary to perform any transaction between you and MLS, to ensure the functionality and security of our products and services, to identify you as well as to prevent and investigate fraud and other misuses.


We may use your personal data to develop our products and services. However, for the most part we only use aggregate and statistical information for such purposes. We may combine personal data collected in connection with your use of a particular MLS product and/or service with other personal data we may hold about you, unless such personal data was collected for a different purpose.


We may use your personal data to communicate with you, for example to send you critical alerts, articles and related content that you have requested to follow, and other such notices relating to our products and/or services and to contact you for member feedback and care related purposes. This may include requesting recommendation from you regarding advertisements and sponsorships.

Do you sell personal data?

We do not sell, lease, rent or otherwise disclose your personal data to third parties unless otherwise stated below. We may share your personal data only if we have your consent to do so.

What is considered prohibitive submission of personal data?

MLS prohibits members from submitting any personal information or subject matter to any of our pages, components or features that could be unlawful, harassing, libelous, privacy invading, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable, or that it infringes or may infringe the intellectual property or other rights of another.

Would you share data with other MLS companies or with authorized third parties?

MLS may share your personal data with other MLS companies or authorized third parties who process personal data for K2SP for the purposes described in this Policy. An example would be PayPal.

These authorized third parties are not permitted to use your personal data for any other purposes. We require them to act consistently with this Policy and to use appropriate security measures to protect your personal data.

What happens if MLS merges with another company or is part of an acquisition?

If we decide to sell, buy, merge or otherwise reorganize our businesses in certain countries, this may involve us disclosing personal data to prospective or actual purchasers and their advisers, or receiving personal data from sellers and their advisers.

What is your policy on the privacy of children?

MLS products and services are typically intended for general audiences. MLS does not knowingly collect information of children without the consent of their parents or guardians. MLS publishes safety guidelines for using internet services in our websites.

How do you safeguard personal information?

Privacy and security are key considerations in the creation and delivery of our products and services. We have assigned specific responsibilities to address privacy and security related matters. We enforce our internal policies and guidelines through an appropriate selection of activities, including proactive and reactive risk management, security engineering, training and assessments. We take appropriate steps to address online security, physical security, risk of data loss and other such risks taking into consideration the risk represented by the processing and the nature of the data being protected. Also, we limit access to our data bases containing personal data to authorized persons having a justified need to access such information.

How are cookies used?

Cookies must be enabled to use MyLifeSports. What are cookies and how do I enable them? A cookie is a small amount of data, often including an anonymous unique identifier, which is sent to your browser from a Web site s computers and stored on your computer s hard drive. The use of cookies enables us to improve our Site by seeing which areas and features are most popular; to count the number of computers accessing the Site; to personalize the Site and improve the Site experience; to record your preferences and track the ads you view; to track your transactional information; and to allow you to visit the Site without re-entering your member ID and/or password. Technologies like cookies and local storage are used to deliver, secure, and understand products, services, and ads, on and off MLS. Your browser or device may allow you to block these technologies, but you may not be able to use some features on MLS if you block them

What are my rights if I have a question about my personal data?

You have a right to know what personal data we hold about you. You have a right to have incomplete, incorrect, unnecessary or outdated personal data deleted or updated.

We encourage you to use available profile management tools, for example our My Account feature for the above purposes as such tools often provide you with direct access to your personal data and allow you to effectively manage it.

Who is the Controller of my personal information?

MyLifeSports, LLC (t/a MyLifeSports.com) is the controller of your personal data.

In matters pertaining to MLS privacy practices you may also contact us at:


P.O. Box 176

Brielle, New Jersey


By email: support@mls.com Attention: Privacy Dept.

Does MLS transact international transfers of personal information?

Our products and services may be provided using resources and servers located in various countries around the world. Therefore your personal data may be transferred across international borders outside the country where you use our services, including to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) that do not have laws providing specific protection for personal data or that have different legal rules on data protection, for example, the United States of America. In such cases we take steps to ensure that there is a legal basis for such a transfer and that adequate protection for your personal data is provided as required by applicable law, for example, by using standard agreements approved by relevant authorities (where necessary) and by requiring the use of other appropriate technical and organizational information security measures

Does MLS acknowledge the US Safe Harbor Privacy Framework?

MLS, P.O. Box 176, Brielle, New Jersey 08732 adheres to the principals and guidelines of the EU-US/Swiss-US Safe Harbor Privacy Principles of Notice, Choice, Onward Transfer, Security, Data Integrity, Access and Enforcement.

How will I know if there are changes to the MLS Personal Data Policy?

MLS may from time to time change this Policy or change, modify or withdraw access to this site at any time with or without notice. However, if this Policy is changed in a material, adverse way, MLS will post a notice advising of such change at the beginning of this Policy and on this site s home page for 30 days. We recommend that you re-visit this Policy from time to time to learn of any such changes to this Policy. For addional terms of use go to Terms on our site.

Top of Page


What options do I have available?

You have four options to select from:

Option (1) Members have the option of having personal identified sport and sport related home pages. You can include your identification which is currently the name of the home page (Examples: Jeff Gamer; ABC Sport Doctors, Hometown Baseball), and logo. Features include a link back to your profile and the ability to submit articles, videos, photos, services, products and related content to Featured Video & Articles, Featured Content & Blogs, SportsWire, Spotlight, Events, Movers & Shakers, Polls, Classifieds/Marketplace, Recruiting, Terms & Keywords and Links Shared by Members. Additional features include Invite Friends and Share with Members. You can select and create one or multiple home pages and share with over 360 social networks, MLS’ social links, professional organizations…. and more!

These personalized home page options will be identical in format to the home pages that exist on our site with the exception of the name change. No one else can post on this sport home page without you’re approval.

Beginning at only 10cents/day* you have the opportunity to select from the following Option (1) choices:

For Option (1) please select by clicking on the box next to your choice(s).

  • Sport Home Page
  • Business Sport Home Page
  • Team Sport Home Page
  • Sport Health & Fitness Home Page
  • Professional Services Home Page
  • Philanthropy Home Page
  • State Home Page
  • Country Home Page
  • School Sport Home Page
  • High School Home Page
  • USA College/University Sport Home Page
  • International College/University Sport Home Page
  • Olympic Sport Home Page
  • Paralympic Sport Home Page
  • Special Olympic Sport Home Page

For about only 25 cents/day* you have the self-administrative control opportunity to select: Option (2) - This option is for Members who are coaches and prefer to have a personal identified sport home page with their self-administrative control over all content that is submitted and the ability to change titles and usage for our Membership features identical to the “features” listed in Option (1)

Members can select and create one or multiple home pages. No one else can post on this sport home page without your approval. You are allowed to include an external link in the event you have an existing website

These options include your name and link back to your profile and the Membership Features as noted above.*

Membership Features: Unless otherwise noted, all personalized home page selections as noted below offer the following membership features:

  • My Sport Home Page
  • My Team Sport Home Page
  • My Sport Health & Fitness Home Page
Features for the above options include your name and link back to your profile and the Membership Features as noted above. *

Features for the above options include your name and link back to your profile and the Membership Features as noted above. *

My Professional Services Home Page

Features for the Professional Services Home Page options include your name, organization name, services and products and the Membership Features as noted above.*

My Philanthropy Home Page

The Philanthropy Home Page options include our name, organization name, services and products your ability to submit articles, videos, photos, content on the Featured Video & Articles, Featured Content & Blogs – Opportunities, Education, Events, Member’s Needs & Goals, Classifieds/Marketplace, Recruiting, Terms & Keywords, Links Shared by Members and Blogs. Additional features includes Invite Friends, Share with Members, the option of sharing with over 360 social networks, MLS’ social links, professional organizations…. and more!. Members can select and create one or multiple home pages. No one else can post on this sport home page without your approval. You are allowed to include an external link in the event you have an existing website

Features for the Business Sport Home Page include your name, organization name, services and products and the Membership Features as noted above. *

My Country Home Page

Features for the Business Sport Home Page include your name, organization name, services and products and the Membership Features as noted above. *

My State Home Page

Features for the State Home Page include your state name and link to both the state and your profile and the Membership Features as noted above.*

My School, High School, USA Colleges/Universities, and International Colleges/Universities

In your choice of School, High School, USA Colleges/Universitie and International Colleges/Universities you have the Membership Features as noted above. *

My Olympics, Paralympics, and Special Olympics

In your choice of Olympics, Paralympics or Special Olympics you have the Membership Features as noted above.*

Please note: These personalized home page options will be identical in format to the home pages that exist on our site unless specified differently above. Members will have their personal administrative control to submit, edit and archive the content. If you need assistance please contact support@mls.com.

Option (3) Allows Members to place their existing website onto the MLS site.** This option does not allow any use of the functions of MLS other than locating its existence on our Select a Sport feature under the Sport and Sport Category selections, where members will be able to locate you. The maximum amount of pages cannot exceed (7) seven.

Option (4) If you prefer, MLS can provide customized featured personalized home pages through a fee-based arrangement. Features for the Business Sport Home Page include your name, organization name, services and products and the Membership Features as noted above. *

My Country Home Page

Features for the Business Sport Home Page include your name, organization name, services and products and the Membership Features as noted above. *

My State Home Page

Features for the State Home Page include your state name and link to both the state and your profile and the Membership Features as noted above.*

My School, High School, USA Colleges/Universities, and International Colleges/Universities

In your choice of School, High School, USA Colleges/Universitie and International Colleges/Universities you have the Membership Features as noted above. *

My Olympics, Paralympics, and Special Olympics

In your choice of Olympics, Paralympics or Special Olympics you have the Membership Features as noted above.*

Please note: These personalized home page options will be identical in format to the home pages that exist on our site unless specified differently above. Members will have their personal administrative control to submit, edit and archive the content. If you need assistance please contact support@mls.com.

Option (3) Allows Members to place their existing website onto the MLS site.** This option does not allow any use of the functions of MLS other than locating its existence on our Select a Sport feature under the Sport and Sport Category selections, where members will be able to locate you. The maximum amount of pages cannot exceed (7) seven.

Option (4) If you prefer, MLS can provide customized featured personalized home pages through a fee-based arrangement.

What are Personalized Home Pages?

MLS is offering personalized sport home page opportunities for its members where you can select a sport and sport category from over 30,000 sport selections or create a personal identification of your own from our 5 million sport terms and keywords. MLS offers the following options.

Do I select what picture on a personal home page selection if I am the one creating it?


What is the renewal policy?

Your subscription will be automatically renewed unless you request cancelation 10 days before the renewal date. There will be no refunds once ordered. Cancellation should be sent to the attention of: PHP Cancellation Department at support@mls.com. You will receive an email notification acknowledging your request.

How do I notify you of my option choice(s)?

By clicking the Submit button below it will send your selections to our advertising department. We will send you an email confirming that we received your request and will respond to you within 24-48 hours. If you need further assistance please contact support@mls.com to the attention: PHP

Will MLS create a Sports Home Page for a member in another language?

By using the self-administered option in our Personalized Home Page offerings, members can submit and edit the information placed on that site, including its language translation.

As an Advertiser when I place an ad on a personalized home page will it be a separate billing and will I have a calendar to see what is available?

Yes. For each posting a calendar of available dates is provided. Once a member selects and pays the required fee the reserved dates will be noted immediately.

Can another member post content on my personalized home page?

Only if you give them permission.

What is the difference between an Advertiser and Sponsor?

For identification and practical purposes they are both the same for MLS

What is the pricing for each option?

Pricing: Option (1) Personal, Team, Philanthropy, Sports Health & Fitness, Olympics, Paralympics, Special Olympics Home Pages are priced at $3.00/month.*

Schools, High Schools, Colleges and University Home Pages are priced at $4.00/month.*

Professional and Business Home Pages are priced at $10.00/month*

State and Country Home Pages are priced at $25.00/month*

Pricing: Option (2) Personal, Team, Philanthropy, Sports Health & Fitness, Olympics, Paralympics, Special Olympics Home Pages are priced at $7.50/month.*

Schools, High Schools, Colleges and University Home Pages are priced at $12.00/month.*

Professional and Business Home Pages are priced at $18.00/month*

State and Country Home Pages are priced at $25.00/month*

Pricing: Option (3) Personal, Team, Philanthropy, Sports Health & Fitness, Olympics, Paralympics, Special Olympics Home Pages are priced at $7.50/month.* Schools, High Schools, Colleges and University Home Pages are priced at $12.00/month.*

State and Country Home Pages are priced at $25.00/month*

What is the minimum subscription period?

*(One year subscription is required for the options you select; paid when order is submitted).

Pricing: Option (4) Contact support@mls.com to arrange a convenient time to speak to our web designers. The fee for services will be created based on your requirements.

Who do I contact if I need assistance:

If you need assistance please contact support@mls.com

Do I need to be a member to create a Personalized Home Page?

You must be a member to participate in our Personalized Home Page options.

Can anyone other than the “creator” submit content to PHPs?

Yes. The creator can designate whomever they choose to also submit content to a Personalized Home Page.

How do I locate Personalized Home Page Members?

Click on our Sports link, located on any of our site’s pages; it will direct you to: Select a Sport; click on the Personal Sport Home Pages tab. Here you will find a listing of members who have created personalized home pages.

Go to your My Account page and click on the blue link titled Personalized HP.

How do I locate the Family Sport Home Pages option?

Click on our Sports link, located on any of our site’s pages; it will direct you to: Select a Sport; click on the Family Sport Home Pages tab. Here you will find a listing of members who have created those pages. Please note: This is a Private Home Page

The home page that you were trying to access is private and can only be viewed by confirmed members of the home page. If you would like to become a member click on the 'Request Membership' button and a message will be sent to the creator of this home page indicating your interest.

How do I locate Team Sport Home Pages

Click on our Sports link, located on any of our site’s pages; it will direct you to: Select a Sport; click on the Team Sport Home Pages tab. Here you will find a listing of members teams who have created these pages.

How do I locate Coaches Personalized Home Pages?

Click on our Sports link, located on any of our site’s pages; it will direct you to: Select a Sport; click on the Coaches Pages tab. Here you will find a listing of members who have created these pages.

Can I upload a picture from my mobile apps?

You can upload a picture from any your smart phones, tablets, etc.

Can I upload a picture from my desktop?


Can I upload a photo from a webcam?


How will payment be made for creating a Personalized Home Page?

From our PayPal account for this feature

What information is required in creating a Sport Personal Home Page?

Sport Home Page

  • 1.Name as title of the Sport Home Page. (Ex. Jeff Golden – Baseball Player)
  • 2.Sport
  • 3.Location (Address, City, State, Country)
  • 4.Contact Info
  • 5.Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 6.Languages spoken/read
  • 7. Short Bio

What information is required to create a Business Sport Home Page?

Business Sport Home Page

  • 1. Name of Business (Ex. ABC Insurance Services – Liability Insurance for Athletes)
  • 2. What the Business Is
  • 3. Principals of the Business
  • 4. Contact Info
  • 5.Location (Address, City, County, State, Country)
  • 6.Languages spoken/read
  • 7. Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 8.Sport

What information is required to create a Team Sport Home Page?

Team Sport Home Page

  • 1. Name of the Team (Ex. New York Titans – NYC)
  • 2. Sport
  • 3. Languages spoken/read
  • 4. Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 5. Location (Address, City, State, Country)
  • 6. Contact Info

What information is required to create a Sport Health & Fitness Home Page?

Sport Health & Fitness Home Page

  • 1.Name of the creator of this page (Ex. Jack Jones – Nutritionist – Soccer)
  • 2.What the Business is (Services/Products)
  • 3.Principals of the Business
  • 4.Location (Address, City, County, State, Country)
  • 5.Languages spoken/read
  • 6.Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 7.Contact Info
  • 8.Sport

What information is required to create a Professional Services Home Page?

Professional Services Home Page

  • 1. Name of the creator of the page ( Ex.Jack Jones – Attorney At Law – Sport Representation)
  • 2. What the services or products are available
  • 3. Principals of the Business
  • 4. Languages spoken/read
  • 5. Location (Address, City, County, State, Country)
  • 6. Contact Info
  • 7. Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 8. Sport

What information is required to create a Philanthropy Home Page?

Philanthropy Home Page

  • 1. Name of the creator of the page or identification if a service, organization or other
  • 2. What services are available
  • 3. Principals of the service
  • 4. Location (Address; City, County , State)
  • 5. Languages spoken/read
  • 6. Contact Info
  • 7. Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 8. Sport

What information is required to create a State Home Page?

State Home Page

  • 1. Name of the creator and/or name of creator and state identification (Ex. Jack Jones- Football, NY)
  • 2. What services or products are being offered, if any
  • 3. Principals of the services or products
  • 4. Location (City, County, State)
  • 5. Languages spoken/read
  • 6. Contact Info
  • 7. Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 8.Sport

What information is required to create a Country Home Page?

Country Home Page

  • 1. Name of the creator of the page and identification to country (Ex. Jack Jones – Basketball – Spain)
  • 2. What the page is about
  • 3. Location (Address, Country)
  • 4. Contact Info
  • 5. Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 6. Languages spoken/read
  • 7.Sport

What information is required to create a School Sport Home Page?

School Sport Home Page

  • 1.Name of the creator and name of the school (Ex. Jack Jones – Cleveland Jr. High School, NJ)
  • 2. Location (Address, City, County, State)
  • 3. Contact Info
  • 4. Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 5. Languages spoken/read
  • 6. Sport

What information is required to create a High School Home Page?

High School Home Page

  • 1. Name of the creator and name of the school (Ex. Jack Jones – Elizabeth High School, NJ
  • 2. Location (Address, City, County, State)
  • 3. Contact Info
  • 4. Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 5. Languages spoken/read
  • 6. Sport

What information is required to create a USA College/University Sport Home Page?

USA College/University Sport Home Page

  • 1. Name of the creator and name of the college or university (Ex. Jack Jones – Adams State College) (Ex. Jack Jones – Yale University)
  • 2. Location (Address, City, County, State)
  • 3.Contact Info
  • 4. Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 5. Sport

What information is required to create an International College/University Sport Home Page?

International College/University Sport Home Page

  1. 1.Name of the creator and name of the college or university (Ex. Jack Jones – Ashton College) (Ex. Jack Jones – Alexandria University)
  2. 2. Location (Address, City, Country)
  3. 3. Contact Info
  4. 4.Gender/Age (if applicable)
  5. 5. Languages spoken/read
  6. 6. Sport

What information is required to create an Olympic Sport Home Page?

Olympic Sport Home Page

  • 1. Name of the creator (Ex. Jack Jones – Alpine Skiing Olympics)
  • 2. Location ( Address, City, (State), Country)
  • 3. Sport
  • 4. Contact Info
  • 5. Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 6. Languages spoken/read
  • 7. Description of Olympic Sports

What information is required to create a Paralympic Sport Home Page?

Paralympic Sport Home Page

  • 1. Name of the creator (Ex. Jack Jones – Alpine Skiing Paralympic Olympics)
  • 2. Location (Address, City, (State) and Country)
  • 3. Sport
  • 4. Contact Info
  • 5. Gender/Age (if applicable)
  • 6. Languages spoken/read
  • 7. Description of Paralympic Sports

What information is required to create a Special Olympic Sport Home Page?

Special Olympic Sport Home Page

  1. Name of the creator (Ex. Jack Jones – Alpine Skiing Special Olympics) Location (Address, City, (State), Country)
  2. Sport
  3. Contact Info
  4. Gender/Age (if applicable)
  5. Languages spoken/read
  6. Description of Special Olympic Sports

How do I create a personalized home page?

Go to the Creating Your Own Personal Sport Homepage link located in the Media Kit on the left side of the page; click on Create Personal Home Page Select Homepage Type Select the Sport Category Select Gender/Age Identification (Optional) Select Sport Name Include the Creator Name Supply the Location Information Upload a Picture from your computer Upload a Picture from your Webcam Proceed to Payment

Where can I upload a picture from a webcam feature?


Can I upload a photo from my mobile phones and tablets?


Can I upload a photo from my Select an image from my Image Gallery?


If someone wants to transfer a photo album (multiple pictures) to our site how would they do accomplish that?

You can upload as many pictures as you want from your computer including multiple photos at the same time

Top of Page


What is philanthropy as it applies to sports?

Sports philanthropy is an emerging sector of corporate philanthropy in which professional sports teams, clubs or leagues donate money, time or other goods in kind to specific causes or in which philanthropy is extended to and invested in amateur sports programs or sports programs for underprivileged children or families. Click on the philanthropy link located at the bottom of any of our site pages to view this opportunity

What does the philanthropy feature provide?

Our philanthropy feature provides a communication resource for those members who would like assistance in their athletic careers and for those members who would like to contribute their resources to nurture those careers

What does MLS offer in its philanthropy mission?

Our members are the lifeblood of MLS and in our continued support of sport competition we will donate a portion of our advertising revenue to Sports philanthropy, Grants, Scholarships and Disabled Sport related Charities.

Does MLS have a Philanthropy Privacy Policy?

Yes. The MLS Sports Philanthropy Project has created a privacy statement in order to demonstrate our commitment to the privacy of our web site users and our membership. The privacy statement may change at any time; any changes will be posted on this page.

How is Personal identifiable information collected?

Personally identifiable information such your name, postal address, telephone number, and areas of interest are collected only if you "opt in" by choosing to give us this information on a voluntary basis, either by registering to receive our e-newsletter in the future or signing up to be an "official" member of The Sports Philanthropy Project. As a member, you will have unlimited access to the password protected side of the website.

We do collect "aggregate data," that is, group data with no personal identifiers, to help us understand how the site is being used and to improve its usability.

Do you release information to third parties?

We do not rent, sell, give, exchange, or otherwise share personally identifiable information with other individuals or organizations. However, with the prior approval of each of our registered members, our members have access to and share with other members of our website certain publicly available information relating to their charity and philanthropic efforts. How we use the information

Personally identifiable information you choose to give us will only be used to: Send you our email updates on sports philanthropy if you registered to receive it; and including but not limited to conference updates, chat announcements and current news if you elect to receive it. We will only use the information you give us on the website for the purposes described in this privacy policy.

How would MLS contact Members?

In addition to our Sports Philanthropy Home Page, we may also occasionally communicate with you via e-mail to request updated information from you about your organization, its programs, or other pertinent information that we may require from time to time. Should you ever need to contact us for any reason, you may direct your inquiry to: support@mls.com, ATTN: Philanthropy Dept.

Does MLS have a donation program?

In support of sport competition, MLS will donate a portion of its advertising revenue to sport related charities, philanthropic efforts, grants and scholarships.

Does MLS use Cookies / Bugs?

We do not use cookies to collect information about you. We do retain the right to track click-through information so we can analyze site-traffic and improve our services to you. We do not use "web bugs," one pixel pieces of code that attach to emails and can link clickstream data to individual email accounts.

Does MLS’ Philanthropy feature contain links?

The MLS Sports Philanthropy Project contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy policies of other sites. We encourage our users to be aware of when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each site they visit. The Sports Philanthropy Project's privacy statement applies only to information collected by our website.

How do can I control personally identifiable information that I provide to MLS?

You may choose to stop receiving our emails at any time by sending an email to MLSSP.com with the words "Cancel Emails" in the subject line.

Does MLS engage in public forums?

This site may make chat rooms, forums and message boards available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information. Although we try to protect your personal information when using these public forums, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk.

Is there a philanthropy Policy?

Yes. Click on the Philanthropy Privacy Policy link at the bottom of any of our pages. On that page you will see the MLS Sports Philanthropy Project Privacy Policy. Click to review. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact support@mls.com attn.: Philanthropy Division.

You can also locate it when you click on the Kids Privacy Policy for Kids link when you register as being under 13 years of age. It is on the left hand column and identified in blue as philanthropy Policy.

How does the philanthropy feature benefit me as a member if I require assistance?

Go to your dashboard located on your Profile; click on the symbol and it will direct you to the page to complete the requirements.

Top of Page


What is the Philanthropy Privacy Policy?

This policy was created to demonstrate MLS’s commitment to the privacy of our web site users and membership highlighting the following: (1) Personally identifiable information is collected only on a voluntary basis (2) No release of information to third parties; for additional information, please click on the Philanthropy Privacy Policy link found at the bottom of each page of MLS.

Top of Page


How do I post photos?

Go to your Profile and click on the Photos link located on the left side of this page under View User’s Content. This will take you to your options?

What options for Photos do I have?

You can upload photos from your computer, use your webcam, view as a slide shoe and import from your Instagram Feed.

How do I use Instagram?

You must be a member of Instagram to transfer your photos

Where will theses photos be posted?

They will appear in your Profile page.

Can I post photos on any of the sport pages?

You can post photos on any of our 30,000 sport home page selections. Just click on the Photos link and you will be able to upload photos from your computer; use a webcam and view as a slide show.

Can I share these photos with my social networks?

Yes. Click on the social network links that you belong to

Can I invite Friends from this page?

Yes. Click on the Invite Friends link to complete this process.

Can I share these photos with members of MLS?

Yes. Click on the Share With Members link to complete this function

Can I send photos from my smart phone or tablet?

Yes. You will be able to import photos from your mobile devices. You will also be able to select the sport home page that it will go to.

Top of Page


Where is the podcast feature located?

It is located on the dashboard located in the left hand column of your Profile.

What is a File/Episode?

Each file that is uploaded needs a title, since each file is generally considered an episode this is the title of that upload

Do I have to upload an mp3 or is that optional?

The mp3 is not optional; the podcast itself is little more than a grouping of mp3 files

Is the member providing text to what the Summary of the Podcast is?

It is the Members responsibility

In our podcast feature, which is accessible from the Profile feature once you complete the information then hit on Submit, where does it go?

It is available on the member s profile, if someone uses a podcast reader to subscribe they can access the episodes from the podcast reader automatically once they have subscribed

You have a Subscribe link below the Submit link, when you click it states to copy this URL to your podcast reader to subscribe will a member have a podcast reader or do they have to acquire one?

Members will need a podcast reader

Do you have to submit first before you can subscribe?

No, submit is for creating a file for the podcast, subscribe is for getting the URL to subscribe to the podcast

Top of Page


What poll features are available?

Poll features are available on each and every of our 30,000 sport home pages (also available on personalized sport home pages). They can be found in the Polls tab. When you arrive at this feature you can (1) Create a poll question and (2) Provide a minimum of two selection options.

Where are the results posted?

The results are posted in this feature.

Does MLS have member participation in any Polling Features?

Yes. Members can post a question and provide a minimum of two responsive choices.

Where are they located?

On every sport home page. Click on the Featured Content & Blogs tab and go to “Polls”

Are there any other locations for Polls?

Yes. Go to our Message Board feature and simply start a new thread on the forum with the poll making option.

Can I follow this?

Yes. Click on the “Click Here to Follow (your sport selection, which is the same as the sport home page you chose for the Poll feature.

Can I share this with my social networks?

Yes to all that you belong to. Click on the appropriate links provided.

Can I invite friends?

Yes. Click on the “Invite Friends” link

Can I share with other members of MLS?

Yes. Click on the “Share With Members” Link

Top of Page


What privacy options do I have and where are they located?

You can select your privacy setting from your My Account feature.

Profile privacy settings are based on the level of privacy you choose and are as follows

Private - The profiles of users registered as private, including the user s personal information, photos, videos, etc., can only be viewed by contacts of that user. Articles created by a user who is private can be viewed by anyone and anyone can see that users "user name" but will not be able to access the user s profile without becoming a contact.

Protected - The profiles of members registered are protected, including the members personal information, photos, videos, etc., can only be viewed by contacts of that member and individuals who belong to the same teams, fan clubs, and other groups throughout this site. Articles created by a member who is protected can be viewed by anyone and anyone can see that members "user name" but will not be able to access the member s profile without becoming a contact or belonging to the same team, fan club or other organization throughout the site.

Public - The profiles of members registered as public, including the members personal information, photos, videos, etc., can be viewed by anyone registered on MyLifeSports.com. Articles created by a member who is public can also be viewed by anyone registered on MyLifeSports.com.

PRIVACY & SAFETY Policies and guidelines
Click on the following links:
Terms & Conditions
Kids Privacy Policy
Philanthropy Policy

Does MLS sell or share my information?

No. MLS has the highest respect for its member s privacy. For a more detailed explanation of our Privacy Policy please refer to our Terms link.

Does MLS have anti-virus protection?

Yes. The site is secured by MacAfee an Intel Company, which provides virus protection for antivirus, encryption, firewall, email security and other multi-platform bundles for pc, mobile devices .and more.

What anti-virus security does MLS provide?

It includes Windows Firewall and MacAfee anti-security platforms.

Top of Page


What can I view from the Member’s Main Profile feature?

Here you will see your main profile (Member’s Main Profile) based on content submitted by you to your My Account feature

What can I do in the Member’s Message Link?

In the Member’s Messages Link, you can write a private message to one of your contacts in the Create Message tab. You can use the scroll bar to select the service to get to your contacts. You can also view messages by clicking on the View Messages link.

Under the “View User’s Content, what are Sport Profiles?

The links located under “View User’s Content” provide access to all of the Sport Profiles you created from your My Account feature and content submitted to the site for the various options you have.

Under the “View User’s Content, what is the Photos Link?

In the Photos link you can upload your photos, use your webcam; view them as a slideshow and import Instagram feeds

Under the “View Users Content, what is the Video Link?

In the Videos link you can upload your videos from your computer and embed from You Tube

Under the “View Users Content, what is the Blog Link?

In the Blog link you can select your sport category and sport and post your blog. It will appear in the blog feature of that sport category.

Under “View Users Content, what is the function of the Articles Link?

In the Articles link you can write articles; view articles written by a member and articles written about a member.

Under “View Users Content, what is the function of the Teams Link?

In the Teams link you can view the teams you have created or teams you belong to from the Teams Feature that you can access by clicking on the Team Link towards the top of all MLS pages.

Under “View Users Content, what can I view in the Contacts Link?

In the Contacts link you can view all of your contacts, friend requests and search for members to add.

Under “View Users Content, what is the function of the Fan Clubs Link?

