
There are over a billion sport sites…and then there’s MyLifeSports.net…………and it’s “All About You”

Welcome to MyLifeSports.com

Please find directions on How2Use MLS

Select from the following links

MLS Landing Page/Home Page

• Register for your Free Membership by clicking on the Register link at the top right corner of the Landing Page. Then select your age verification and proceed to include the required information; then click on Create User (or on this page you can create it from your Facebook , Twitter or LinkedIn account). You can also use the Sign Up or Register through Facebook, Twiiter and Linkedin links on the Landing Page. To login, click on the Login link located to the left of the Register link. This will take you to your Profile page.

• Once registered you can submit content to your My Account Feature. This information will automatically become part of your Profile. Note: You can create as many profiles as you wish for your sports of choice from your My Account feature*

• Click on any of the Red links located near the bottom of the page to view our Welcome / About Us / 30,000 Sport Selections / Discover and Member Kit / Member Options.

• You can also view us on your iPad and other tablets. Download MLS onto your mobile phones by clicking on any of the mobile links listed. Please note: The download for the iPhone will be available soon.

Media Kit

• For information on posting advertisements on this or any or our site’s pages go to our Media Kit link near the top of the page to view all of the featured links including Why Promote Your Services and Products on MLS, Ways to Advertise, How To Advertise, Advertising Formats, Fee Based Options, Advertisement Pricing, Advertisement History, Create Advertisements and Advertising Assistance. Step-by-Step directions are provided.

To secure additional information on the use of this feature, please click on our FAQ link; you will be directed to our FAQ Glossary; click on any of the following sources: Advertising, Advertisement/Sponsorship, Pricing or Advertising Assistance.

Member Options

• For information and directions on Member Options, click on the following options: Personalized Home Pages, Create Personal Home Pages, Coaching Home Pages, Create Coaching Page, Create Family Home Page, Create Team Pages, Exclusive Blogging, Fee-Based Options.

Contact Us

• You can contact us through the Contact link. Provide your contact information and message. The company email directory is provided on this page


• The Terms link provides you with the terms and conditi Keywordsdatabaseons to use the K2PS site. If you have any questions about these policies, please contact us at mlshelp@optimum.net Send to the attention of the Terms Dept.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

• The FAQ provides frequently asked questions and answers for all of our features. If you require an answer to a question that is not posted, please send your request to mlshelp@optimum.net Attn.: FAQ Dept.


• The Feedback link allows you to Please provide any relevant details when suggesting changes or submission of a new sport home page, including sport category, sport name, team, gender, age, definition, location, links, elementary, intermediate, high school, college or universities, identification to inclusion of their sport home pages and any keywords associated with those sports. Please provide your contact information along with your submission including but not limited to your name and email address

Advanced Search

• When clicking on the Advanced Search link it will direct you to the following eight options and directions:

Member Name Search

As our site continues to become more populated you will be able to search for members by Search by Name their first name, last name, or user name by entering text into the appropriate fields below. You can also search by the member’s maiden name or alternative name if applicable. There are no minimum requirements.

Search by Location & Language

Search by Location & Language where you can search by language, languages spoken and read and by location.

Sport Member Search

As our site continues to become more populated you will be able to search for members by various sports criteria. In the Sport Member Search you can find all of our members who play a particular sport.

You can also compare yourself to members who play the same sports as you or speak similar languages. First, you must start with the Sport selection. Another example allows you to search for coaches or scouts in your city, county, state, or country selected under the Account selection. Please keep in mind, the more precise you are in completing the search values the less likely you will get results, since the more filtering functions performed provides results based on all of your requirements. You should be as exact in your search to get the best results. Submitting to all of the Search Values is not a requirement.

If your Sport Profile search is not to your satisfaction, please consider fewer requirements and initiate the search again. Another option is to include posting your requirements on our Message Board.

Member Criteria Search

As our site continues to become more populated in our Member Criteria Search you will be able to search for members by various sports criteria. First, you must start with the Sport selection. You can compare yourself to members who play the same sports as you or speak similar languages. Another example allows you to search for coaches or scouts in your city, county, state or county selected under the Account feature.Please keep in mind, the more precise you are in completing the search values the less likely you will get results, since the more filtering functions performed provides results based on all of your requirements. You should be as exact in your search to get the best results.

Submitting to all of the Search Values is not a requirement. If your peer criteria search is not to your satisfaction, please consider fewer requirements and initiate the search again. Another option is to include posting your requirements on our Message Board.

You may only search for members by sport and for the sports that you have created a sport profile for. For example if you would like to be able to compare yourself with only baseball players, you must create a baseball profile.The purpose of this search is to compare you to or search for other members by sport. Therefore, in order to appear in these search results you must have established at least one sport profile.

Article Search

When searching for articles please respond to as many “Search Values in the Article Search the boxes provided. You can submit your request by Title, Author, Date, Sport Category, Sport Name, Keyword and Language. You do not have to complete all search values. Keep in mind the more detailed you are in searching for articles should return your desired results. If no results are returned as a result of your search, consider refining your criteria by entering less search requirements.

Team Search

You can search by teams by entering the information in the search values or by the teams name or by the sport you are looking for theTeam Search . You can narrow your search results by specifying location information such as city, county, state and country.

Fan Club Search

You can search fan clubs by name and sport in the Fan Club Search. If known include the Fan Club’s Creator’s Name to further refine your search

Sports Connections & Keywords

You can search our Sports Connections & Keywords database of over 5,000,000 personally identified sport, professional, business, health connections and keywords. Each sport home page has its own set of sport related connections and keywords.

Choose your Category, Sport and Keyword and it will take you to articles written about the Keyword selected. There, if you click on that Sports link it will take you to all keywords of that sport. If you click on the Sport Category it will take you to that Sport Home Page.

Your Profile

• You can access your Profile by clicking on the Profile link located near the top of the page


• To access our Sports and be able to post your content on any of our 30,000 sport selections, each with their own home page, click on the Sports Tab located near the top of the page, which will take you to “Select a Sport” that includes eight options* to choose from (General Sports, Special Olympics, Sports by Gender/Age, Sports by Country, USA Colleges/Universities, International Colleges/Universities, Sports by High School, Olympics/Paralympics). Each sport tab will provide step-by-step directions, with sport search options using our horizontal alphabetical bar; sport or sport category selections to access the sport home pages of choice.

Sports Tab Features

Click on the Sport Tab of choice... then click on your sport of choice As a member, you can post on the following features for any of our 30,000 sport selections:

On Featured Videos & Articles, select the videos and articles from your Profile page.

Create content in our Featured Content & Blogs tab, by selecting from the following options: Movers & Shakers, SportsWire, Events and Spotlight. On this page go to “Post Your Message Here” and Categorize the Post by using the scroll bar options for the above.

In our Polls Tab, create a Poll Question and Poll Choice ( at least two poll choices are required for a Poll). Click on Create and it will automatically be posted. You can also utilize the Click Here to Follow (sport name) to get email or sms updates on new postings. (this is optional). You can share this with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links.

In our Sports Connections & Keywords link, click on your selection and it will take you to any articles about that sport and member profiles identified by this term or keyword

In our Links Shared by Members link, you can share an external link by clicking on Share a Link. Provide a Link Description (Limit 50 Characters) and supply the Link URL (ie. www.sportsite.com). Then click on Share to have it posted on this page. You also have the option of following this sport home page by clicking on Click Here to Follow _____ (sport). You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links.

In our Classifieds/MarketPlace tab, you can view current classifieds by selecting the member, creation date, if buyer or seller and product/service.