In the Fan Clubs link you can view all of the Fan Clubs that you created and that have been created on your behalf. Use the Fan Clubs link at the top of all of our pages to create a fan club for a team or member.

Under “View Users Content, what is the function of the Education, Awards, Events, Highlights and Testimonial Links

In the Education, Awards, Events, Highlights and Testimonial Links you can view all of the content that you submitted from your My Account Timeline Feature regarding any of these features.

Under “View Users Content, what can I view in the Podcast Link?

In the Podcast link you can create your file/episode content; upload it on an mp3 and select the sport and sport category.

Under “View Users Content, what can I view in the How2Use MLS Link

In the How2Use MLS you can view a quick overview on using the MLS Home Page, Profile, My Account and Advertising & Sponsorship features.

What is the Share This link?

In the Share This feature, you can submit content to any of the 360 social networks posted that you belong to.

What is the Share with Members Link?

The Share with Members link, you have the option to share your profile with your contacts. Type in their first, last and user name and click on “Share”. You also can Search for” Members to Share With” by completing the search values requested, including their First. Last and User Name, City, State, County, Country, Language and Account Type.

What is the Follow option?

Under the “Follow” option you will see whom you have decided to follow on MLS.

What is the Follow Feature used for?

In the Follow feature you will be able to click on “View Member’s Followers to see who is following you.

Can I view who is searching me?

In the Who is Searching You link, you will be able to view what members are searching you.

How do I utilize the Invite Friends feature?

In the Invite Friends link, you can choose your service to get your contacts from the drop down of 30 email address sources provided. They will appear in the grid select where you can send an invitation to your friends. if you have not selected any, just click on Given mailing services to import contacts. You have the options of selecting all on the page or unselect. You can also delete a friend.

If I want to subscribe to a member’s feed, what is the procedure?

To subscribe to a members feed:

Copy this url into your rss reader to subscribe: http://MyLifeSports.com/rss.aspx?Type=RSS&User=kids2proports

What are the icons to the left of the Advanced Search Bar?

The icons to the left of the Advanced Search link include “Print” allows you to print the page you are viewing. “Email” to a friend and “Add a Favorite” Link where you can add the webpage you are currently viewing as a favorite. To access your favorites, visit the Favorites Center. (note the Favorites Center is determined by what web browser you use and is not a function of MLS)

What are the following links for?

The following links, My Account, Profile, Sports, Articles, Teams, Messages, Fan Clubs, Message Board, Media Kit, Contact, Terms FAQ, Feedback, Advanced Search Features, Affiliates, Disability Sports, Education & Sports, Future Features, Personal Data Policy, MLSZOO, Kids Privacy Policy, News & Events, Philanthropy Privacy Policy, Philanthropy, Recruiting/Colleges, Sports Health & Fitness, Tech & Business Services and Write4MLS are detailed in the FAQs. Click on the desired link in the Glossary.

Where would I get information to advertise?

For information on posting advertisements on this or any or our site’s pages go to our Media Kit link near the top of the page to view all of the featured links including Why Promote Your Services and Products on MLS, Ways to Advertise, How To Advertise, Advertising Formats, Fee Based Options, Advertisement Pricing, Advertisement History, Create Advertisements and Advertising Assistance. Step-by-Step directions are provided. If you need further assistance, please contact ads@mls.com

To secure additional information on the use of this feature, please proceed to our FAQ Glossary; click on any of the following sources: Advertising, Advertisement/Sponsorship Pricing or Advertising Assistance

What can I add to my profile?

You can include content from any of the requested or optional components of the Profile Page

Is there a limitation as to how many sport profiles I can create?

No. Members can create as many sport and sport identifying profiles they wish.

Do I have to recreate information that I posted on my profile for each sport profile I create?

No the info that applies to all profiles persists across all sport profiles and does not need to be recreated.

When I post content from a sport home page (Ex. Movers & Shakers) where else does that content go?

The content will remain on your profile blog

Can I upload a photo from my mobile apps?


Can I upload a photo from a webcam?


Can I edit the information on my profile when I create a sport profile?

Yes. You can edit all sport profile information. Those changes have to be made from your My Account page. When those changes are completed, click on the link “Save All Changes”

Members have the option of submitting their content to the Member s Main Profile, Sport Profiles, Photos, Videos, Blog, Articles, Contacts, Fan Clubs, Educational Background, Awards, Events, Highlights, Testimonials, other Talents and Goals. This is all controlled by the My Account feature for every profile created. This is all part of creating your sports legacy with our Timeline Features.

Does the profile consist of a dashboard on everything that I can control?

Yes. It includes:

What will I find on the Member s Main Profile?

You will find your control dashboard and additional feature functions for maintaining and managing your content on the site.

What is the Contacts button on My Profile page?

When you click on that button, it will take you to your contacts. There are two grids. The first is where you can view your current friends. The second, you can view pending friendship requests. Click on the member user profile and it will allow you to inform the member requesting your approval of your decision.

Can I add members from here?

Yes. Click on the Search for Members to Add. This will take you to our Advanced Search Feature. Here you will be able to search members by their first name, last name, or user name by entering text into the appropriate fields below. You can also search by the member’s maiden name or alternative name if applicable. There are no minimum requirements.

Can I view all current members of any sport?

Yes. Where you see: If you would like to view all current members of any sport, click here. This will take you to the Sport Member Search. Complete the “values” that are pertinent to your requirements to search members of a sport.

What is the Sport Profiles feature?

Provides you with a list of all of your sport profiles

What is the Photos feature?

Provides you with a view of your photos that you have posted; it also allows you to Upload Photos; Use Webcam and View as a Slide Show

What is the Videos feature?

Here you can Upload a video and create a title and description. You can Upload From Your Computer and Embed From You Tube. All of these would be stored on this page.

How do I select a video?

You can use our Browse or Webcam Features.

Can I share with You Tube

Yes. Check the box: Publish to You Tube and it will be automatically posted.

How many words am I allowed in describing my article?

You can type in up to 25,000 characters.

Can I allow members to comment on my articles?

Yes. Just check off the box which states: Allow Members to Comment on this article

From my Video Feature can I share with members?

You can share your profile with members on the video page of your profile where all of your videos have been posted.

From my Video Feature, can I share that page with any of the social networks?

Yes. Remember you must be a member of those social networks to share.

From my Video Feature, can I share that page with MyLifeSports social networks


Will I be able to see the articles that I have previously written?

Yes. Just click on the Articles Written by Member Tab and it will provide you with all of your archived articles.

If someone writes an article about me where can I view it?

Just click on the Articles Written About Member tab and it will provide you with those articles

When I submit content (videos or articles) to Movers & Shakers where does it go to?

It will show up under your profile Blogs page

When I submit content (videos or articles) to Sportswire where does it go to?

It will show up under your profile Blogs page

When I submit content (videos or articles) to Events where does it go to?

It will show up under your Profile Blogs page

When I submit content (videos or articles) to Spotlight where does it go to?

It will show up under your Profile Blogs page

When I submit content to Polls where does it go?

It will show up under your Profile Blogs page

When I submit content (videos or articles) to Blogs where does it go to?

From the Blogs tab you can submit to the Blogs feature directly from your Profile dashboard feature. It will show up under your profile blogs page.

On this feature you can select from the drop down feature you would like to submit content to; a choice of Movers & Shakers, SportsWire, Recruiting/Sport Jobs, Events, Spotlight. These features allows you to post directly on this page. They will also become part of your profile.

What is the difference between and article and a blog?

For interpretation on our site, an article is a written contextual submission, while a blog is simply text.

Note: To indicate your interest in having any of these blog options for your exclusive use, please send your request to support@mls.com. Include your name, exclusive blog feature and contact information.

Can a Member import their Blog(s)?

No. They would have to copy and paste their blogs and provide the urls themselves. They can however include their blog s url in their profile but each blog would not provide a link back to their site

When I submit to the Feature Video feature where does it go to?

Feature videos will appear on your profile video page

When I submit to the Featured Article component where does it go to?

Featured articles will appear in your profile article page

What is the Teams feature?

This feature allows you to see all of the teams you have created. You can also type in the Team Name to search

What are considered Contacts ?

This page provides the User s List of Contacts. You can search the list using the fields provided

Can I add a link of my website onto my profile?

Yes a member can add a link to their website in their profile.

Can I search for members to add?

Yes. Click on the Search for Members link to add new contacts. It will take you to the Member Name Search, which provides search capabilities for members by their first name, last name or user name by entering text into the appropriate values on this page.

Can I search by alternative names?

Yes. You can also search by the member s maiden name or alternative name if applicable. In this search there are no minimum requirements.

Does MLS sell my personal information to any third parties?

No. MLS policy prohibits this practice. See our Terms feature for further information.

What other searches would be available?

You can search by Name, Location & Language, Member Criteria, Article, Team Fan Club and Keyword

What is Search by Location & Language ?

Search by Language. Here you can connect by searching for members by their primary language.

Languages Spoken and Read. Here you can narrow your search by entering additional languages that members speak or read. Narrow by Location: Narrow down your search results by specifying location such as city, county, state and country.

What is a Member Criteria Search ?

As our site continues to become more populated you will be able to search for members by various sports criteria. First, you must start with the Sport selection. You can compare yourself to members who play the same sports as you or speak similar languages. Another example allows you to search for coaches or scouts in your city, county, state, or country selected under the Account selection. Please keep in mind, the more precise you are in completing the search values the less likely you will get results, since the more filtering functions performed provides results based on all of your requirements. You should be as exact in your search to get the best results. Submitting to all of the Search Values is not a requirement.

If your peer criteria search is not to your satisfaction, please consider fewer requirements and initiate the search again. Another option is to include posting your requirements on our Message Board.

Why Can’t I Choose a Sport?

You may only search for members by sport and for the sports that you have created a sport profile for. For example if you would like to be able to compare yourself with only baseball players, you must create a baseball profile.

I noticed I am not Appearing in this Search?

The purpose of this search is to compare you to or search for other members by sport. Therefore, in order to appear in these search results you must have established at least one sport profile.

What is an Article Search ?

When searching for articles please respond to as many Search Values provided in the boxes below. You can submit your request by Title, Author, Date, Sport Category, Sport Name, Keyword and Language. You do not have to complete all search values. Keep in mind the more detailed you are in searching for articles should return your desired results.

How can I Refine my Search?

If no results are returned as a result of your search, consider refining your criteria by entering less search requirements.

What is a Team Search ?

You can search by Teams by entering t.he requested information into the fields shown.

What is a Team Name or Sport?

Search Teams by the team s name or by the sport you are looking for

What is Narrow by Location ?

vNarrow down your search results by specifying location information such as city, county, state, and country.

What is a Fan Club Search ?

You can search Fan Clubs by name and sport

What is the Creator s User Name?

If known include the Fan Club s Creator s Name to further refine your search

What can I do with the Term and Keyword Search?

You can search our database of over 5,000,000 personally identified sport, professional, business & health terms and keywords

Category & Sport

Choose your Category, Sport and Keyword and it will take you to articles written about the Keyword selected. There, if you click on that Sports link it will take you to all keywords of that sport. If you click on the Sport Category it will take you to that Sport Home Page.

What is the Fan Club feature?

Here you will find any fan clubs that you have created or that you belong to that were created by others. You can view our guide for fan club creation by clicking on our fan club featured page.

What is the Education feature?

This information will be posted when you submit content in your Timeline Feature. This link is found on the left hand column of your My Account Feature.

What is the Awards feature?

This information will be posted when you submit content in your Timeline Feature. This link is found on the left hand column of your My Account Feature.

What is the Events feature?

This information will be posted when you submit content in your Timeline Feature. This link is found on the left hand column of your My Account Feature.

What is the Highlights feature?

This information will be posted when you submit content in your Timeline Feature. This link is found on the left hand column of your My Account Feature.

What is the Testimonials feature?

This information will be posted when you submit content in your Timeline Feature. This link is found on the left hand column of your My Account Feature. Testimonials who are created by others can be cut and pasted by you to include in this feature.

What are Podcasts and where is the Podcast feature located?

It is located on the dashboard located in the left hand column of your Profile.

What is a File/Episode?

Each file that is uploaded needs a title, since each file is generally considered an

Do I have to upload an mp3 or is that optional?

The mp3 is not optional; the podcast itself is little more than a grouping of mp3 files

Is the member providing text to what the Summary of the Podcast is?

It is the Members responsibility

In our podcast feature, which is accessible from the Profile feature once you complete the information then hit on Submit, where does it go?

It is available on the member s profile, if someone uses a podcast reader to subscribe they can access the episodes from the podcast reader automatically once they have subscribed

You have a Subscribe link below the Submit link, when you click it states to copy this URL to your podcast reader to subscribe will a member have a podcast reader or do they have to acquire one?

Members will need a podcast reader

Do you have to submit first before you can subscribe?

No, submit is for creating a file for the podcast, subscribe is for getting the URL to subscribe to the podcast

What is the Share This feature?

This provides you access to up to 360 social networks where you can share your content. Remember you must be a member of the social networks to share.

What is the Share with Members feature?

This feature provides you the opportunity to share your profile with other members of MLS.

Do I have to complete all of the values such as First Name, Last Name, etc.?

No. These values are just for searching. The minimum you have to do is check the box next to the member s name

In the drop down that is provided how does a member place more contacts?

This feature provides a list of the member contacts on your contact page. A member makes a contact by searching for a member and requesting to be added to the member s contact list.

What is the reference to Account Type?

This is selected when you register. You have the option of selecting an identifying prefix, title, name, etc. Ex. Sports Doctor

Warning: Sharing your profile with a member who is not on your contacts list will allow that member to view our profile regardless of your security settings. Please only share our profile with members whom you trust to view your information

The Share with MyLifeSports link takes you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page Follow us on feature, where you can post your content

Where does the Share This link take you to?

The Share This link takes members to their own social networks

How do I Follow a sport or member?

This feature allows members to select whom they would like to follow either as a sport or member. To select by sport, click on the Follow link on the Sport Home Page. To select a Member

What else will be on the Profile Page?

The general information that you provided from your My Account feature

How can I update my Bio?

You can make your changes on the My Account feature then click on the Save All Changes Link at the bottom of the page

Can I share my content?

Members have the options of submitting their content to over 360 social networks. Please keep in mind members need to have an account with any of the social networks they choose to share with.

Can I share with MLS Members?

Yes. Just click on the Share with Members link found on your Profile page and proceed from there.

Can I invite friends?

Yes. Just click on the Invite to Friends link on your Profile page and on Invite Friend page you have option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click Import Contact to get mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see your contacts in Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click Send Mail button to send mail to selected contacts.

Can I remove a friend from my friend list?


Will I know who is searching for me?

Yes. Just click on Who is searching you and it will provide you names of those subscribers who are your friends on mail services OR you are in the contact s list of those subscribers.

How do I know who is looking at my profiles?

While visiting any member profile a visitor can follow them from the profile page by clicking on Follow this Member.

With respect to our member s privacy, users can not see who is viewing their profiles. Please review member s privacy option located on the My Account page of the Profile feature for your choice of Public, Protected or Private settings.

Do Advertisers have access to my personal information?

Depending on the security setting you select when you set up your account in your My Account feature will answer your question. Your options include Private, Protected and Public.

Can MLS use my photo in any advertisement?

No. An Advertisers must request that possibility with you having the final determination of what can and cannot be applied to your photo

How will I know who is searching me?

Just click on Who is searching you? and it will provide you names of those members who are your friends on mail services OR you are in the contact s list of those subscribers.

How will I know who is following me?

Click on the View Member s Followers link under Follow on the member s profile page

Can another member post anything on my profile?

No, not without prior permission by you.

How does the feature Follower function?

While visiting any member profile a visitor can follow them from the profile page by clicking on Follow this Member.

Can a Member cancel their following function?

Yes. When you visit a member profile or a sport which you are following the option to unfollow will be there instead of the option to follow

If I do not have a photo or webcam what will appear in the Profile Picture?

While we encourage all users to have a profile picture, if you chose not to add one, an image of a person with a question mark will appear in place of your photo.

How can I identify myself in My Account?

First you select your Prefix from the scroll bar, and then choose from, First Name, Alternate Name, Middle Name, Maiden Name or Last Name.

What Contact Information can I submit in my Profile?

You can include your primary and alternate email addresses; Home, Mobile, Business and Fax numbers, Page Name, Page URL Personal and Business Website.

Are there any Messenger Services Available?

You can include your IM, AIM, Skype, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ and Google Talk

What language can I submit in completing my profile?

You have the option of selecting a Primary Language and any additional languages spoken and read

Can I create profiles for all sports that I want?

Yes. The basic information will be recovered from your previous profile submission, but then you can tailor it to the sports of your choice by creating profiles on each of them.

Who can I submit to regarding information about myself?

To members and non-members; friends, social and professional networks, coaches, colleges and universities, teammates, fan clubs, employers and whomever you would like to enhance your interests and goals.

What is the Timeline Entry on the My Account page?

The Timeline Entry allows you to submit by date, month and year to your choice of event, which includes Awards, Education, Events, Testimonials and Highlights that pertain to the Sport Profiles you have created. You also have the option of uploading a video from your computer or from YouTube and post photos. You can also post photos and upload a video through our webcam feature.

What is the Manage Articles Feature on the My Account Page?

Here you have a history of all articles that you have submitted. It provides editing and deletion features

What is the Manage Videos Feature on the My Account Page?

Here you have a history of all videos that you have submitted. It provides editing and deletion features.

I cannot upload my photo.

K2SP accepts the most common types of photos in JPEG, GIF, and PNG. If you are still experiencing issues please contact support@mls.com

What if I am under 13 years of age?

Parents, Guardians, or other Legal Caregivers, have the option of making your account a Family Account by adding you as a child. As a Family Account you can create an update of your child s profile just like you would your own profile. Profiles created by Family for their children can only be modified through the Family account.

Can I create sport profile(s) in my language of choice?

Members can submit in as many languages as they prefer. MLS supports over 6,900 of the world’s spoken and read languages.

Do you have any translation services?

We provide a Select Language option located at the top left corner of the site. It provides translations of our site in 64 languages.

What if a foreign team creates a sport home page and for this example for baseball and does or does not have any sport terms or keywords to contribute?

If they were provided by the team in English or are keywords that we use for a baseball team they would be used. They can always be translated later by that team. If the team provides keywords in another language we can associate them with that team in that language.

What if I want a page in my native language? Who makes the translations for all of the changes on their page; ex. titles, text, keywords, etc.?

The user would make the translations. MLS does not offer translation services but does provide a companion Google Translation tool that members can use.

Can members connect to non-members?

Members can share with non-members in the sense that our pages can be shared as links on the various social networks we support.

What are the MyLifeSports profile privacy settings?

Profile privacy settings are based on the level of privacy you choose and are as follows

Private - The profiles of users registered as private, including the user s personal information, photos, videos, etc., can only be viewed by contacts of that user. Articles created by a user who is private can be viewed by anyone and anyone can see that users "user name" but will not be able to access the user s profile without becoming a contact.

Protected - The profiles of users registered as protected, including the user s personal information, photos, videos, etc., can only be viewed by contacts of that user and individuals who belong to the same teams, fan clubs, and other groups throughout this site. Articles created by a user who is protected can be viewed by anyone and anyone can see that users "user name" but will not be able to access the user s profile without becoming a contact or belonging to the same team, fan club or other organization throughout the site.

Public - The profiles of users registered as public, including the user s personal information, photos, videos, etc., can be viewed by anyone registered on MyLifeSports.com. Articles created by a user who is public can also be viewed by anyone registered on MyLifeSports.com.

Why do I have to provide my personal information?

MyLifeSports does not require you to enter any information that you do not want to. While members are encouraged to provide as much information as possible, everything is optional.

I want to change my privacy settings, how do I do this?

Click on My Account then scroll down to Account Settings. Under Account Security , chose the option that best describes what you want.

I have registered but did not receive my verification email.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact our support team at support@mls.com

I forgot my password, how can I retrieve it?

If you have forgotten your password, click Forgot your password? Get a new one here

How do I change my account information?

You can make your changes on the My Account page then click on the Save All link at the bottom of the page

Can I change my user name?

No, unfortunately users cannot change their usernames.

I have a child under 13, can he or she join?

Children under the age of 13 are encouraged to join under a family account

What happens if someone is printing something that is defamatory or derogatory about me?

Please contact support@mls.com and explain the circumstances and what the content details. Our goal is to make MyLifeSports an enjoyable and fun website for everyone.

Are there any restrictions on the sharing of my information?

MLS does not share your information with any other individuals unless noted in our terms and conditions.

What is the difference between my profile and home page?

Your profile contains information viewable by your friends on MyLifeSports. This includes your photo or avatar, details, recent activity, comments, blog, schedule, pictures and videos, friends and groups.

Your homepage is your control panel to connect with friends, groups, coaches and pro athletes. Update your details, view the latest activities of your friends and groups, and find new friends and groups.

Can anyone see my profile?

Yes. However, only your friends will be able to leave comments and you will have privacy options for your photos and videos where you can select to make them visible only to your MyLifeSports friends.

What are the privacy options for my photos and videos?

You have the option to make your photos public or visible only to your friends. The following options are available for each photo or video you upload:

Everyone The photo / video can be viewed by anyone visiting your profile.

Friends only The photo / video can only be viewed by you and your friends.

How much storage do I have for all content in my profile, including but not limited to videos and articles?

Each member is allowed 1GB of storage. You will see your available storage in your dashboard.

If I require additional storage what options do I have?

MLS offers upgrades of 2Gb, 3GB and 5GB. Please contact support@mls.com Attn: Storage Upgrades.

Where can I transfer my photo album (multiple pictures)?

You can upload as many pictures as you want from your computers including multiple photos at the same time

Can a member post on another member's profile?


Does MLS provide a mechanism to block someone from contacting me?

If you are experiencing this issue contact us at support@mls.com Attn.: Member Block Dept.; submit the details and we will notify that member to either discontinue what they are doing. If this issue persists, MLS has the option to cancel their membership

Does MLS have a mechanism to block someone who is being abusive?

Send your abusive details to support@mls.com Attn.: Member Abuse Dept. MLS will notify the member of those allegations and if the member does not rectify this issue MLS has the option to delete their account

Can I share my videos from my profile page with other members?

Yes, they can view all your videos on the video feature of your profile

If a Member s profile is restricted or private can the viewer see their blog? What is the Contacts Link?

This link takes you to the page to view your list of contacts. You can search the list by using the fields provided.

They will not be able to see the member s blog page but will be able to see any blogs the member has submitted on the sport home page selected.

What is the Like button for?

When you click on the Like button it acknowledges your acknowledgement that you enjoyed the article.

What is the Comment On This Article?

Here you can express you opinions about the article. When completed click on the Post link.

What is the Report Abuse button for?

Here you can report to us what you consider as being abusive within the content of the article If you find an article that is considered abusive in content, please send your concerns to support@mls.com

What is the People like this link for?

This provides a list of members who have liked your article

What is the View My Profile link?

Here members can view the profile of the articles author

What is Create Another Article for?

By clicking on this link it will take you to your profile where you can create more articles by clicking on the Articles link in your dashboard

What is the Contact button on My Profile page?

When you click on that button, it will take you to your contacts. There are two grids. The first is where you can view your current friends. The second, you can view pending friendship requests. Click on the member user profile and it will allow you to inform the member requesting your approval of your decision.

Top of Page


Can I invite friends?

Yes. Members can invite their friends to join MyLifeSports.com by sending an email to selected/Added contacts. Just click on “Invite Friends” and on this page you have the option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here, those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click “Import Contact” to get the mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see them in the Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click “Send Mail” button to send mail to selected contacts.

If new “friends” have been added to any of my social networks are they automatically imported after I have already invited friends before the new ones?

In that case you need to import the contacts again from any of your social networks, you need to follow the same procedure in sending invitation to the new ones.

Can I delete any friend from my Invite Friends feature?

Yes. Utilize our Delete Friend feature link.

Can I share with MLS Members?

Yes. Just click on the Share with Members link found on your Profile page and proceed from there. Here you can share with your contacts and search for members to share with.

Warning! Sharing your profile with a member who is not on your contacts list will allow that member to view your profile regardless of your security settings. Please only share your profile with members whom you trust to view your information

The “Share” with MyLifeSports link takes you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page “Follow us on” feature, where you can post your content

Where does the Share This link take you to?

The “Share This” link takes members to their own social networks

How can I view Recruiting Classifieds?

When you click on the Recruiting Feature it will take you to View Classifieds. Here you will see what Member has submitted content; the creation date and for what purpose. A drop down is provided (Filter by Purpose) that includes: College Recruiting, Job Market and Seeking Employment options.

Where can I view this feature?

On each sport home page you can click on our Recruiting link and make your selections of interest.

Does the Recruiting Feature offer current college recruitment listings.

Yes. As they are posted by members they are automatically uploaded to this feature

How do I post a listing on the Recruiting feature?

On the Recruiting Link members can post their information by title, organization, location, service, purpose, photos, resumes, contact info . and more.

Can you edit information posted on the Recruiting Link?

Yes. Go to Editing, click on the My Account Recruiting Edit Page to edit or delete.

How do I include a photo?

To upload a photo from the web or from your computer click on the Insert Photo button as noted on the Recruiting Feature page for creating a listing

If I do not have a photo, what is my option?

If you have a Webcam, you can utilize it for your photos. Once submitted, it will go on the Create Listing tab and whatever picture is uploaded will automatically appear in the Listing Description box

What is the purpose of the Location on this feature?

You should supply the address of where this opportunity exists

Can you provide me with some example of Organizations?

Organizations typically are the employers, colleges, recruiting companies, etc.

As to the Service, what does that mean?

The service is what is required by whoever is posting the opportunity

What is the Purpose feature?

It gives you the option of selecting: College Recruiting, Job Market or Seeking Employment.

Can I share this information with other social networks?

Yes. You can share with up to 360 social networks. Remember you must be a member of whichever ones you select.

Can I share with members of MLS?

Yes. Use the Share with Members link provided on this page.

When I submit to the Recruiting Feature, where does that go?

It is posted on the sport home page you selected

Can I invite friends?

Members can invite their friends to join MyLifeSports.com by sending an email to selected/Added contacts

Just click on Invite Friends and on this page you have the option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here, those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click Import Contact to get the mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see them in the Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click Send Mail button to send mail to selected contacts.

Top of Page


What do you offer in recruiting for colleges or universities?

MyLifeSports.com is proud to partner and be a member of the following Collegiate Sport Recruiting Organizations, which are located in this link located at the bottom of our pages, to assist our members in their quest for sport career advancement; introduction to coaches and administrators; scholarship opportunities and securing the best education available.

You can utilize the information created in your profiles and related resources from our site to further enhance your presentations.

Who are supportive of your efforts in recruiting for colleges or universities?

Click on our Recruiting/Colleges/Universities link at the bottom of our pages and it will provide you with companies who are supportive in these efforts

Are there any other features that provide recruiting opportunities?

On each sport home page you can click on our Recruiting link, which will provide you with current college recruitment listings.

Are there any other features that provide employment opportunities?

On each sport home page you can click on our Recruiting link, which will provide you with current job market opportunities

Are there any other features that provide seeking employment opportunities?

On each sport home page you can click on our Recruiting link, which will provide you with members seeking employment opportunities

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What does MLS offer members to receive referral fees?

Please contact the designated email accounts identified below to learn how you can earn money from the following opportunities.

(1.) Our Teams Feature Gold Membership. Contact MLS@mls.com for assistance.

(2.) Go to the Tech and Business Services link found at the bottom of each page to view our 30 service and product platforms, including but not limited to Web Design, Application Development and Internet Business Development. For assistance: support@mls.com

(3.) Licensing and Intellectual Partnership considerations of Customized Country, State, organization or other entity use of MLS platforms, please contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com.

(4.) Corporate or Exclusive Sponsorships Sponsorships will be available on any of the more than 30,000 sport home pages, appealing to all segments of the marketplace, benefiting from our sport industry-targeted content offerings. Advertisers will have the option of creating their own micro sites to build relationships with their audience. Contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com

(5.) To Explore Individual Member or Team Customized Plans in public relations, branding, article submissions, contact introductions, press releases and alternative promotional services for its members, please contact BeDiscovered@mls.com for assistance.

(6.) Exclusive Development of Individual Sports and creation of other venues utilizing the MLS platform, please contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com.

(7.) Development of Customized MLS Concepts / Platform Versions for states, countries, teams, sponsors, organizations….. and more! Contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com

(8.) Options to organize videos and still shots for social networking and career developing opportunities in which voiceovers and background music will bring real-life to this kind of sport content we can create a content tagging scheme that would make these events easily searchable. Contact BeDiscovered@mls.com

(9.) Services in video editing, commercials with member selected text. Videos, photos and music; instructional videos, graphic design, video production, CD, DVD, new product launches, training videos, TV/radio, location shoots, videography and photography, including single player and team presentations. Contact BeDiscovered@mls.com for assistance.

MLS is already thinking about and pre-developing other niche-oriented social and business networking sites. The organizing principles that are applied to MLS can be applied elsewhere, such as (the performing arts), musicians, writers, dancers, actors, models; politicians, religious organizations .and more.

Please Note: (1) If you have a concept, service or product that you believe would be of interest to our members or (2) would like to offer your suggestions on any of the above features or (3) if you are interested in discussing original fee-based options not offered above please contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com.

Is MLS considering other uses for its platform?

MLS is already thinking about other niche-oriented social networking sites: There’s no reason to believe that the organizing principles that are applied here to sports can be applied elsewhere, such as musicians, writers, dancers, actors, models, (the performing arts), politicians, religious organizations .and more.

What if I have an idea for your company?

If you have a concept, service or product that you believe would be of interest to our members or would like to offer your suggestions on any of the above features, please contact us at Alan.Chokov@mls.com.

If you are interested in (1) representation by your agency for a client and receiving a copy of our Media Agency Advertising Fee Agreement or (2) offering services and products to our members (including any of those mentioned in our Advertising Assistance Platforms) or (3) our Reciprocal Media Bartering opportunities, contact us at Alan.Chokov@mls.com

Top of Page


What does Membership to Kids2PropSports allow me to do?

"For Kids & Adults of all Ages , MyLifeSports is a FREE interactive global network, that provides the resources to create, share and preserve your sports legacy from childhood . to professional and beyond. Create, Share & Preserve Your Sports Legacy

Promote yourself to millions of fellow athletes, coaches, sport related organizations, professionals and scholarship opportunities Explore and contribute content to over 5,000,000 defined keywords/terms, 30,000 thousand sport selections from the 265 countries and 8 internal search functions....in your languages of choice. A passionate family opportunity to preserve your children s sports legacy, nurturing their sport, educational and life skills for their future Connect to 360 social networks, 70 national & international sports organizations and groups whose memberships represent over 80 million athletes; thousands of college coaches and millions of sport enthusiasts and sport related professionals. Create UNLIMITED sports, professional and business profiles and your own personal, team, group or country sport home pages. Using our exclusive Member Criteria Search you can compare your skills with Athletes from around the world

Brand yourself by showcasing your skills throughout your career

How do I become a member of Kids2PropSports?

Simple! Just click on Register on the top of the home screen and fill out the necessary required information.

Is Registration Free?

Yes, registration and membership is free.

Can I register for MLS from my Facebook account?


How will this work with Facebook?

When you a new member signs up using Facebook. It will click on the Facebook Icon on the Signup Page and application will open a Popup and will ask User's Facebook username and password. After that user will be redirected to another page where Facebook will ask the user to give Kids2Pro Application on Facebook to use User's personal information and if user accept that. We will get all the information of that user from Facebook and will save that information in User's Table of our application and will allow the user to Select a password for Kids2Pro Login.

Can I register for MLS from my Twitter account?


Can I register from my LinkedIn Account?


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What may be considered abuse?

Pornography, hate speech, threats, graphic violence, bullying and spam are not allowed on MLS. Please note that we will only remove content that violates MLS Terms.

How do I report abuse to MLS?

Contact support@mls.com Attn.: Abuse Complaint

Who should I report an abuse of the MLS Terms/Policy?

Submit these allegations to support@mls.com Attn: Terms/Policy Allegations

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What is an RSS FEED

A Really Simple Syndication, or an RSS feed, is a means of distributing content that is often updated, most commonly blogs, videos, and headlines.

How do I access a member s RSS Feed?

We have the message below when you click on the Member s RSS Feed.

Does the Member need an RSS Reader to subscribe?

Yes. An RSS Reader or a Google Reader

If the Member does not have a RSS Reader, what do they do?

They can download it for free from numerous websites.

Once I paste the url located below on our site to my RSS Feeder what happens?

Copy this url into your rss reader to subscribe


It will show them the latest items from that author.

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Does MLS utilize Search Engine Optimization?

As an extra bonus to our members, when anyone is searching on the internet for a member s name, sport, team, sport related article, sport terms or keywords; any of our titles; interactive features, videos and more (all derived from our 30,000 sport selections and their features, and over 5 million terms and keywords, major search engines will be able to identify them. First type in MyLifeSports and then follow by whom or what you are searching for. Example: MyLifeSports-Baseball; Example: MyLifeSports Sports Doctor.

Top of Page


Does MLS have social networks that content can be submitted to?

Yes, they include Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo, Reddit, LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, Bebo, Delicious, Friendster, Digg, Stumble Upon, Technorati, Twitter, Word Press, EzineArticles, Manta, Interest and Google+. These can be found at the bottom of our Landing Page.

Can I submit content to the social networks that have MLS links?

Yes. MLS allows everyone ( public & members) to submit content. You would need to go to the MLS social networks you prefer to submit content to. You do need to be a member of the social network you select. Ex. MLS is on Facebook, you need to be a member of Facebook

Where does the Share This link take you to?

the Share This link takes members to their own social networks

Can I post on the MLS social links located at the bottom of the Landing Page?

Yes. Provided you are a member of those links.

Can I share my videos with any of the social networks listed on the MLS site?

Yes, you can share your videos from your video page of your profile

Top of Page


Can I invite friends?

Yes. Members can invite their friends to join MyLifeSports.com by sending an email to selected/Added contacts. Just click on “Invite Friends” and on this page you have the option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here, those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click “Import Contact” to get the mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see them in the Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click “Send Mail” button to send mail to selected contacts.

If new “friends” have been added to any of my social networks are they automatically imported after I have already invited friends before the new ones?

In that case you need to import the contacts again from any of your social networks, you need to follow the same procedure in sending invitation to the new ones.

Can I delete any friend from my Invite Friends feature?

Yes. Utilize our Delete Friend feature link.

Can I share with MLS Members?

Yes. Just click on the Share with Members link found on your Profile page and proceed from there. Here you can share with your contacts and search for members to share with.

Warning! Sharing your profile with a member who is not on your contacts list will allow that member to view your profile regardless of your security settings. Please only share your profile with members whom you trust to view your information

The “Share” with MyLifeSports link takes you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page “Follow us on” feature, where you can post your content

Where does the Share This link take you to?

The “Share This” link takes members to their own social networks

Where can I find the feature, Sport Terms & Keywords?

On every sport home page. Just click on its tab to view its features.

What are Sport Terms & Keywords?

This includes a list of sport terms and keywords to the sport being featured on each sport home page. It also serves as an identification of member s interest, profession and related services and products.

When you click on any of the terms or keywords it will take you to Articles from your choice of term or keyword and Member Profiles identified by this term or keyword.

Please Note: The definitions and related features have been supplied by our research team and contributing sources. If you would like to contribute additional content to those features, we welcome your comments. You may also add your definition to our existing English interpretations. If you would like to suggest a new sport home page, including sport category, sport name, team, personalized sport home pages, gender, age, definitions, links, high school, college or universities; identification to inclusion of their sport home pages and any keywords associated with those sports, please Click Here to Submit Your Request. All of these options can be submitted in your languages of choice.

When a sport home page is created, are there Terms and Keywords automatically placed in the Sport Terms & Keywords feature?

Yes. If the event this does not occur, please contact support@mls.com attn. Terms & Keywords.

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How do I Select a Sport?

You have eight options in choosing your sport(s). Once you have made your choice by clicking on the desired sport tab it will take you to that sport selection

Then click on the sport of choice and it will take you to that sport home page where you can submit to any of its features . and more from our profile, in your languages of choice

Click on that page and you can submit to any of its features and more from your profile, in your languages of choice.

When you click on your sport of choice it will redirect you to that sport s Home Page where you can view our member s articles, photos, videos, links shared by members, blogs, events, classifieds/marketplace, recruiting/sport jobs, terms & keywords, links, events, spotlight and movers & shakers features. Share to over 360 social networks and be notified by email and text when anything new is submitted to this sport. From your profile account you can submit to any of these features and more in your languages of choice

What are General Sports?

General Sports are all sports not identified by any of the identifications offered in our other sport tab selections (Special Olympics, Sports by Gender/Age, Sports by Country, United States College/University Sports, International College/University Sports, Sports by High School or Olympic/Paralympics.

In General Sports you can select your sport by:

  • (1) Clicking on the alphabetical letter, which will take you to all sports beginning with that letter
  • ( (2) Type in the Name of the Sport to Begin Search
  • ( (3) You can Filter Results by Sport Category, which will provide you with all sport based on your selection.

Please note, after making a selection in either option (2) or (3) and you decide to exercise the next option, make sure to click on clear link

What are Special Olympic Sports?

Special Olympic sports are all sports recognized and participated in those events.

You can select your sport, state and country by:

  • (1) Clicking on the alphabetical letter in the horizontal bar, which will take you to all sports beginning with that letter
  • ((2) Type in the Name of the Sport to Begin Search
  • (3) You can Filter Results by State or Country

Please note, after making a selection in either option (2) or (3) and you decide to exercise the next option, make sure to click on clear link

You are encouraged to recommend a sport to be identified with any of the Special Olympic tab selections. Send your request to support@mls.com. Once accepted by the MLS committee it will be posted and that Sport Identified Special Olympic Home Page will be created (Ex. for country identification: Men s 100m backstroke United States)

Click on that page and you can submit to any of its features and more from your profile, in your languages of choice.

What are Sports by Gender/Age?

In Sports by Gender/Age you can select your sport, gender and age by:

  • (1) Clicking on the alphabetical letter in the horizontal bar, which will take you to all sports beginning with that letter
  • (2) Type in the Name of the Sport to Begin Search
  • (3) You can Filter Results by Sport Category, which will provide you with all sports based on your selection
  • (4) Filter Results by Gender/Age

Click on that page and you can submit to any of its features and more from your profile, in your languages of choice.

You are encouraged to recommend a sport (and gender if desired) (school, college or university where applicable) to be identified with any of the sport tab selections. Send your request to support@mls.com. Once accepted by the MLS committed, the sport and sport related information will be posted and a Sport Home Page will be created

If you prefer to have your own personalized sport home page go to our Media Kit, click on Personalized Sport Home Pages for assistance.

What are Sports by Country?

In Sports by Country you have countries that are featured on MyLifeSports.com; As we continue to supply content we encourage you to recommend a sport to be identified with any of the Country selections. Send your request to support@mls.com; Once accepted by the MLS committee it will be posted and that Sport Identified Country Home Page will be created automatically.

Click on that page and you can submit to any of its features and more from your profile, in your languages of choice.

As we populate this feature with sports, you will be able to view them by:

  • (1) Clicking on the alphabetical letter, which will take you to all countries beginning with that letter
  • (2) Type in the Name of the Sport to Begin Search
  • (3) You can Filter Results by Country

Please note, after making a selection in either option (2) or (3) and you decide to exercise the next option, make sure to click on clear link

What are the United States Sports by College/University?

In the United States Sports by College/University, you can choose the colleges and universities that we offer. As we continue to supply content you are encouraged to recommend a sport (or a college or university that is not in our database) (and gender if desired) to be identified with any of our current and new selections to be added. Send in your request to support@mls.com; Once accepted by the MLS committee, the sport (or college or university) identification will be posted and will automatically create that Sport Identified College or University Home Page.

Click on that page and you can submit to any of its features and more from your profile, in your languages of choice.

As we populate this feature with sports, you will be able to view them by:

  • (1) Clicking on t he alphabetical letter, which will take you to all sports beginning with that letter
  • (2) Type in the Name of the College or University to Begin Search
  • (3) You can Filter Results by State

Please note, after making a selection in either option (2) or (3) and you decide to exercise the next option, make sure to click on clear link

If you would prefer to have your own personalized USA college, university, team, health & fitness, business, professional, country or coaching home page go to our Media Kit feature and click on Personalized Home Pages for assistance.

What are the International Sports by College/University?

In our International Sports by College/University feature you can choose the colleges and universities we offer. As we continue to supply content you are encouraged to recommend a sport (or a college or university that is not in our database) (and gender if desired) to be identified with any of our current and new selections to be added. Send in your request to support@mls.com; Once accepted by the MLS committee, the sport (or college or university) identification will be posted and will automatically create that Sport Identified College or University Home Page.

Click on that page and you can submit to any of its features and more from your profile, in your languages of choice.

As we populate this feature with sports, you will be able to view them by:

  • (1) Clicking on the alphabetical letter, which will take you to all sports beginning with that letter
  • (2) Type in the Name of the College or University to Begin Search
  • (3) You can Filter Results by State

Please note, after making a selection in either option (2) or (3) and you decide to exercise the next option, make sure to click on clear link

If you would prefer to have your own personalized International college, university, team, health & fitness, business, professional, country or coaching home page go to our Media Kit feature and click on Personalized Home Pages for assistance.

What are Sports by High School?

In our Sports by High School feature you can choose the high school and sport from your choice within 50 states. As we continue to supply content you are encouraged to recommend a sport (or a high school that is not in our database) (and gender if desired) to be identified with any of our current and new selections to be added. Send your request to support@mls.com; Once accepted by the MLS committee, the sport identification will be posted and that selection will automatically create that Sport Identified High School Home Page.

Click on that page and you can submit to any of its features and more from your profile, in your languages of choice.

As we populate this feature with sports, you can view the high schools sports by state.

  • (1) Clicking on the alphabetical letter in the horizontal bar, which will take you to all High Schools beginning with that letter
  • (2) Type in the Name of the High School to Begin Search
  • (3) You can Filter Results by State

Please note, after making a selection in either option (2) or (3) and you decide to exercise the next option, make sure to click on clear link

Note: If a High School has the same name in a state for more than one High School it will be further identified by the county it is in.

If you would prefer to have your personalized or team High School sport home page go to our Media Kit, click on the Personalizes Sport Home Pages link for assistance.

What are Olympics/Paralympics Sports?

In our Olympics/Paralympics you will find competing events from previous competitions .. to the 2012 London Olympics.

Click on that page and you can submit to any of its features and more from your profile, in your languages of choice.

You can search by

  • (1) Clicking on the alphabetical letter in the horizontal bar, which will take you to all sports beginning with that letter
  • (2) Type in the name of the sports to Begin Search
  • (3) Filter Results by Gender/Age

Please note, after making a selection in either option (2) or (3) and you decide to exercise the next option, make sure to click on clear link

We encourage you to recommend country identification with any of the sports currently listed in our Olympic/Paralympics. (Ex. Alpine Skiing United States; Water Polo Bahamas) Send your request to support@mls.com. Once accepted by the MLS committee it will be posted and that Sport Identified Country Home Page will be created automatically

If you do not see representation of a sport, Members also have the option of recommending a sport, gender/age and/or country to be identified with any of our sport tab selections. Send your request to support@mls.com. Once accepted by the MLS committee, the sport and sport related information will be posted in their respective sport tabs, and that Sport Home Page will be created automatically

If you would prefer to have your own personalized sport, team, Olympic, Paralympic, health & fitness, business, professional, educational, country, coaching or philanthropy home page click here

How do I know who is visiting any particular sport?

Go to the Media Kit, click on the blue link Visitors by Sport and choose what sports you are interested in. Visitors by Sport displays how many visitors have viewed the sport home page, articles, profiles, videos, keywords, teams, fan clubs and shared links of each sport featured on MLS

What is the Family Sport Home Pages Tab?

Private Home Page: The home pages that are located here are restricted. They can only be viewed by confirmed members of the home page. If you would like to become a member click the 'Request Membership' button located on this page and a message will be sent to the creator of this home page indicating your interest.

What is the Personal Sport Home Pages Tab?

This tab takes you to all members who have created personalized home pages. If you have interest in creating a PSHP, click on the Personalized Sport Home Page Tab in your “My Account” (Blue Link) feature. Here you will find what options are available to you.

What can I post on the Personalized Sport Home Page?

Here you can post a description of whom you are, locations, sport relation, photos, videos, articles, content and blogs, all exclusive to you.

Can I invite friends from this feature?

Yes. Just click on the Invite Friend link.

If I add a friend will they be able to view my entire profile?


I found a mistake in the sports glossary. How can I get this corrected?

Please forward this error to support@mls.com

What is the Family Sport Home Page feature?

Creating Your Own Family Sports Legacy Home Page

MLS is offering Family Sports Legacy Home Page opportunities for its members who would like to have an exclusive home page representing their families, MLS offers the following options.

What options do I have?

Option (1) You can include your last name identification which will be the name of the home page (Examples: Smith Family Sports Legacy).

Features include a link back to each family member’s profile and sports profile and the ability to submit articles, videos, photos, services, products and related content to Featured Video & Articles, Featured Content & Blogs, Events, and Links Shared by Members. Additional features include Invite Friends/Family. You can further share with over 360 social networks, fellow members… and more! This personalized family sport legacy home page will be similar in format to our sport home pages that exist on our site with the following exceptions

a. Family name identification (ex. Jones Family Sport Legacy) b. An Administrator of the site will need to approve family member participation c. No one else other than family members can post on this legacy sport home page without the administrator’s approval. d. Your Family Legacy Sport Home Page will be viewable in our Sports Feature with its own tab and searchable by family name, and by alphabetical order. e. Members will be able to select content from their profile and transfer it to this feature. An area describing the Family History

Option(2) If you prefer, MLS can provide customized featured family legacy home pages through a fee-based arrangement.

How much does it cost?

Pricing: Option (1) Family Home Pages are priced at $10.00/month*

*(A one year subscription will be required and paid when the order is submitted). Please note: Your subscription will be automatically renewed unless you request cancelation 15 days before the renewal date. There will be no refunds once ordered.

To indicate your interest in having either of these opportunities created for you, please send your request to support@mls.com. Include your name, Administrator’s name if known, family (last) name in which the page will be titled and contact information. We will notify you as soon as this feature is operational.

If you have any suggestions how this feature should be represented and enhanced for family members, please contact us at support@mls.com

What information is required to create a Family Home Page?

  1. Family Last Name / Surname (ie Smith)
  2. enter a short (no more than 50 characters) description of your family to help further identify it for cases where they may be multiple family home pages with the same last name/surname. An exmaple would be (Originally from Jersey City) or (of Weschester New York)
  3. Enter a brief family overview
  4. Upload a photo
  5. Use our webcam feature as an alternative to the photo upload
  6. Click on the “Go to Payment” link

For any mistakes or errors, please use the feedback function on top of every page.

I found a mistake in the sports glossary. How can I get this corrected?

For any mistakes or errors, please use the feedback function on top of every page.

You are missing terms/sports. How can I add them?

Please send them to us via the feedback function. We will add them as soon as possible.

Top of Page


What does the Health & Fitness Link provide?

For Kids and Adults of All Ages: Content is provided for the health and welfare for all of our members. To contribute content click on the Sports Health & Fitness link at the bottom on any our site pages. In our continued support of sport competition, MLS will donate a portion of its advertising revenue to Sports philanthropy, Grants, Scholarships and Disabled Sport related Charities.

Top of Page


What are Sport Home Pages?

Sport Home Pages (also known as sport websites) are created for every sport selection in our database, which currently represents 30,000 featured sport selections.

What options do I have in selecting sports?

You can select sports from our Sport Feature, which provides sports categorized by General Sports, Special Olympics, Sports by Gender/Age, Sports by Country, United States College/University Sports, International College/University Sports, Sports by High School and Olympics/Paralympic Sports.

Can Sport Home Pages be created for Personalized versions?

As an option, Sport Home Pages can also be created for all personalized home pages, which include the following possibilities: Sport, Business, Family Legacy, Team, Health & Fitness, Professional Services, Philanthropy, State, Coaching, Country, School, High School, USA College or University, International College or University, Olympic, Paralympic and Special Olympic sport home pages.

As an option, (highly recommended) Members can also select an identifying sport term or keyword to have a sport home page created. Ex. Sports Agent; Coach, etc.

What is the Featured Videos & Articles Tab?

On Featured Videos & Articles, select the videos and articles from your Profile page.

Create content in our Featured Content & Blogs tab, by selecting from the following options: Movers & Shakers, SportsWire, Events and Spotlight. On this page go to “Post Your Message Here” and Categorize the Post by using the scroll bar options for the above.

What is the Polls Tab?

In our Polls Tab, create a Poll Question and Poll Choice ( at least two poll choices are required for a Poll). Click on Create and it will automatically be posted. You can also utilize the Click Here to Follow (sport name) to get email or sms updates on new postings. (this is optional). You can share this with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links.

Where does the Sports Connections and Keyword tab take me to?

In our Sports Connections & Keywords tab, click on your selection and it will take you to any articles about that sport and member profiles identified by this term or keyword

Can you explain how the Links Shared by Members function?

In our Links Shared by Members tab, you can share an external link by clicking on Share a Link. Provide a Link Description (Limit 50 Characters) and supply the Link URL (i.e. www.sportsite.com). Then click on Share to have it posted on this page. You also have the option of following this sport home page by clicking on Click Here to Follow _____ (sport). You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links.

What can I view in the Classifieds/MarketPlace feature?

In our Classifieds/MarketPlace tab, you can view current classifieds by selecting the member, creation date, if buyer or seller and product/service.

You can also create a listing by posting the Listing Title, Product/Service, Location, Price, Contact info, if Buying or Selling and a Listing Description. You can upload a photo from your computer or use our webcam feature. You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links. Classified Entries can be edited or deleted from the My Account Classifieds Edit Page

What services does the Recruiting tab offer?

In our Recruiting Tab, you can view current postings by member, creation date and filtering by College Recruiting, Job Market or Seeking Employment.

You can also create a listing by posting the Listing Title, Organization, Contact info, Service, Purpose (College Recruiting, Job Market or Seeking Employment, a Listing Description and Resume. You can upload a photo from your computer or use our webcam feature. You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links. Recruiting Entries can be edited or deleted from the My Account Recruiting Edit Page

How do I post a Video?

In our Post Videos tab, you can upload a video; include its title and description; upload from your computer or embed from Your Tube. Click on Upload and Import Videos. Click Here to Follow _____ (sport). You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links.

How do I post a Photo?

In our Photos Tab, You can upload photos from your computer, use a webcam and view as a slide show by making your choice on the appropriate links. You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links. You can choose to Follow this page and be notified by (your choice) of email or sms.

Will MLS create a Sports Home Page for a member in another language?

Members can change the language of a page by using the Translate dropdown located on the top of each page. (2) Members can create their personalized page using and applying their own translation knowledge.

Where can I upload a picture from a webcam feature?


Can I upload a photo from my mobile phones and tablets?


Can I upload a photo from my Select an image from my Image Gallery?


How Do I Follow a Sport?

To follow sports select your sport(s) of choice from any of our Sport tabs. When you click on them you will come to their respective sport home page. Locate Follow, which is located below the description of Our members are the lifeblood of MLS ..Then click on Click Here to Follow (Sport Name will be identified). You can follow as many sports as you like.

How are members contacted to become friends?

Members can invite their friends to join MyLifeSports.com by sending an email to selected/Added contacts.

Can I invite friends?

Yes. Just click on Invite Friends and on this page you have the option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here, those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click Import Contact to get the mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see them in the Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click Send Mail button to send mail to selected contacts.

If someone wants to transfer a photo album (multiple pictures) to our site how would they do accomplish that?

You can upload as many pictures as you want from your computer including multiple photos at the same time

What is the Share with Members link?

This feature provides you the opportunity to share your profile with other members of MLS.

Do I have to complete all of the values such as First Name, Last Name, etc.?

No. These values are just for searching. The minimum you have to do is check the box next to the member s name

In the drop down that is provided how does a member place more contacts?

This feature provides a list of the member contacts on your contact page. A member makes a contact by searching for a member and requesting to be added to the member s contact list.

What is the reference to Account Type?

This is selected when you register. You have the option of selecting an identifying prefix, title, name, etc. Ex. Sports Doctor

Warning: Sharing your profile with a member who is not on your contacts list will allow that member to view our profile regardless of your security settings. Please only share our profile with members whom you trust to view your information

If I want to submit new suggestions for the sport database or sport home pages what procedure do I follow?

The definitions and related features have been supplied by our research team and contributing sources. If you would like to contribute additional content to those features, we welcome your comments. You may also add your definition to our existing English interpretations. If you would like to suggest a new sport home page, including sport category, sport name, team, personalized sport home pages, gender, age, definitions, links, elementary, intermediate, high school, college or universities; identification to inclusion of their sport home pages and any keywords associated with those sports, please Click Here to Submit Your Request. All of these options can be submitted in your languages of choice.

The Share with MyLifeSports link takes you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page Follow us on feature, where you can post your content

Where does the Share This link take you to?

The Share This link takes members to their own social networks

What features can I submit to on the Sport Home Pages?

Featured Articles & Videos

From your Profile you can post your videos and articles here. Click on upload your video to post videos or Write a New Article to post articles

Note: When submitting your article or video, please select the language, sport, sport category and keyword that best identifies your submission. By completing these requests your content will be posted in your profile, sport, sport home page, sport category and keyword you selected. This affords you greater exposure and engages fellow members

How do I post a video on the Sport Home Page with an article?

When you click "Write a new article" you will have the option to post a video with that article, if you post a video with an article it will appear in the featured video section

Featured Content & Blogs

On this feature you can select from the drop down feature you would like to submit content to; a choice of Movers & Shakers, SportsWire, Events, Spotlight and Polls. These features allows you to post directly on this page. They will also become part of your profile.

From the Blogs tab you can submit to the Blogs feature directly from your Profile dashboard feature.

What is the difference between and article and a blog?

For interpretation on our site, an article is a written contextual submission, while a blog is simply text.

Note: To indicate your interest in having any of these blog options for your exclusive use, please send your request to support@mls.com. Include your name, exclusive blog feature and contact information.

Where are the blogs located for viewing?

First select the sport of interest; proceed to that sport s home page; click on Featured Content & Blogs and click on the Blogs tab.

How do I submit to a blog?

You can submit to the Blogs feature directly from your Profile dashboard to the sport home page(s) of choice.

Can a Member import their Blog(s)?

No. They would have to copy and paste their blogs and provide the url s themselves. They can however include their blog s url in their profile but each blog would not provide a link back to their site

Where can I post my blog?

Here you can create your Blog Post. Select your Sport Category and Sport from our scroll bars. Type, cut or paste your content and click on Post. You will have a record of all of your blog entries on this page. This blog will be posted on the sport home page selected based on the sport and sport category you selected.

Can Blogs be associated or identified with keywords?

Blogs are only associated with a sport category and sport.

Is it correct that if a Member s profile is restricted or private, the viewer will not be able to see it?

They will not be able to see the Member s blog page but will be able to see any blogs the member has written if that blog appears on a relevant sport home page.

What is the value of a blog and for bloggers?

Bloggers are a vital part of our community. You provide the audience and diverse perspectives that make MLS a unique place to generate interest in your opinions and related content on any content.

Submit your blog to...

  • 1. Share your opinions with a wider audience
  • 2. Interact with our community of like-minded bloggers
  • 3. Generate inbound links to your personal site, helping new readers find your blog
  • 4. Get featured on your sport, sport category, personal, business, team, health & fitness, professional, philanthropy, coaching, state, country, school, high school, USA or International College/University, Olympic/Paralympic or Special Olympic home pages of choice!

How can I promote my blog on MLS?

Add your blog URL to your profile so you can import your articles and post them to any sport home page. Each post will include a link back to your site.

How MLS Promotes Blogs

Your blog is posted on as many sport and sport categories you select.

What else does MLS offer bloggers?

An International audience who will be able to search you by your name, articles written, team, sport criteria, keyword, fan club, location and languages read and spoken.

What are Sport Terms & Keywords?

This includes a list of sport terms and keywords to the sport being featured on each sport home page. It also serves as an identification of member s interest, profession and related services and products.

When you click on any of the terms or keywords it will take you to Articles from your choice of term or keyword and Member Profiles identified by this term or keyword.

Please Note: The definitions and related features have been supplied by our research team and contributing sources. If you would like to contribute additional content to those features, we welcome your comments. You may also add your definition to our existing English interpretations. If you would like to suggest a new sport home page, including sport category, sport name, team, personalized sport home pages, gender, age, definitions, links, high school, college or universities; identification to inclusion of their sport home pages and any keywords associated with those sports, please Click Here to Submit Your Request. All of these options can be submitted in your languages of choice.

When a sport home page is created, are there Terms and Keywords automatically placed in the Sport Terms & Keywords feature?

Yes. If the event this does not occur, please contact support@mls.com attn. Terms & Keywords.

What is the Links Shared by Members features

This includes your ability to submit an external link URL and a link description relative to the sport (home page) term or keyword

What is the Classifieds/MarketPlace feature?

Here you can view active classifieds, services and products being offered by members and also create a new listing for the same options.

What features can I submit content to on the Create Listing tab?

You can post your information by title, product, service, location, price, contact info, whether buying or selling, descriptions, photos . and more.

What options are there when I click on View Classifieds?

You will see the Member contributor, creation date, if you are a buyer/seller and the product or service being offered.

Can you edit information posted on the Classifieds Link?

Yes. Go to Editing, click on the My Account Classifieds Edit Page to edit or delete.

When I submit to the Classifieds/MarketPlace Feature, where does it go?

It is posted on the sport home page you selected

How do I include a photo?

To upload a photo from the web or from your computer click on the Insert Photo button as noted on the Classifieds Feature page for creating a listing. You can also upload from your mobile devices.

If I do not have a photo, what is my option?

If you have a Webcam, you can utilize it for your photos. You can also upload from your mobile and tablet devices.

Can I share this information with other social networks?

Yes. You can share with up to 360 social networks. Remember you must be a member of whichever ones you select.

Can I share with members of MLS?

Yes. Use the Share with Members link provided on this page.

The content I submit to on the sport home pages, where else will it go?

It is archived and becomes part of your Profile content

When I submit content (videos or articles) to Movers & Shakers where does it go to?

It will show up under your profile blogs page

When I submit content (videos or articles) to Sportswire where does it go to?

It will show up under your profile blogs page

When I submit content (videos or articles) to Events where does it go to?

It will show up under your profile blogs page

When you click on a term or keyword on any sport home page and you see Members who are identified with either of them if I click on any of them where will it take me?

To their Profile page

When I submit content (videos or articles) to Spotlight where does it go to?

It will show up under your profile blogs page

When I submit content (videos or articles) to Blogs where does it go to?

It will show up under your profile blogs page

When I submit to the Feature Video feature where does it go to?

Feature videos will appear on your profile video page

When I submit to the Featured Article component where does it go to?

Featured articles will appear in your profile article page

When I submit to the Recruiting Feature, where does that go?

It is posted on the sport home page you selected

If there are missing items in your Sport Home Pages what can I do?

The definitions and related features have been supplied by our research team and contributing sources. If you would like to contribute additional content to those features, we welcome your comments. You may also add your definition to our existing English interpretations. If you would like to suggest a new sport home page, including sport category, sport name, team, personalized sport home page, gender, age, definitions, links, elementary, intermediate, high school, college or universities; identification for inclusion of their sport home pages and any keywords associated with these sports please forward them to support@mls.com attn. Sports Division.

On what features can I send my photo albums?

I They can be posted on your profile, Family Sport Home Pages and Personalized Sport Home Pages.

How are photos posted to the Sport Home Pages?

I They are posted directly on the Sport Home Page selected

When a video is posted on any of the sport home pages, how long does it stay on that page?

I It stays on the featured video location until another video is posted

What happens to the video I posted when another video is posted on a sport home page?

I It will be archived for additional viewing.

When my video is archived when another member posts their video does it remain on my profile page?

I Yes

How will the videos be accessed?

I They will be accessed by title in the video archive feature

Do all posted videos remain on the MLS servers

I Yes. Please occasionally view our “Terms” in the event this policy is altered.

What if a video is posted with an article where will it be viewable?

It will be viewable from the article page feature

Can I advertise on any sport home pages?

For Advertisers and Sponsors click on our Media Kit link near the top of any of our sport home pages to view your options for our General Sports; Gender/Age; Sports by Country; High Schools; USA & International Colleges and Universities; Olympic; Paralympic and Special Olympic sports options. You can also access this information from our Media Resources “Box” on the Landing Page/Home Page of MLS.

What does Advertise by Sport provide me?

Advertise by Sport is our most popular marketing option. With over 30,000 featured sport selections from within the USA and over 265 countries to select from, this allows your advertisement to be viewed on the home page of the sport and sport identification you choose as well as on the pages on any articles, teams, fan clubs, Featured Video & Articles, Featured Content & Blogs, Sport Terms & Keywords, Links Shared by Members and Classifieds/MarketPlace related to that sport. The advertising placement home page options can be found in our Sports Tab – Select a Sport feature where you can choose from our General Sports, Special Olympics, Sports by Gender/Age, Sports by Country, Olympics/Paralympics, USA Sports by College/University, International Sports by College/University or High School Sports. Advertising by sport provides the maximum exposure throughout the site.

Are there restrictions as to how many ads I can place?

Members can order one or multiple insertions. There are no competing rotations with other advertisements. Minimum term is three days that can be selected consecutively or randomly depending upon availability. Please refer to your sport of interest's “calendar” of available dates found by choosing a sport to advertise on.

Does MLS offer compensation or other benefits to Marketing Companies?

If you are interested in (1) representation by your agency for a client and receiving a copy of our Media Agency Advertising Fee Agreement or (2) offering services and products to our members (including any of those mentioned in our Advertising Assistance Platforms) or (3) our Reciprocal Media Bartering opportunities, contact us at support@mls.com

Note: Use MLS from a public relations prospective, an opportunity to engage and display appreciation (“giving back”) to your fans and consumers by sponsoring their sports legacies.

If I want to learn the procedure to advertise, where should I go?

To secure additional information on the use of this feature, please click on our FAQ link; you will be directed to our FAQ Glossary; click on any of the following sources: Advertising, Advertisement/Sponsorship Pricing or Advertising Assistance

What types of advertising is available on MLS?

MLS provides self-serve and company assisted marketing programs. If you require personal assistance in formulating your media plan, please contact us at ads@mls.com. Another option is to go to the Advertising Assistance tab in our Media Kit, click on that link and it will take you to MLS Media Assistance, which offers a diverse menu of advertising platforms.

I want to advertise on the site. How do I do this?

Step 1: On any page of MLS, click on Media Kit. Step 2: From here, you may choose to advertise according to sport, keyword, or user. After you chose, click Next. Step 3: Chose the start and end date for your advertisement. You must also choose the ad type, the URL of your website, and an image or video. Step 4: Enter your billing information.

Can I target my advertisements?

At MyLifeSports.com our website was exclusively developed to provide you with the control, tools and flexibility to promote your content in an engaging environment; selecting the demographics that best distributes to a marketplace without boundaries. Featuring over 30,000 sport selections and more than 5,000,000 personally identified sport, professional, business, health and sport related keywords no global legacy sports site has our potential market reach capabilities!

Where will my advertisements appear?

With accessibility through conventional desktop/laptop computers and iPad (Tablets), iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Symbian/Nokia and other smart phone mobile applications, MLS allows our members to take advantage of direct interest related content, on a single destination platform that spans a cross-generational market.

How do members search our advertisements, services and products?

MLS Features eight internal search engine options and thousands of interactive features, MLS provides the consumer with accessibility to the Advertiser s services and products submitted directly by the Advertiser in their selected sports, sport related venues, languages and countries of preference.

What does the Advertising and Sponsorship selection options include?

It includes our athletes, personalized sport home page options, including personal profiles, teams, fan clubs, business, health & fitness, professional, philanthropy, state, country, general sports; gender/age; sports by country; school, high schools; USA & International colleges and universities; Olympic; Paralympic and Special Olympic sports. Our individual sport home pages, sport identifying terms and keyword definitions, sport related components, personalized sport home pages, shared links, articles, and member profile pages allow you to target specific demographics, sports, topics, and individuals to market your services and products. This helps ensure that your advertisements are relevant to who is viewing them.

What is the pricing structure to place advertisements?

MyLifeSports.com requires a minimum advertising placement of seven days for each order. They can be placed consecutively or randomly in your choice of days or month(s). There are no restrictions as to the number of advertisements, dates or locations members can place. Our advertising prices are based on a tiered structure that can be viewed in the Pricing Tab in the Media Kit.

Where can I locate the pricing for Advertisements or Sponsorships?

Go to the Media Kit and click on the blue link titled: Advertisement Pricing

What are the requirements to advertise?

Members can order one or multiple insertions. There are no competing rotations with other advertisements. Minimum term is seven days that can be selected consecutively or randomly depending upon availability. Please refer to your sport of interest in your calendar of available dates found on the Create Advertisement page

Will I be able to see past and current advertisements that I have placed on MLS?

Yes. Just click on the Advertisement History link in the Media Kit

Do you allow advertising agencies to place ads on the site?

If you are a media/advertising agency and are interested in placing advertisements and related content on MLS please register at ads@mls.com and request an agency representation agreement. We welcome your participation.

Does MLS offer media assistance in formulating a marketing budget and plan?

Go to the Advertising Assistance tab and it will provide you with a list of additional advertising platforms to choose from

Would MLS consider bartering for advertising?

If you are interested in Reciprocal Media Bartering opportunities, submit your questions and/or proposal to Alan.Chokov@mls.com

Do I have to be a marketing or media agency to participate in Reciprocal Media Bartering?

No. If you have a reciprocation proposal, please submit it to Alan.Chokov@mls.com

How do I create an advertisement?

Go to the Media Kit and click on How to Advertise. It will take you to the step-by-step process of placing an advertisement

What is the difference between a sponsor and an advertiser?

A sponsor is a person or company who is featured on the page of a certain athlete. Advertisers have their ads shown on any section of the site and are set fluctuate with other ads.

Does MLS sell my personal information to advertisers?

No. Our Terms/Policy prohibits this practice

Can I block advertisements placed on MLS?

No. It’s not possible to block MLS ads from showing on pages associated with your account.

If I want to make a comment on an advertisement what is the procedure?

We welcome your comments. Just send them to ads@mls.com Attn: Ad Comment Dept.

Do Advertisers have access to my personal information?

Depending on the security setting you select when you set up your account in your My Account feature will answer your question. Your options include Private, Protected and Public.

Can MLS use my photo in any advertisement?

No. An Advertisers must request that possibility with you having the final determination of what can and cannot be applied to your photo

Can a member post an advertisement on the Family Legacy Sport Home Pages?


As an Advertiser when I place an ad on a personalized home page will it be a separate billing and will I have a calendar to see what is available?

Yes. For each posting a calendar of available dates is provided. Once a member selects and pays the required fee the reserved dates will be noted immediately.

On what devices can my advertisements be viewed?

You can view your advertisements on your Personal computers, Tablets, iPhones, Androids and Blackberry devices.

What advertising formats does MLS allow?

MyLifeSports.com allows for advertisements in the following formats.

Image Formats

  • JPEG
  • GIF (both animated and static)
  • PNG

Video Formats

  • SWF (Adobe Flash)

What are your banner advertisement sizes and specifications? Leaderboard (728 x 90 pixels)

Leaderboards are the premium "real estate" on MyLifeSports.com occupying a prominent position right below the main navigation links. They can be found at the top of each sport home page, sport category, keyword, member sport profile, team, and fan club

Skyscrapers are vertical advertisements that occupy a highly visible space in the right column of the relevant pages of MyLifeSports.com. They can be found on each sport home page, sport category, keyword, member sport profile, team, and fan club page.

Rectangles (180 x 150)

Rectangle advertisements occupy the right side of each sport home page, sport category, keyword, member sport profile, team, and fan club page.

Vendor Video / Medium Rectangles (300 x 250)

Medium Rectangle advertisements occupy the area directly below the featured articles on each sport home page, sport category, keyword, member sport profile, team, and fan club

How are fee-based services paid for?

If you select any of our fee-based components, they will be billed internally through the member s Account Management Page, which provides your personal administration and choice of services available. Your personal Management Account is provided once you have registered and created your Profile. You must have a Registered Account and Profile in order to purchase any of these services. Click here to view details about our fee-based services

Who handles your billing on credit cards?

We use PayPal. For more information please visit www.paypal.com

I am interested in being the exclusive blogger for a sport home page, what do I have to do?

For members who would prefer to be the exclusive Blogger for any of our Sport Home Pages you have the following options.

MyLifeSports.com requires a minimum placement of seven days for each order. They can be placed consecutively or randomly in your choice of days or month(s). There are no restrictions as to the number of Blogging Features or dates members can place.

Is there a fee to be the Exclusive Blogger?

Yes, please go to the Media Kit, click on Exclusive Blogging and it will provide you with the fee structure.

What is your fee structure for advertising?

Please go to the Media Kit, click on Pricing and it will provide you with the advertisement placement fees.

Is there a way to know how many members are viewing any given sport?

Yes, just go to the Media Kit and click on Visitors by Sport. Select the sport of interest and the number of views will be in the last right hand column of that sport

How do I keep track of where I have advertised?

Go to the Media Kit and click on Advertisement History. This will provide you with a chronological assessment of your advertisement placement.

How do I create and advertisement?

Go to the Media Kit and click on Create Advertisement MyLifeSports allows you to advertise on your choice of sports. There are three options to preview your sport selection: (1) Select from our alphabetical list. (2) Type in the Name of the Sport to Begin Searching or (3) Filter Results by Sport Category, then click on the circle(s) next to those selected sports and go to the Next button to proceed.

Can I advertise on mobile applications?

Yes. MLS provides the platform to advertise on Tablets, iPhones, Androids and Blackberry devices.

As an advertiser or vendor, where can I place videos?

MLS provides platforms for its rectangle ads on all Sport Home Pages, Sport Profiles, Health & Fitness, philanthropy, Vendors, Profiles, Fan Pages and Teams.

As an Advertiser, when I place an ad on a personalized home page will it be a separate billing and will I have a calendar to view what is available?


As an Advertiser, when I place an ad on a member s profile will it be billed separately and will I have a calendar to see what is available?


What happens if my ad is not posted?

In the rare case your ad is not posted, please contact support@mls.com

What if my credit card is not accepted?

If your credit card is declined, the transaction is cancelled and no charge is made to your account.

How do I know who is visiting the sport I am interested in?

Go to the Media Kit, click on the blue link Visitors by Sport and choose what sports you are interested in. Visitors by Sport displays how many visitors have viewed the sport home page, articles, profiles, videos, terms, keywords, teams, fan clubs and shared links of each sport featured on MLS. Please Note: You cannot see who is viewing the sport

Will I be able to see what advertisements I have posted to date?

Yes. Go to the Media Kit, click on the blue link Advertisement History and it will provide you with all advertisements placed. This feature includes Location, Topic, Cost, Ad Type, Outbound URL, End Date, Status, Impressions and Edit options.

What if I represent a Marketing company and would like to post advertisements on behalf of my clients?

If you are interested in representation by your agency on behalf of clients and in receiving a copy of our Media Agency Advertising Fee Agreement contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com; Send regarding: Agency Fee Agreement

What if I am interested in offering services and products to MLS members?

Send your request to Alan.Chokov@mls.com; Send regarding: Service/Product Offering

Do you offer any reciprocal media bartering opportunities?

If you are interested in discussing a reciprocal media bartering opportunity, please contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com; Send regarding: Bartering Opportunity

What are your Advertisement Bonus or Special opportunities?

Contact Alan.Chokov@mls.com for current package specials and opportunities. Please include in your email that you are or represent and the type of advertising you are interested in placing.

Top of Page


What is Streaming Video?

Streaming video is content sent in compressed form over the Internet and displayed by the viewer in real time. With streaming video a Web user does not have to wait to download a file to play it. Instead, the media is sent in a continuous stream of data and is played as it arrives. The user needs a player, which is a special program that uncompresses and sends video data to the display and audio data to speakers. A player can be either an integral part of a browser or downloaded from the software maker's Web site.

What is Streaming Media?

Streaming media is video or audio content sent in compressed form over the Internet and played immediately, rather than being saved to the hard drive.. With streaming media, a user does not have to wait to download a file to play it. Because the media is sent in a continuous stream of data it can play as it arrives. Users can pause, rewind or fast-forward, just as they could with a downloaded file, unless the content is being streamed live.

How will I be able to view streaming videos on MLS?

You will be able to view them when you click on the the streaming video feature tab found in our Sports feature

Where does these streaming videos come from?

Media is usually streamed from prerecorded files but can also be distributed as part of a live broadcast feed.

Can you provide me with a sample of what these will be on MLS.

There are a number of streaming videos that will be viewable. Some examples would be Fox Sports, NFL Network, NHL Network, NBA TV, ABC Sports…….

Top of Page


What are Tags?

Tags are words that further identify what the article is about. You can add multiple tags. Tags are a way to organize lots of information. They are simply short descriptions for a subject. They are like keywords, or a label for a category.

How do I create Tags?

When creating an article a member can add tags in tag field area. This feature is optional and separated by (asterisks), members can search an article in the Advance Search by those tags. Tags are words that would further identify what the article is about.

What are tags as they apply to articles?

Tags are words that are used to search that article on search engines

When someone clicks on a tag where does it go?

Tags will be used to search that article on search engine. Clicking on them will not take them anywhere.

What is tagging?

In general tagging can be defined as the practice of creating and managing labels (or “tags”) that categorize content using simple keywords.

Top of Page


How do I create a team?

A complete guide for creating, managing, and inviting members to join your team can be found on the Team Home Page.

What information do I have to provide to set up a team?

On the Team page do the following:

  • Select your Sport Category (Required)
  • Gender/Age Identification (Optional)
  • Select your Sport Name (Required)
  • Select your School or Organization (Optional)
  • Select your Team Name (Required)
  • Additional Required Info:
  • Country, State, County and City

Team Description (Optional but recommended)

Use the webcam or your Browse feature to include a team picture.

For more detailed information, click on To view our guide for team creation click here

When I go to the Sport Name feature it did not contain anything in the dropdown?

You need to first put in your sport category and the dropdown will be populated for you to make a selection.

Can I create my personalized Team Home Page?

Yes. Go to the Media Kit, click on Personalized Sport Home Pages and view your options.

Can I create more than one team?

As a member you can create as many sport teams as you like.

How do I search for a team?

Go to the Teams Feature and click on the Search Existing Teams. You can search for any teams that have been created based on the search criteria.

I want to invite someone to join my team but they aren’t t a member. What do I do?

Fill in their name and e-mail address and an automatic invitation will be sent to them

Can I invite friends?

Yes. Just click on Invite Friends and on Invite Friend page you have option to "Select Service To Get Contacts". Here those mail services are available which you or other subscribers submitted through "Import Contacts". If required mail services are not available then click Import Contact to get mail services and contacts of those services. After getting contacts, you can see your contacts in Grid View. You can select or unselect your contacts from the Grid View. Click Send Mail button to send mail to selected contacts.

Can a team member send an email to all of their team members?

Members can only send emails to their contacts and friends only.

Can a Team Administrator create an event for a team?

Any team administrator can create an event for a team.

How do I use the webcam feature?

Our webcam feature can be used to upload any personal image for the purpose of your Profile or Team Picture. When you click on this feature the Browser will require the permission from the member to access its webcam. If you accept it then you will be able to see its webcam on the screen. You can take your picture, click on upload to send it to the selected page s image folder.

Can I upload a photo from mobile devices?

Yes. You can upload from your smart phones and tablets.

Do I have the option of selecting a photo from my files?

You can go to Browse feature located below the Webcam option and select a photo from your files. Just copy and forward to our team option. Then click on Create Team.

What if a foreign team creates a sport home page and for this example for baseball and does or does not have any sport terms or keywords to contribute?

If they were provided by the team in English or are keywords that we use for a baseball team they would be used. They can always be translated later by that team. If the team provides keywords in another language we can associate them with that team in that language.

Where are events posted?

Events are posted and recorded in the teams event page

After I post my Team information, what occurs next?

You will come to a page that shows what you posted for the Team info and the ability to submit to its blog. You then can use our features: Ask Friends to Join Club and/or Share with Members.

Note: A member must fill out all of the fields labeled required and has the option to fill out any fields labeled optional.

What are required fields to complete on the Team Feature?

You must include your sport category, sport name, team name, country, state, county and city.

What are optional fields to complete on the Team Feature?

Gender/Age, School or Organization, Team Description. It is highly recommended that you complete the Team Description request.

How do I post photos?

Click on the Team Picture link and select from our Choose Photo or Upload Through Webcam options.

Can I view my photos in a slide show

Yes. Click on the View as slide show link; it provides the options of add or deleting videos. Click on Upload Video; create a title and video description. You can upload from your computer or embed it from You Tube. Once you have made your decisions click on Upload

Can I share my photos with my friends and members?

Yes. Just click on the Invite Friends and Share with Members links

How do I post videos?

Click on the Team Picture link

Can I Invite Friends and Share with Members from the Video feature?

Yes. Just click on their links.

What is the Fan Club Administration Feature?

This feature allows you to manage the club roster, add an administrator or remove a member from the team, Just click on the Team Club Settings tab and proceed accordingly. Once you have completed your changes, click on the Update link.

What can I do with General Settings

You can elect to have the Team Private (Members must be invited in order to join)

What are my Administrative Features?

You can Manage the Team Roster, add an Administrator and Remove a Member from the Team.

What are my Administrative Privileges?

You can control the following:

  • Create Articles
  • Delete Articles
  • Upload and Modify Photos
  • Upload Videos
  • Delete Videos
  • Create Team Events
  • Delete Team Events

What privileges do the Team members have?

You can control the following:

  • Create Articles
  • Upload and Modify Photos
  • Upload Videos
  • Create Team Events

Note: Any privileges granted to all Team Members will automatically be granted to Administrators as well. For example if Create Articles is checked under Team Member Privileges but not checked under Administrator Privileges, Administrators will still be able to create articles because all Administrators are considered Team Members

If someone want to transfer a photo album (multiple pictures) to our site how would they do this?

You can upload as many pictures as you want from your computers including multiple photos at the same time

How do I create an event?

Create an event name, a description of the event (not to exceed 400 characters); place the event date and time and click on the Create Link. Once the event is created, it can be viewed by returning to the team s homepage. It will also be archived in the teams list of events.

Can members search for events?

Yes. Members can search events by clicking on the View Events tab. A calendar will appear with the date s notes. From here you can also click on the Delete Events tab to remove any events that you no longer want to archive.

Who can delete events from the team s schedule?

The team s creator can allow themselves and other administrators to delete events from the schedule.

Who can create Team Articles or Announcements?

Members of the team can create articles or announcements about the team. They can also delete an article

When an article is posted where will it be viewable?

The article will be displayed with any other articles about the team on the Articles page.

How can I invite Members to join a team?

By using any one of the member search features in MLS s Advanced Search Component, a member can invite others to join their team. Searching for a member and clicking Invite Member to Join a Team will bring you to a page listing all of the teams that you belong to and have the rights to invite other members as well. Here you can view the Member s profile, add a member contact and Invite a Member to join the team.

Clicking Invite will send a message to that member with an invitation to join your team. Once that member accepts they will be automatically added to the team s roster

Can I create more than one Team?

As a member you can create as many Teams as you like

Can I share with social networks?

Yes you can share with any of the 360 social networks featured; any of our MLS social networks.

The Share with MyLifeSports link takes you where?

It will take you to the MyLifeSports Social networks located on the Landing Page Follow us on feature, where you can post your content

Where does the Share This link take you to?

The Share This link takes members to their own social networks

Top of Page


Are these services offered only by MLS?

MLS offers numerous support services for our members. Our in-house developers are trained and experienced with a wide range of operating and database management systems, web development environments, marketing platforms and languages.

Can third party providers of tech & business services be on this site?

We also offer independent vendor services as noted in advertisements placed on this page and throughout our site. You must be a member to offer these services. Please view our Terms as to our policy toward s third party members who offer these services.

What services are available?

Supportive Technology & Internet Business Services

MLS offers numerous support services for our members. Our in-house developers are trained and experienced with a wide range of operating and database management systems, web development environments, marketing platforms and languages. We also offer independent vendor services as noted in advertisements placed on this page and throughout our site.

Web Design

  • Web Site Development, Design & Hosting
  • Web Analytics
  • Domain Name Registration
  • Keyword Research
  • Customized Websites & Sport Home Pages
  • Customized Sport Portals

Application Development

  • Java, C/C++, PHP, ColdFusion, ASP and other Programming Languages.
  • Application Integration
  • Database Development
  • Remote Data Backup
  • Content Management Systems, Including Installation, Integration, and Support
  • Unique custom applications where required.
  • Efficient e-commerce/shopping cart applications
  • Shopping Cart Systems
  • Security, Anti-Virus and Firewalling
  • Networking, Programming and Security
  • Virtual Private Intranet
  • Email Anti-Spam Services & email Broadcast & Hosting Services
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Usability testing.
  • Consultation

Internet Business Development

  • Business Concepts
  • Business Development
  • Business Strategies & Research
  • Marketing Concepts
  • Equity & Debt Investment
  • Intellectual Capital Investment
  • Partnership Opportunities
  • Application Development
  • Internet Business Development

For Internet Business, Application or Web Design development assistance please submit your requests to Alan.Chokov@mls.com

Based on your service requirements, we will assist you in creating a plan to reach those goals. For more information contact us at Alan.Chokov@mls.com

Web Design

  • Web Site Development, Design & Hosting
  • Web Analytics
  • Domain Name Registration
  • Keyword Research
  • Customized Websites & Sport Home Pages
  • Customized Sport Portals

Application Development

  • Java, C/C++, PHP, ColdFusion, ASP and other Programming Languages.
  • Application Integration
  • Database Development
  • Remote Data Backup
  • Content Management Systems, Including Installation, Integration, and Support
  • Unique custom applications where required.
  • Efficient e-commerce/shopping cart applications
  • Shopping Cart Systems
  • Security, Anti-Virus and Firewalling
  • Networking, Programming and Security
  • Virtual Private Intranet
  • Email Anti-Spam Services & email Broadcast & Hosting Services
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Usability testing.
  • Consultation

Internet Business Development

  • Business Concepts
  • Business Development
  • Business Strategies & Research
  • Marketing Concepts
  • Equity & Debt Investment
  • Intellectual Capital Investment
  • Partnership Opportunities
  • Application Development
  • Internet Business Development

For Internet Business, Application or Web Design development assistance please submit your requests to Alan.Chokov@mls.com

Based on your service requirements, we will assist you in creating a plan to reach those goals. For more information contact us at Alan.Chokov@mls.com

Top of Page


Where can I find the terms and conditions or MLS?

Click on the Terms icon on located near the top of all pages on our site. It is to right of Contact and to the left of FAQ . Here you can review the terms and conditions associated with this site. These terms may be modified at any time at the discretion of MLS management. It is suggested you periodically review them. The date of the most recent modification will appear on the first page of this document. From this document you will also be able to access the Kids Privacy Policy and philanthropy Policy by clicking on their respective links located to the left of the page.

Top of Page


As a member how will someone find me or any of the other main features of MLS on major search engines?

URL Identifications have been created for all members, 30,000 sport selections, 5 million connections, keywords and the following as shown in the examples provided below.

These URLs are primarily used for creative SEO practices; Plus URLs are readable. If someone knows how to write URLs on our site then with what we have created it can be done easily.

Anyone can type in the following identifications in the address bar of their browser to locate MyLifeSports members, identifying keywords and terms, teams, fan clubs, general sports; sports by gender/age; sports by country; United States Colleges & Universities; International Colleges & Universities; High School Sports; Olympics, Paralympics or Special Olympics .

For a Team:

  • http://www.Kids2ProSports.com/View/Youth Team Handball
  • http://www.Kids2ProSports.com/View/Team penning
  • http://www.Kids2ProSports.com/Keyword/Team penning Doctor
  • http://www.Kids2ProSports.com/Keyword/Team penning Advocate

For a Fan Club

  • www.MyLifeSports.com/Fanclub/FanclubName

For a General Sport

  • http://Kids2ProSports.com/sport/Air Hockey
  • http://Kids2ProSports.com/sport/Karate
  • http://www.Kids2ProSports.com/Sport/Basketball
  • http://www.Kids2ProSports.com/Sport/Baseball

For a Sport by Gender/Age:

Kids2ProSports.com/ Boy s High School Soccer

  • http://www.Kids2ProSports.com/Gender/Boy s High School 2x2x2
  • http://www.Kids2ProSports.com/Gender/Boy s High School Abanico
  • http://www.Kids2ProSports.com/Gender/Boy s High School Aggressive Inline
  • Skating

For Sports by Country:

  • http://www.Kids2ProSports.com/Countries/Ashmore and Cartier Islands
  • http://www.kids2ProSports.com/Countries/ Denmark Baseball

For a Sport by United States Colleges or Universities:

  • http://www.kids2ProSports.com/Countries/Argentina Baseball
  • http://www.kids2ProSports.com/Countries/Portugal Baseball

For a Sport by International Colleges or Universities

  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/CollegesInt/Aarhus School of Business
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/CollegesInt/Adama University

For a Sport by High School

  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/HighSchool/Aberdeen High School

For a Sport by Special Olympics

  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/SpecialOlympics/Alpine Skiing - Alabama
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/SpecialOlympics/Figure Skating - Canada
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/SpecialOlympics/Alpine Skiing - Denmark

For a Sport by Olympics or Paralympics:

  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/Olympics/ Men s 100m butterfly men

MyLifeSports.com/Men s 100m Butterfly Men United States

Footer links

  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/SportsAuthority
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/Recruiting
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/Sport/Sports philanthropy
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/Education
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/MLSZOO
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/News
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/Sport/Sports Health and Fitness
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/SportsICandy
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/BusinessConcepts
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/Write4MLS
  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/FutureFeatures

By Keywords

  • http://www.kids2prosports.com/Keyword/Blind Sports in Team Handball

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Where can I post videos?

Go to your Profile page and click on the Video s link located under View User’s Content. Our options include uploading a video from your computer or embedding from You Tube

How do I manage my Videos?

Click on the Manage Videos link in your My Account page. There you can edit or delete videos you have previously posted.

Can I post videos on any of the sport home pages?

Yes. You can post videos on any of our 30,000 sport homes pages. Click on the Videos link where you can upload a video from your computer or embed from You Tube

What is the Import Videos link?

You can import videos that you have archived. This feature is accessed once you click on the Import Videos link

Can I share these videos with my social networks?

Yes. Click on the social network links that you belong to

Can I invite Friends from this page?

Yes. Click on the Invite Friends link to complete this process.

Can I share these videos with members of MLS?

Yes. Click on the Share With Members link to complete this function

Can I send videos from my smart phone or tablet?

Yes. You will able to import videos from your mobile devices. You will also be able to select the sport home page that it will go to.

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Where can I locate the number of visitors to MLS for any sport?

Go to the Media Kit and click on the blue link titled: Visitors by Sport. It will provide you with the total views of all sports and for individual sports. The individual sports are located under View in the sport identifications located on this page for all of our sport selections.

What is taken into consideration in calculating the number of views for any sport?

Visitors by Sport displays how many visitors have viewed the sport home page, articles, profiles, videos, terms, keywords, teams, fan clubs and shared links of each sport featured on MLS.

Are there other ways to measure the number of view?

This feature will be expanded in the near future to include an advertisement, share buttons, invite friends, mobile sites, like button (from our social feature) report abuse (from our social feature), comment button (from our social feature, uploading a photo or video, creating a team or fan club, posting on the message boards and the following someone feature.

Top of Page


Can anyone write content for MLS?

MLS has been crated with one single objective in mind. To become the #1 multicultural sports site in the world in terms of reach, branding and quality of content. MLS is where knowledgeable and passionate sports fans meet to share insights and opinions and to get broad, in-depth coverage of their favorite sports. Built on an open, community publishing platform, MLS gives fans a voice on what is important to them in the world of sports. Click on our Write4MLS link at the bottom of any our pages for details of participation.

The MLS Home Page provides descriptive text for our Welcome to MyLifeSports, Thousands of Sports, Multicultural, Be Discovered and Media Resource features. You can browse your mouse over each component to get particular details on those topics

Welcome to MyLifeSports

MyLifeSports.com provides you the opportunity to create, share & preserve your sports legacy in your languages of choice on the world’s premier interactive multicultural global network & legacy search engine, featuring thousands of sports from around the world and over 1 million keywords and terms.

For Kids & Adults of All Ages you can chronicle your sports legacy from childhood to professional and beyond. It provides the opportunity to share your sport memories, create multiple sport profiles in your sports of choice.

Thousands of Sports

MyLifeSports.com features 30,000 featured sports from within the USA and over 265 countries, each with their own home page. As a member you can select as many sports and create as many sport profiles you wish in your languages of choice.

Multicultural - Connecting Athletes From Around the World

Since sports are global yet interpreted differently by various cultures, we support all of the world's spoken and read languages.

Members can create, preserve and share all content submissions in their languages of choice, selecting from any of our thousands of featured sports, individually represented sport home pages and over 5,000,000 connections and keywords; and hundreds of thousands in interactive features. Members can also be searched by the languages they speak and/or read.