You can also create a listing by posting the Listing Title, Product/Service, Location, Price, Contact info, if Buying or Selling and a Listing Description. You can upload a photo from your computer or use our webcam feature. You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links. Classified Entries can be edited or deleted from the My Account Classifieds Edit Page

In our Recruiting link, you can view current postings by member, creation date and filtering by College Recruiting, Job Market or Seeking Employment.

You can also create a listing by posting the Listing Title, Organization, Contact info, Service, Purpose (College Recruiting, Job Market or Seeking Employment, a Listing Description and Resume. You can upload a photo from your computer or use our webcam feature. You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links. Recruiting Entries can be edited or deleted from the My Account Recruiting Edit Page

In our Post Videos tab, you can upload a video; include its title and description; upload from your computer or embed from Your Tube. Click on Upload and Import Videos. Click Here to Follow _____ (sport). You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links.

In our Photos Tab, You can upload photos from your computer, use a webcam and view as a slide show by making your choice on the appropriate links. You can share with your Social Networks; Invite Friends and Share With Members and MyLifeSports Social Links by clicking on the appropriate links.You can choose to Follow this page and be notified by (your choice) of email or sms.


• When you click on the Articles link located near the top of the page you will be provided the opportunity to (1) Search for Articles (a feature of our Advanced Searches) (2) Submit an Article: When submitting your article or video (videos can be uploaded from your computer; by webcam or You Tube), please select the language, sport, sport category and keyword that best identifies your submission. By completing these requests your content will be posted in your profile, sport, sport home page, sport category and keyword you selected. This affords you greater exposure and engages fellow members.


• For the Teams link, which is located near the top of our pages, it will provide you with the opportunity to create as many team profiles as you wish. On this page is a guide for team creation. You can search for existing teams. Create a team for any of our sports and sport categories. Upload your team picture from your computer or through our webcam feature. Use the appropriate links to Invite Friends and Share With Members. You can also share with any of our 360 social networks that you may be a member of. You also have the option To “Share” this information with MLS Social Networks that are posted on the Landing Page.


• The Messages Link, which is located near the top of our pages allows you to write a private message to one of your contacts in the Create Message tab. You can use the scroll bar to select the service to get to your contacts. You can also view messages by clicking on the View Messages link.

Fan Clubs

• The Fan Clubs link, which is located near the top of our pages provides you the opportunity to create a fan club. To view our guide for fan club creation there is a link to click. When creating a fan club first select your sport by filtering by sport category and using the sport dropdown list below. proceed to completing the information requested at the bottom of this page. Once the team is created it will become part of your profile.Please contact your teammates, friends, current MLS members and others to join your team by becoming new members of MLS.

You can also use our Search feature to search for existing Fan Clubs. You can create a fan club for a team or member. You can Share with your Social Networks, Invite Friends and Share with Members by using the appropriate links on this page.

You also have the option To “Share” this information with MLS Social Networks that are posted on the Landing Page.

• The Message Board Link provides the opportunity to submit posts, polls, etc. relative to your sports of choice.

• The Select Language scroll bar allows you to have the page translated in the choices of languages. Please note, this feature does not affect your ability to submit content to any of our features in your language of preference.

Important: The following links, My Account,Profile, Sports, Articles, Teams, Messages, Fan Clubs, Message Board, Media Kit, Contact, Terms FAQ, Feedback, Advanced Search Features, Affiliates, Disability Sports, Education & Sports, FutureFeatures, Personal Data Policy, MLSZOO, Kids Privacy Policy, News & Events, Philanthropy Privacy Policy, Philanthropy, Recruiting/Colleges, Sports Health & Fitness, Tech & Business Services and Write4MLS.... are further described in our FAQ link which is located near the top of every page on MLS.

Note: All features & links on the Landing Page/Home Page are further described in our FAQ link located on this page. Click on the desired link in the Glossary for additional information.

• If you require additional assistance, please forward your request to mlshelp@optimum.net

• * For the My Account feature click here: